Flag: Singapore
Registered: July 27, 2024
Last post: September 2, 2024 at 1:07 PM
Posts: 142
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Ofcourse you can
Remember the time I helped Ji—
Nvm it's private information but I can set something up

posted 1 month ago

Ofcourse they are
We all know Singapore is the only relevant Challengers region. everyone here in iron ranked matches clear Asspiss, Pr0mmie, Z0kken and all those other frauds. Hence DSG is the only challengers team worth watching.

posted 1 month ago

Are you making fun of me 🤬
I will let you know that I respect and take care of my parents.
How dare you spread wrong information about me

posted 1 month ago
  1. Aspas Best player who? Got carried by a bald guy in the only tournament final he won. Disgraceful. Plus he is married. Oldheads have no place in eSports.
  2. T3xture Fuck is he so happy about? Something is better than him anyways. Hate watching him happy. He should learn something about stoicism from Jinggg. L.
  3. Tenz Mindfreak better.
  4. Chronicle — Shit Jason Susanto, he is just a shit Jason Susanto
  5. Whole of DRX — They think they are us 😭😭
posted 1 month ago

HAHAHAHA knew it was weird when he outperformed babyJJ. Don't worry guys, I will take him to court and get him and that satanic org banned. BabyJJ would never.

posted 1 month ago

Don't you DARE badmouth auntymarrie. She is legit one of the kindest people out there 🤬
I will sue your ass if you badmouth her. You don't wanna see me angry

posted 1 month ago


Learn from the pro 🥱🥱

posted 1 month ago

No one cares about Ascension or any of that tier 2 bullshit. Small teams, small fans. All of them Challengers teams should disband.

posted 1 month ago

ShitMEA fan. Boring ass region 🍑😂😂

posted 1 month ago

T1 supporter 😂😂
You just mad we have the better susanto brother and the other may as well be jobless next year

posted 1 month ago
  1. PRX obviously the best team by a landslide. No one comes close even by a huge margin. We clear everyone else on this list.

  2. EDG The only team who come close to us. The best team from China and second best from all the regions. We love EDG ❤️

  3. FUT cNed is the best thing to come out of EMEA. See what has happened to N0vi without him 🇹🇷🇹🇷

  4. BLG Easily one of the best teams out there. We know they clear Americas by a landslide. FNS are you okay 😂😂😂

  5. KRU Keznit is good

  6. FPX Good team, used to be better in EMEA.

  7. Vitality whatever. Sayf the only good thing about this team and even he is nothing in comparison to BabyJJ. MID.

  8. Trace Got reverse swept 😂😂😂

  9. Talon Pr0mmie bitch ass player stealing the hype from babyJJ. Not in top 60 player in this tournament.

  10. GenG They really think they are better than us 😂😂😂😂😂

  11. TH they should be disqualified 🤬 This is not a team but a family business. Boo stole the seat of a deserving player and gave it to M0niB00

  12. Fnatic Boaster fraud. No one likes your stanky ass here bro. Get the fuck out of here. Your team boutta be grouped by BLG

  13. Sen We all know every Americas team but KRU is just trash. T0nz fraud, Z0kken has a small agent pool and they literally have a bald guy on their team 😂😂😂

  14. Lev Asspiss is not better than BabyJJ

  15. G-who Literally the worst Americas team. Small challengers team, fluked their way in here.

  16. DRX 🤢🤮🤮🤮

posted 1 month ago

No one cares

posted 1 month ago

Not delusional but real
PRX is not dropping a single round this year's champions and babyJJ is averaging 100k per match and retiring those bums from the other teams 🇸🇬🇸🇬

posted 1 month ago

Definately G-who when they face PRX and BabyJJ 😂😂😂

posted 1 month ago

Because I am superior.
My team is superior, my players are superior. Not like M80. Couldn't make it to VCT Am0ricas 😂😂😂

posted 1 month ago

Nice bait lil bro. PRX clears both of those teams.
EDG vs PRX in the finals 🇸🇬🇸🇬

posted 1 month ago

Ahahahahaha so funny 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
G-who will beat PRX in their dreams.
Singapore > USA
Jinggg > all the irrelevant players on G-who
PRX > G-who
It's clear that we are winning really. No thinking needed.

posted 1 month ago

Asspiss is so mid his fans have to pay Twitter accounts to make a fake ass statistics about him. We all know BabyJJ clears that list and would be 100% FK success rate. And no way T0xture is there. That guy used to play for GE 😹😂🇸🇬

posted 1 month ago

How does it feel to support a bad team? Better question, how does it feel to support a team which will probably never make it to tier 1 and even if they do, will get kicked out by the likes of Paper Rex and babyJJ? Do you feel sad? Your teams will never get any footage and probably will get bullied badly like Bleed. Everyone knows the only valid Challengers region is Singapore and if your team doesn't come from there you are a sad and pathetic fan who supports a bumass team. They are just not good enough and clearly BabyJJ would solo their existence 😹

posted 1 month ago

Challengers Flair detected
Opinion rejected
Talk to me when Piss x Shittify comes to Tier 1
No Challengers fan is worthy of my time 😹🥱

posted 1 month ago

New day, new week and your teams are still worse than Paper Rex and players are still worse than BabyJJ. Get better teams at this point 😹
Try again next year because Paper Rex is winning this one.

posted 1 month ago

Jinggg clears those bums

posted 1 month ago

Haha Florescent fan thinks I am worse than him. She ain't ever coming close to Jinggg, lil bro. Jinggg solos that fraud with a classic.

posted 1 month ago

True 🤬
CGRS deserves better than this bum league. This is why Challengers are mid.

posted 1 month ago

It should be a crime.to make someone as cute and wholesome ☺️ as babyJJ to do military time. So we talked to the good people at the government office and they let him go through very ethical processes ☺️

posted 1 month ago

Fuck you. You are a degenerate. You have four stars lmfao. M80? Frauds. Imagine being in Challengers. Frauds. Every tier 2 team is a fraud. You guys are bad. Most of you are never making it to VCT. Imagine having a Challengers Flair. Plus we all know Challengers Singapore is the only valid Challengers region. Rest of you trash and should just quit. No one wants to watch your weak ass gameplay 😹😂

posted 1 month ago

Loud fan detected. Come back if your team makes it to Champions next year grandpa. Your team is shit. Saadhak is mid. He ain't saving you bro. Even asspiss left your team.

posted 1 month ago

Ain't no one cares about S0ntinels and their bitch ass Omen. The only thing good about T0nz is that he is engaged. Like Forsaken said last year, most overrated player of all time 😹😹😂

posted 1 month ago

Better than the bums in your team. Will get grouped by FPX and Heretics unfortunately 😂
Bumass GenG and Sentinels will get kicked out of the group stages while the better teams qualify. Still not better than PRX though. We are just the superior team.

posted 1 month ago

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
In less than a month, the greatest valorant player of all time will win the greatest final by beating the second best team in the world (even though Jinggg and PRX diff them by a huge margin) Edward Gaming and all of you will admit that Jinggg is better than Z0kken, D0rke, W00t, Asspiss, Pissmie, cN0D and all of the other phony ass players you support. We will be there just to see the pain in your faces you frauds 😹😹😂.

posted 1 month ago

Baby Boy JJ don't know you lil bro. He is busy doing rich things. Not like you brokie.

posted 1 month ago

Who cares. No match is important where PRX and babyJJ is not playing 🐣

posted 1 month ago

Who the fuck let these two stanky ass ass players get into this conversation. No one cares about your teams bro. Your teams are literally ass. Paper Rex fans own your fans. Asspiss let himself be carried by a bald guy and Pissmie should have stayed in RANKED because ain't no one losing to them other than Team Secretly Finished. Fuck Leviatan, Fuck Talon and especially FUCK DRX. Y'all are washed. BABYJJ owns you guys.

posted 1 month ago

I am real. You can find me if you ever visit Jinggg's house. However for you brokies, that will always be just a dream.

posted 1 month ago

He DOES. I have been his family lawyer for years now. I LOVE babyJJ. He is the goodest boy EVER. Unlike you. BOTFRAGGER.

posted 1 month ago

BAIT? You think I am BAITING? I have a job. I am PROTECTING babyboyJJ from weirdos like YOU.

posted 1 month ago

Screenshot TAKEN. Will SUE you for DOXXING a lawyer you weirDO.

posted 1 month ago

Aspas wishes he was as cute as JJ. Y'all just jealous. Lawsuit against you too for implying that babyJJ and PRX would be anywhere other than the TOP 1 in champions 😡😡😡.
Shame on you.
Asspiss baiter asss player got carried by pancada and Sacy.

posted 1 month ago

Do you not understand how sad you have made JJ due to this? Do you have no remorse 🤬😡

posted 1 month ago

We have seen all the SLANDER on BabyboyJJ recently on this site and I will let everyone know that strict legal action will be taken against everyone who has done something so heinous as making babyJJ sad. BabyJJ is the BEST duelist in VALORANT. You better not make him cry or you are over. We will get you.

PRX will WIN Champions and WON'T drop a single map. Your teams and players are all BUMS and stand no chance against JINGGG and PAPER REX. You are just MAD that your team is NOT Paper Rex.
GenG and DRX won by FLUKE against them otherwise it's NOT even CLOSE.
We will keep an EYE on this site. We better not see any SLANDER.

This is real and not FAKEHHH.

posted 1 month ago
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