Flag: Indonesia
Registered: April 10, 2022
Last post: December 1, 2024 at 4:26 AM
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Niatnya ngebait tapi temenya ikutan mati wkwk. ray movementnya emang diatas rata2 tapi decision makingnya itu yg jelek banget wkwkwk. Dia orang emang bener sih jd mule di tim ini, gw rasa udah cukup proper timnya keculai ray sm cud (probably)

posted 2 weeks ago

Valdyn lg off banget ciokkk
Dos9 keliatan diatas rata2 maenya map ini

posted 2 weeks ago

Dont know about ball pepper & stuff but my spice level probably suitable with the top country spice level in this thread


Geting used to spicy dish mean every main dish which not spicy kinda felt tasteless,
this is probably what spicy lover felt like when tasting "something not spicy" that should be spicy

posted 1 month ago

Nythan ngga nyaman maen yoru apa gimana mainya gitu amat dah

posted 1 month ago

Not for leaving boom, but for bad PR.

Hes one of the reason they beat FURIA in off season. Put some number in his team on the league a couple times. But somehow stupidly choose to defend benkai (which played very poor that match) & talkshit to the fans after. Deserved tbh

posted 1 month ago

Youre silver too ?
I cant beleive ive been shittalking to a silver player

posted 1 month ago

TALON againnn ??? God damn

posted 1 month ago

I watch him jn VCT SA last time. Hes quite mid & not exceptional. If you end up with a mid pick, why dont you stay with zesbeew or other indo player. I would be happy if it scarry but its not

posted 1 month ago

I was watching a couple of VCT SA when theres sayoo, adrn & severine there with dos9 too. Id say this is a very mid pick, hopefully wrong tho

posted 1 month ago

Lah ini menang jg gangaruh ya ? Tetep galolos ke stage 2?

posted 1 month ago

Ye haha. They look good when crws step up his game ngl

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

furia lose to GE you fucking moron

posted 1 month ago

Emea aint getting any intl. trophy this year

posted 1 month ago

Ive been saying the same shit. It was so much better back then, the competition & the hype is really top level. Idk why its becoming less hype & fun now

posted 1 month ago

Who hurts you bud

posted 1 month ago

Rank ?

posted 1 month ago

I swear i cant bear with people who always see criticism as hating like wth is wrong with these people. Bad news is theres a bucnch of people like him here on this site

posted 1 month ago

They would complain about mid neon next season, especially when theyre up agains Dambi, trust me. If RRQ somehow got better, its probably because warbirds influence on coaching.

posted 1 month ago

This team is far away from being solid & coordinated team. Big question mark on how the coach & IGL works on this cs its been like this quite some time.

posted 1 month ago

Jangan terlalu dihiraukan, benderanya bodong bang dia. Paling tetangga miangas

posted 1 month ago

Ill say his debuts pretty decent in group stage.
But Its Pretty hard match against T1,
They obliviously looked prepared in first map

Meanwhile rrq played with minimum coordination & setplay which is a large homework for IGL & coaching staff. Whats funny is rrqs core is together much longer than T1 but T1 showed whos in charge in terms of coordination, default & setplay.

posted 1 month ago

Kayanya Lmemore init
Xcc smoke + igl lumayan oke ya ?

Gw waktu itu bbrp kali loat xcc main jelek cuman katanya gara2 beban comms pake bahasa korea. Awal2 lumayan bagus sih harbornya

*Gw suggest begini krn kurang familiar sm valdyn

posted 1 month ago

Iya bener. Gw udah bosen ngehype player indo yg ngekil 25/30/35 tp timnya kalah mulu. Buat apa rekor sendiri begitu, mending kill relatif rata tp tim lu menang.

Lu kill banyak sendiri tp tim kalah justru nunjukin banget gaada koherensi di tim lu sialan. Ini harusnya bisa diatasin sama IGL dan coach yg bagus sih kalau kata gua

posted 1 month ago

Brokk offseason ini lumayan penting karena kalau menang bisa lawan tim2 franchised dari negara lain. Sayang banget kalau ngadepin event ini setengah hati atau masih eskperimen macem2. Eksperimen kalau kata gw di scrim aja jangan di match begini

posted 1 month ago

T1 games pretty rough, but hes show decent gsmeplay on 1&2 match. T1 can showed class even with the new formed team, look scarry ngl

posted 1 month ago

Dari map ini yg paling keliatan banget perbedaanya sama T1 itu

  1. Mereka pede banget sama agen dan posisinya maisng2. Apalagi map 1 haduh gokil, tim baru formed tapi kaya tim udah lama bareng gila, disiplinya, set peeknya anjing jago banget. Kayanya mereka latihan map ini dan gila dalam waktu deket langsung keliatan mantep

  2. Map 2 baru kita bisa bersaing dikit, bukti kalau pemain kita dari segi aim lumayan bisa bersaing. Disini sebenernya banyak tertekan tapi monyet sama xffero lumayan keras mentalnya pak. Kalau tuh dua orang kaga ada udah pasti skornya gajauh sama map pertama

  3. Esteler dan jemkin mainya makin keliatan kurang, saran gw mending esteler ganti lmemore aja lg dah. Dia udah comms nya kurang, bukan frag igl malah botgrag mulu. Dia juga pake agen yg menurut gw masih sangat bisa digantikan kaya Kayo.

  4. Jemkin kalau gabisa main neon, mending cari yg bisa ga sih ? Karena lg meta banget dan sangat menentukan hasil akhir gamenya. Liat dambi dash hs mulu di ascencion buset jago banget.
    Bisa cari 6th man khusus neon atau atur monyet yg pake neonya

  5. Ini nih yg menurut gw paling penting, jujur gw udah gapercaya ewok dari lama, dia mediocre at best menurut gw. RRQ tolong lah invest yg banyak di coach karena lawan kita korea itu gokil setplaynya banyak banget dan variasinya gila2an. Gabakal bisa ke playoffs walau pemain aimnya bersaing tapi gapake coach yg bagus

posted 1 month ago

Ewok malah pick pula haduuhh

Sorry aja dari awal doi latih onic juga achievementnya sangat mediocre. Bahkan dibanding boom bagusan boom achievementnya. Lah kok pelatihnya dipercaya megang Franchiced team ???

Dari awal harusnya invest banyak di coach, karena sea kan regionya ketinggalan soal strategi dan setplay dibanding korea, amerika & emea. Nih akhirnya malahan pickup bani, jemkin, estrella. Main 1th gw pikir bakal ada perubahan, malah dikeep semua. Haduh ngaco, jangan harap bisa bersaing di playoffs dah

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Gw jg ga srek dari 3/4 match pertamanya. Yg jadi pertanyaan kenapa ewok pick dia wkwk. Banyak questionable decision dr ewok cuman opini ini sangat2 ditentang sm org indo

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Ironicly right. I dont know why people even considered him as good as something cs i dont think he is

posted 1 month ago

Bang lu nyenggolnya bener2 wkwkwk, dia juga bukan korean bg aslinya

posted 1 month ago

Is there any leaks if aspas negotiate with PRX before ? He seems to have close relationship with Jinggs

posted 1 month ago

These one 1000% true, glad flipz out

posted 1 month ago

Kalau menurut gw orang kritik dia dan concern karena takut dia belun fasih inggrisnya itu wajar dan kritik yg solid banget sih. Sekali lagi engga semuanya bilang narik estrella cuman buat narik fans kr, gw bahkan hanya liat 1/2 orang doang yg bilang kaya gitu. Intinya maksud gw jangan ngedrag reputasi kita lagi, itu udah tugasnya tetangga miangas soalnya bg

posted 1 month ago

Minta diganti kalau masalahnya sama performa ngga ngehate bang. Kritik ama benci itu beda banget loh. Kalau ada yg ngehate paling ngga nyampe 10%. Jangan generalisir hal yg bukan representatif

posted 1 month ago

Very spot on 💯

posted 1 month ago

Stop calling it hate, its not that deep

posted 1 month ago

Ngapa sih gampang banget nilai orang ngehate ? Dikit2 ngehate dikit2 ngehate dah

posted 1 month ago

LOL I FELT THAT TOO, WHY IS HE CONSISTENLY GETTING THE FIRST BLOOD & NOT JEMKIN, he shouldve get the higher chance to do so with his dash

posted 1 month ago

Monyet is far away from best neon in the pacific let alone the world, but hes the best in his team rn . Imo Dambi arguably one of the best itw because hes consistent exploiting neons ability. Hes giving Yay 2021/2022 chamber vibes ngl, like you know he will do something crazy with it

posted 1 month ago

His neon is pretty concerning, especially if you have the better neon in your team. I only saw 1 moment where he exploit the 100% accuracy dash at the first game. Excited to see what will he do next game tho

posted 1 month ago

The only question is Why put Jemkin on neon if he cant play at the highest level ???

I hope its not because he cant play other agent, otherwise theyd be cooked for the next season

posted 1 month ago

Jemkin neon aint no better than monyet 😂

He never even dash hs enemy at all, like monyet or even Dambi. Dambis Neon exceptional because he consistently exploit this ability

posted 1 month ago

It sucks for both tems, better bo3 with no lower bracket

posted 1 month ago

Just wanna share my story,
i didnt intend to play anymore either lol

posted 1 month ago
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