Flag: India
Registered: August 2, 2021
Last post: December 31, 2022 at 1:41 AM
Posts: 1165
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its just that indian society is a very much a mob mentality dominated place with the most toxic and worst parts rising to the top in esports fandoms in particular , it complex

posted about 2 years ago

population size + % of retarded kids mad at their mom for shouting at them abt the evil devs trying to spoil kids

posted about 2 years ago

do u even know abt overwatch , lol , starcraft and PUBG(pc)

posted about 2 years ago

now i understand we messed up in CS that forsaken incident was fked up and we own it , But the pros in the region are actually trying hard and they are still playing despite the hate our region got cause of forsaken , it's just that the fans are mad that every single esports chance the sa region got got robbed oneway or the other (forsaken in cs , the PUBG BANS last yr) valo is the closest our region has got to even getting a chance to be relevant and the fans want to show that the region is on the map its just that they go over the board with the fandom to the cringe braindead teritory , so yes while my countrymen are messed up as hell thats for a reason

posted about 2 years ago

indians can be incerdible snowflakes (ask any indian gamer's parents)

posted about 2 years ago

well i counted more than a few kids (approx 10 plp every min)

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

this is just cringe

posted about 2 years ago

thats what made me create this thread

posted about 2 years ago

i'm indian to btw , i am saying dont spam this game lets spam the actual GE game

posted about 2 years ago

guys u are giving our region a terrible reputation let's spam when GE is actually playing , us spaming is not going to do anything other than make the rest of the valorant community hate us

so if we truly love GE and the rest of our teams pls stop

posted about 2 years ago

May the better team win , good luck

posted about 2 years ago

ok , i feel ya (trying to watch sen during berlin was hard)

posted about 2 years ago

feels same man

posted about 2 years ago

is it really that boring?

korean esports gets me real hyped up , and their strats work really well for me in ranked ,, i can't do anything else if i know a high level korean team is playing

posted about 2 years ago

aight i am sry i was .... a little pissed at that time so yeah thanks for putting me straight

posted about 2 years ago

hopefully it is #GEfighting

posted about 2 years ago

may the better team win (hoping it is GE but probably DamWon) , it's going to be a good game regardless


posted about 2 years ago

K - Kansas city pioneers
k - Kru esports
o - oxygen esports
b - BBG
r - Rise
a - Acend

posted about 2 years ago

1) MakO ( he is the best controller player in asia)
2) Stax
3) f0rsaken
4) KingKr
5) skrossi
6) Laz
7) Rb
8) iNTRO
9) Seoldam
10) heyoni( don't know how he plays yet so *)

posted about 2 years ago


i'm gonna like this LCQ some awesome games and india on the world stage , let's go


posted about 2 years ago

UHH.... how is NUTURN getting beat by PRX dude

posted about 2 years ago

Nats , Kingkr , Dapr , mixwell , benkai

posted about 2 years ago

honestly i dont even see GE taking a map

posted about 2 years ago

i really don't see GE going out that early

posted about 2 years ago

imo i'm probably overrating a lot GE . i know how good PRX (they can go toe to toe against F4Q imo) really are i'm just on the 'GE is the best and skrossi is a god , skrossi > tenz" copium so.......... yeah

also if PRX did Meet GE in the bracket ,GE is probably going to lose

also i think PRX are a darkhorse to get out of LCQ so, just overrating GE a shit ton

posted about 2 years ago

thats a lot to ask , i mean korea is most probably going to smoke them , but they stamd a chance against teams like prx and f4q

but if they need to win the LCQ skillz and kappa need to step up

posted about 2 years ago


let's go GE #GEfighting and Nuturn

posted about 2 years ago

IMO they can go pretty far but i don't see them standing a chance against nuturn or damwon , maybe they can beat F4Q and PRX but i am not betting on it

feels sad man but if GE go far , we are proud


posted about 2 years ago

can testify can't even spray with my g502 sometimes and the right click is doublr cliking a lot so oping is literally like going trough hell , but i can play fine , its just every now and then (by that i mean everytime with my right click) , but i think i got a defective copy and its 1 1/2 yrs old at this point so , it's ok

posted about 2 years ago

something got into my head and i'm sry abt that and i want to apologize for being a politically charged piece of shit , just seeing plp like this makes me cringe and angry like have never felt before , really valorant is the closest south asia(the sea region in general but specifically south asia) has ever been to a having presence in a popular esport title (csgo was out after the word.exe bullshit and PUBG mobile got banned right as the esports scene reached its peak) so seeing plp behave like this at the best chance south asia has got to date is just downright infuriating and frustrating as hell , i am not even a semi pro and i am this mad , imagin how the indian pros feel , but i am still sry

posted about 2 years ago

well i dont know myself honestly , but i still apologize for being a politically charged piece of shit , just seeing plp like this makes me cringe and angry like have never felt before , really valorant is the closest south asia(the sea region in general but specifically south asia) has ever been to a having presence in a popular esport title (csgo was out after the word.exe bullshit and PUBG mobile got banned right as the esports scene reached its peak) so seeing plp behave like this at the best chance south asia has got to date is just downright infuriating and frustrating as hell , i am not even a semi pro and i am this mad , imagin how the indian pros feel , but i am still sry

posted about 2 years ago

I Would argue DWG KIA over TNL kia have been consitenly better than them , VS and F4Q being the only teams they have not been able to beat

also someone explain why DamWon keep losing to F4Q it just makes no sense to me

posted about 2 years ago

JUST SHUT UP YOU RACIST CRINGELORD MOTHERF**KER , ur an asshole and its because of plp like u that our region has a bad reputation among the valorant community , i hope plp like u rot in hell BITCH

posted about 2 years ago

maybe , i am new to posting on forums , so if u can pls give me a break

posted about 2 years ago

also u are an incredibly patient and great guy and imo u should become a community figure or something, i would also like to know ur own rank and favorite teams , weapons and agents (i'm thinking ur either immortal or radiant)

posted about 2 years ago

i'm actually iron 3 and peaked bronze 1 , sry if i put in too much info , just dont have the time to grind and i play on a couch cause of cost , and i suck

posted about 2 years ago

i'm actually iron 3 and peaked bronze 1 , sry if i put in too much info , just dont have the time to grind and i play on a couch cause of cost

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago
  • India
    -Icebox , 2nd fracture and breeze
    -ShaZam(my most fav) , Nats , StaX , MakO , iNTRO , Zombs , Marzil , tenz , f0rsaken , derke , boaster , SkRossi , Dapr , crashies
    -phantom (on controllers) , vandal (on everyone else ) , operator , guardian ( juan taps) , marshal ( eco pick )
    -jett main , flex on to cypher , viper , astra , reyna and trying out sova now
    fav teams - sentinels , VS , PRX , gambit , Gobal esports , fnatic , Damwon kia , Team liquid
    i have a tendency to force the op even when it is not working(i have gone some games without buying an AR once in comp)
posted about 2 years ago

we are just on an incerdible level of copium

posted about 2 years ago

uhhh..... can u idiots see the team on the other side kia are going to win no matter how much we indian fans may want it to happen

posted about 2 years ago

pls talk abt this on the owl subreddit u moron

posted about 2 years ago

PLP are underrating d4v41 he and f0rsaken worked in prefect senergy

posted about 2 years ago



posted about 2 years ago




posted about 2 years ago

the fact that you even quote shapiro show how much of a dumbass u really are

stop getting political u idiot

and no nats and sheydos were carrying deffo so screw u

posted about 2 years ago

thats not how it works , these players are still in their region for a reason , valorant is the closest regions like sea and latam have got to be great in a t1 esport . they are in still in their region to put their region on the map and show that we are not shit .They are also an inspiration for their region no matter hoe shit their countrymen are ( some plp in india think that pro strats are bad and that u need to only play in iron 1 to get good) (fk me) .for eg rossi made me have faith in my country when in comes to esports after every single attempt by india to have a big esports scene was crushed one way or the other( the forsaken shit in cs, the pubg mobile ban in india).

posted about 2 years ago

du7de a good amount of sen fans have been supporting the team since its creation(i became a fan because i used to watch a lot of OWL and sinatra was on the team)

posted about 2 years ago
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