Flag: India
Registered: April 29, 2021
Last post: September 18, 2022 at 1:56 PM
Posts: 538
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posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

I would say Indian teams have definitely improved in aim since PvP days , so let's hope we can put up a fight in LCQ

posted about 3 years ago

I think Marzil has improved more in his mere 3 days in bootcamp than he did practicing a month all by himself at home. He feels at home on Icebox and on Bind with raze. He just needs to work on jett on Haven and Ascent and the operator , although I wouldn't blame him much for the second since the Operator is wildly different from the CS AWP.

posted about 3 years ago

That was the old X10 afaik , not this new team
Plus Scrims are different than tournament matches , a lof of the times good teams lose scrims matches because they are using new strats / compositions

posted about 3 years ago

Delay throws off streamer-chat interaction that's why so many streamers don't put it. Also stream sniping is literally cheating why would you do it. Covering the map is definitely something more streamers need to do though

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah we're still pretty behind NA/EU , heck even SEA teams but we are an up and coming region and can definitely do wonders in the future , thanks for the kind words :D

posted about 3 years ago

Marzil has been feeling comfortable on Icebox and Bind , Haven is weaker for him ( ironically it's his favourite map ) , so let's see

posted about 3 years ago

bruh that's not how it works , I'm a VLT fan and I would say it's 50 % chance GE 3-2 , 30 % chance GE 3-1 and 20 % chance VLT 3-2

posted about 3 years ago

anything below platinum is a cesspool anywhere

posted about 3 years ago

Even the fastest Internet connections give around 180 ping for HK , it's either Mumbai or Singapore 1/2. People mostly play on Singapore in MM and Mumbai server is used for competitive tournaments.

posted about 3 years ago

What rank were you ? Generally it gets better in and around Plat/Diamond/Immortal but lower than that it's a cesspool which should not be entered

posted about 3 years ago

Haven is supposed to be their "strong map" and they lose 13-1 omegalul

posted about 3 years ago

any team is too strong for SE even T2 teams like TR and UG omegalul

posted about 3 years ago

​Guys NA orgs and team coming to India to see how goat and snake can play VALORANT and Esports on the same team. Researchers sampling their DNA to make hybrid Esports players

posted about 3 years ago

imagine making an account just to hate , can't imagine a sadder life

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

also I forgot to mention , CK , who is co owner of VLT , said in VLT's discord server that a "fan favourite player" announcement will happen at the end of this month so let's see

posted about 3 years ago

Ngl GE has been looking kinda off recently. Maybe teams have learned to counter them well or something else but GodL decimated them on their best map Icebox and then VLT decimated GodL. So yeah it will definitely be closer. And SE lacks consistency too much , some days they look amazing and somedays they lose to T2 teams , they just threw a game 11-3 to 11-13 to a T2 Sri Lankan team. Psy is extremely hit or miss , you don't win tournaments like this

posted about 3 years ago

Well yes , but no. VLT did throw like a lot of rounds. They looked very strong and on point on Icebox , on Ascent GodL just outplayed them , Haven was okayish but on Bind they threw too much. Even on Split. It might have been that the players were tired but any good team would punish the mistakes VLT made and capitalised on them. But the team just got to bootcamp and you can't tell me Marzil didn't look really good yesterday. VCC is still atleast a month or two away so I say we need to give them time. But yes even as a VLT fan I would say GE has the highest chances of qualifying

posted about 3 years ago

No he's happy , remember he said "winning is secondary , money is important for me".

posted about 3 years ago

did you create this account just to write this comment ?

posted about 3 years ago

Can't even win against T2 teams omegalul SE most overhyped team in existence

posted about 3 years ago

He's the world champion AND probably the most well known personality in Valorant rn so it makes sense ig

posted about 3 years ago

Neither do most APAC regions and yet the have much more rating , I mean no Indian team has participated in an official Riot tournament as of yet ( our first one is next month ) and yet there are like 3 Indian teams which have higher rating than the #1 MENA team , small multipliers definitely ain't an issue
And for the 2nd point , the same goes for South Asian teams but nearly the entirety of this forum is shitting on them for some weird fucking reason , you force us to get toxic we get toxic

posted about 3 years ago

bruh that's not a hot take that's just facts , imagine screaming like a retard on every little thing and proclaiming you're the best

posted about 3 years ago

Yalla Esports ? Oh you mean the region which has the lowest rating in the entire world , bruh even 15th ranked APAC teams have better rating lmao git gud

posted about 3 years ago

Better than watching a Jett one trick whose USP is screaming like a fucking retard and not coming close to winning anything in an entire year

posted about 3 years ago

same samurai which lost 13-4 to a Tier 2 team ? kekw

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Forget Valorant , Double elimination has existed for a long long time now , it has become the norm in most eSports barring CS maybe , and in CS too many tournaments follow the double elimination format. And anyways Sky Esports followed a round robin and playoffs format and Rooter is following a group stages and playoffs format. Literally so many tournaments across the world follow Double elimination , call them copies too ? The TI follows a double elimination procedure as well , so VCT copied DotA esports ig ?

posted about 3 years ago

Mumbai - 30-40 ping
Singapore 2 - 50-70 ping
Singapore 2 - 60-100 ping

posted about 3 years ago

you.... think VCT pioneered the bracket system ?

posted about 3 years ago

Will they though ? Psy never looks for the long run and always wants fast and quick success. This has been happening since CS days. Them poaching Excali was a prime example of that. They would never take in a good player with potential and nurture him/her into what they need. Just buy whoever is performing , and I think after the Exacli incident all orgs are extra careful with their players and contracts.

posted about 3 years ago

You mean Redbull Campus clutch ? That was just a bunch of university kids making teams and playing

posted about 3 years ago

lmfao don't bother with this guy , see his reply history all he does is shit on Indian and Asian teams in general , fucking hardstuck golds trying to get rid of their frustration lmfao

posted about 3 years ago

Marzil's performance after bootcamp while determine how VLT does. Hellff has been absolutely amazing that too at 60 ping constant so seeing him at 8-10 ping would be fun. GE has been dominating , even being a VLT fan I would say them winning VCC has the highest chances. I want to see how GodL fares against the the likes of GE and VLT after the addition of antidote. Enigma imo has fallen off a bit after they beat GE , they had some consecutive lackluster performances. Samurai is overrated, got carried by Harsh when he was there and mw1 in SkyEsports. Now when both are not there T2 teams like TR are beating them 13-4 lmfao. I mean they lose a sentinel players and who do they get ? AyanQ ? A jett main ? lmfao what a shitshow. Z

I would say it's 40 % chance GE wins VCC 35 % chance VLT wins and 25 % for the rest teams.

posted about 3 years ago

leave this guy , I've seen him a few times , all he does is shit on Indian teams and players while having no knowledge himself. Probably a hardstuck gold who thinks he is radiant kekw

posted about 3 years ago

lmfao Team mahi banned in VCT I guess you know that because you uncle works at riot or something

posted about 3 years ago

Oh then they most definitely deserve 2 slots

posted about 3 years ago

Worst ? Lmfao X10 played really good SEA deserves 2 slots , especially more than the dumpster fire that was BR. And wdym KR has 2 slots as well.

posted about 3 years ago

I mean I guess the fact that he was detected and banned early on helped a lot , what if he had gone to a large stage and then was caught.

posted about 3 years ago

Idk what you are going through because Deathmaker and Haivaan on Villager eSports was one of the most entertaining watch parties I've seen in a while. They were so funny and were giving useful insights into the game as well , it was really good. Hellranger was also great on all the matches he was on , he was doing extremely detailed analysis on what was right what was wrong and what could've been done differently. Plus the entire point of a watchparty is to chill and watch a game together , it's not professional casting. Shroud does the same thing , he talks with Hiko just9n and the other guys and the match runs in the background , they just react when some insane play happens. You don't have to dictate every moment that's happening in a game in a watch party , that's not how it works.

posted about 3 years ago

Idk what teams you have been watching because in the last few months they have improved a lot when it comes to strats and counter starts. I mean on NU vs V1 Rossi was on 8bit Thug's watch party and on Ascent every round he was saying what parts of the map they needed to control if they wanna push a certain site and it was pretty accurate. rite2ace and hellranger are great IGLs

posted about 3 years ago

Not really. Nodwin has a lot more money than either of them and they have considerable influence across South Asia , if it was India only TEC or Sky would've made sense but since it's the entirety of South Asia they've gone for Nodwin. Plus Nodwin has much much more experience conducting large scale tournaments like this. But yeah I hope Nodwin doesn't fuck this up.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeahh nooo , Sky casters are most definitely a lot more professional than a lot of other TOs. I can only think of TEC who have better casters. Idk maybe I just like the voice of Sky casters , and gamesense is something you learn through experience. And they are most definitely better than whatever shit VE casters are on. Most definitely the worst casting I've ever heard. That guy who jumps around like he's on drugs used to called a save a "surrender" lmfao

posted about 3 years ago

We have quite a few , India's two best teams are Velocity Gaming ( former Team Mahi which changed it's name , it's the team in my flair is currently 7th in APAC ) and Global Esports. Pakistan has a few good teams as well , I only know the name of Orgless Boomers as one. Other Indian teams are GodLike Esports , Enigma Gaming and Samurai Esports. We have about 15 good Tier 1 teams with bootcamps and stuff.

posted about 3 years ago
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