people with smurfs are just gonna leave then to boost their duo
Flag: | International |
Registered: | June 24, 2023 |
Last post: | March 14, 2025 at 6:26 PM |
Posts: | 697 |
people with smurfs are just gonna leave then to boost their duo
its literally a tier 2 event, you have to watch ESL/IEM events or maybe blast
1 thing they should fix is though if theres a 1st round leaver and majority wants remake it should be remake, 1 person (probably leavers duo) shouldnt ruin the game for everyone else
if you could remake in the second round everyone would leave after losing 1 round
aiming is impossible with 60hz monitor, ull see a lot of improvement if you buy a 144hz (like gaining 300rr in a short time)
immortal 1 (peak immortal 2 178rr)
personal best is 26, on avg i get like 18 nowadays
alfa to duelist
they should get a new controller to replace boaster as well
maybe ribgg or spikegg, better stats than vlr
he wasnt even picked in or against no sentinels 1-2-2 comps
double controller would counter vyse since you cant really flash through smokes. thats why breach was barely picked during double controller era
in ranked its viable, some people still play chamber on icebox and win
The ult is stupidly broken, its basically a kj ult but you dont have enough time to escape site
could alfa have performed better than the others? Yes, but did he? No. And I think for a top20 list like this you have to take things as they are
switch chronicle and alfa maybe, chronicle was the most consistent of fnc of all
consistently playing 2 grand finals is better in my book
imm players arent average players, they are like top5% of playerbase in terms of skill
most people arent good with neon. people still fill agents they arent good with in 2024
probably eu immo is like na asc (I was immo 1 in EU when I was still diamond 3 in NA)
im in immo and 80% of the time i see neons getting one tapped when they push with only slide and without any supporting utility from teammates, the only time they can get kills dry swinging is when its a long range fight
in asc+ yeah but below that people cant track an ulting neon
fnatic 2023 could have reached that level. they lost only 3 bo3s whole season (and 2 were against loud who was playing the swamp comp that countered them perfectly)
they were so far ahead of everyone that nobody even knew who the top2 team was until eg won champions
they even won the only off season event they played so thats a 75% event win record in a year
there would be an astralis if there were more than 3 events a year
PRX = Astralis pre-gla1ve (Destroying everyone in qualifiers, qualifies to the events, does good in group stage, but gets destroyed in playoffs)
Faze = Sentinels (Good team that gets overrated by their delusional plastic fans)
TH = Gambit 2021 (Team with a bunch of rookies making deep runs and being one of the best in tier 1. The difference is TH hasnt won anything but thats understandable since there has only been 2 events this year)
KRU = flipsid pre-2018 (Always making it to majors but never really contenders)
FUT = Eternal Fire (Turkish team that is hyped by turks but always underperforms against the best)
Fut were top3 EU team this year. Not good compared to top NA teams but good compared to EU standards (because they have turks in the team)
astra was only broken because her pull had a 10 second timer, 5 star with longer duration shouldnt make her broken
because when th wins a round they win it as a team, they dont need those hero rounds right now
Omen - Even though people may expect him to get nerfed i think he shouldn't receive a nerf just yet, start by buffing the other controllers first because he only gets play because the other controllers are dogshit
Astra - give her 5th star back
Brim - Buff stim beacon somehow idk how
Clove - Make meddle work like a molly, so it wont explode before reaching ground, it will give teams to find creative lineups tot make use of it. It exploding after 1 second in the air ruins the ability
Harbor - Make the cove cheaper like 200$, rn you are paying 350$ for an ability that just gets shot in 2 seconds, and maybe increase wall/cascade durations. He is just so shit
Viper - She shouldnt get nerfed, but I dont see a world where riot will buff him just yet, so stay as she is
improving is hard when you play 5 matches a month
why is sen 2.5?
all sites like this go to shit after a while. hltv was at its peak in 2017 but now the site is unusable
there should be new agents, just not 3 agents a year
agreed, 4 maps are always gonna be out of the map pool. we didnt have fracture and pearl for a year already.
maybe remove the failed maps like Breeze and maybe Icebox from the map pool permanently and only keep the good maps
Cs did it with cobblestone a long time ago
spend money to hire more people to work on replay system and less people to work on new agents
i think they should stop adding agents at this rate. this game is gonna become like lol with 100+ agents and half of the agents arent even used. adding 1 agent every 8 or 12 months is more than enough
instead, focus on more important things like balancing the agents that we already have, or making a replay system
ahh i was looking at the teams and i was confused af
"3 champions winners made top 4"
what does this mean
chronicle and leo were already playing as secondary callers, just let one of them step it up
get leo back and -boaster +hiro, chronicle or leo will igl
bruh, is this site moderated by chinese mods?
even if it is like iso/breach it should give a lot of time like 5-6 seconds at least. when your gun is gone you literally have no counter to it
X: Disarm - Disarm area causing opponent's primary weapon to be unusable
bruh moment, i hope it gives you some time to leave the area like the kj ult or its gonna be annoying af