he said in his stream 2 times
Some1 asked why he play every agent other than Jett in rank so he answered
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Registered: | April 12, 2022 |
Last post: | February 21, 2025 at 2:33 PM |
Posts: | 4607 |
he said in his stream 2 times
Some1 asked why he play every agent other than Jett in rank so he answered
he also mention once that he wasnt rly comfortable at Jett
mfs be talking shit at incomprehensible speed towards SEA/APAC before game even happen 💀
wya ?
bro catching so much hate ever since league started 💀
not enuf practice since he arrive Korea quite late
team seems activated today
Benkai was playing rly good also
Here the clip if any1 miss it
maybe he will switch w davai time2time but lets see
Source : Fayde 😂
on a real note , PRX dropped their player announcement vid today so maybe
lmemore and tehbotol looked angry 💀
bros have had enough lose alr
they gave too much importance to LoL orgs . Not alw good idea but maybe they did so to reward the org kind of
dw bro jinx not gna work , tehbotol tired of losing . They winning this
not only Japan, lot more gna lose against them
no OT today gg
w1nner flappy bird crosshair !
gws Shinsei 😭🤧
Taiwanese players when they got were better than most cn pros . They still are so beneficial to sign them
ASE , FPX , EDG can easily. KONE still need improvement, their firepower lack so much and v inconsistent
then that js means valo esports gna remain stagnant there? that sucks . Earlier when GE got a spot for partnership i tot even tho Indian teams perform bad , its alw a good exp for players in intl stage so they will become good slowly but looking at how GE operate i also doubt . India got a huge population so im kinda hopeful of it becoming more popular like China but i have 2nd thoughts alr
thx for the detailed response tho
nah i doubt that , everythings public in riot database
fan backlash was a lot for RRQ
if the orgs offer them good salary why they not take , no one refuse high salary out of moral obligation
give me a detailed answer on a thread i js made , genuinely curious
IDN = India
Check GE first match for proof
not everywhere chat explosive
do you think the game has been growing in your country or has it been the same ?
I hv my doubts about Indian audience engaging in this current GE without any Indian rep basically making it even worse than past GE , so how true is it ?
i wna see more Indian pros at the intl / contender level
will Indian audience start watching without any Indian rep tho ? I dont think
Reason why valo in Japan got so popular bcuz of Zeta with full jp team even tho they arent that good rn
but against DRX which is a good team
Calm down they playing with Foxy9 and it was all bcuz of monyet's clutches this game is even close
Top APAC duelist btw and on a controller !!!
bro i js learning Indian fans sure do love to support a team with 0 representation but i didnt see any of that for Entity in dota
even if there werent any visa issues they would only let Rossi play LMAO
only 1 slot for this whole country and they dont even get to see their best players there . feels like shit even as a non indo knowing theres soo many good players in ID split
fkn gg