Flag: Peru
Registered: July 11, 2022
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 3:59 PM
Posts: 401
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Was there any change in the MAD Lions roster?

posted about a year ago

If NRG were on the other side of the bracket, would we've seen them reach top 4 with LOUD, and see a rematch with a Bo5

I think that definetly would've been better than the Bo3

posted about a year ago

It is a single elimination tournament, they faced one of the best teams on first round and weren't as prepared as FNC

posted about a year ago

It was last year

posted about a year ago

I'm not sure, i didn't knew the team was announced

posted about a year ago

We will see him at the showmatch, you will see from there

posted about a year ago

I've seen some of the post matches press conferences and it actually has happened before at least like 5 or 6 times maybe even more, but I agree the question has nothing to do with the team

posted about a year ago

How did she bring Kyedae into this?

posted about a year ago

LEV dominated on Ascent but on Pearl i think Zeta did a decent job, especially for no pistol

posted about a year ago

All teams eliminated today only got 15 rounds counting both maps they played

How superior were TS, NAVI and LEV over TL, KRU and ZETA today,
do you expect more performances like this from the remaining teams on the bracket or you expect closer maps?

posted about a year ago

The difference is that in Copenhagen, they didn't faced a Pacific team, who is used to their playstyle.
Unless they change their style to not be as predictable, I don't see them as a better team than ZETA

posted about a year ago

Why everyone put PRX over ZETA?
PRX have lost to ZETA before

posted about a year ago

SEN and 100T

posted about a year ago

Americas will guarantee NRG vs LOUD rematch, so I'm all for it

posted about a year ago

We will see it on Americas league

posted about a year ago

You forgot LOUD 2-0 KC

posted about a year ago

Can't he go to Brazil as their 6th?

posted about a year ago

I agree, I think they will definetly cheer against FNC, but if they face FURIA, they would mostly cheer for FURIA

posted about a year ago

My guy turned off

20 Kills firts half
3 kills second half

Good map from EG, The team didn't support him as much

posted about a year ago

EMEA 2/4

posted about a year ago

It was also th crosshair placement, the other situation when he actually clutched, was a bodyshot with viper's vulnerabilty

posted about a year ago

Before seeing any team at LOCK//IN, wich 3 teams from all regions do you think will go to Masters in Tokyo

You can also pick a 4th team for the region you think will win LOCK//IN


I think the difference is that EMEA has remain intact (TL, NAVI, FNC).
Pacific is composed from APAC (PRX), Korea (DRX) and Japan (ZETA)
Americas is composed from NA (NRG, SEN, 100T, C9), Brazil (LOUD, FURIA) and Latam (LEV)

While Pacific is composed from 3 previous regions like Americas, the region overall hasn't been as competitive as Americas in the past.

posted about a year ago


Flyuh response to Wippie's tweet

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Is this the first long tech pause of the season in NA Challengers?

edit: https://twitter.com/dapr/status/1624246409603186688

According to Dapr's tweet, BreakTruh tried to replay the round

posted about a year ago

Actually Faze lost to G2, but it was invited team vs invited team

posted about a year ago

I might be wrong but in 100T 2021 roster, wasn't Hiko the captain but steel was the IGL

posted about a year ago

How are SEN and FNC overrated if one of them is going home after their first match?

posted about a year ago

Isn't M80 ghost core + Zander and Eeiu?

posted about a year ago

Probably an off match, but also yesterday it was Trent vs SEN, the rest of the guard didn't have much impact

Not sure how often he can replicate that performance, also they shouldn't relay on one player getting almost 40 kills to win a map

Hope it's an exciting match

posted about a year ago

Actually kinda true, but also sen solo peeking 1 by 1 instead of using util

All good they got it next time

posted about a year ago

They still couldn't win, really close match though

Not sure how many split games they've lost in a row

Excited to see The guard on challengers, but Tex needs to step up

posted about a year ago

Isn't Trent playing viper?

posted about a year ago

They didn't, they started last week

posted about a year ago

He did mention jerseys and designing a logo on his stream after qualifying

posted about a year ago

I know they are playing at Ludwig x Tarik tourney, that´s why i wanted some info

posted about a year ago

M80 has been dominating scrims right?

They look good anyways, thanks

posted about a year ago

Has there been any leaks???

I know they´ve been practicing in NA but haven´t seen anything from them

posted about a year ago

where did you see that?
Is there a clip or tweet?

posted about a year ago

So the map only releases a month before LOCK//IN?

posted about a year ago

Didn't Dimasick went to champs this year?

posted about a year ago

It was also GenG's map pick, so they would have something prepare for DRX's Ascent

posted about a year ago

I think the best they got from s0m is his flexibility, compared to marved, otherwise is a downgrade

posted about a year ago

I meant your response to support Keznit is "Where tf is t0nz now", but Keznit is barely on a franchised team now

posted about a year ago

what kind of answer is that? TenZ is on franchising with SEN as part of the starting roster, Keznit is on a franchised org but as a sixth

posted about a year ago

The one who keeps a better form after his prime and shows can still compete against the new players with years to come

posted about a year ago

Who has an ego?

posted about a year ago
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