Ngl i always thought of you as the avarage NA baiter, but this and the aspas take are legit good
Im sorry babysasuke i wasnt familiar with your game
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | April 15, 2022 |
Last post: | August 16, 2023 at 6:12 PM |
Posts: | 543 |
Ngl i always thought of you as the avarage NA baiter, but this and the aspas take are legit good
Im sorry babysasuke i wasnt familiar with your game
Suddenly i started agreeing with you
Concordo 100% com vc, é bem irritante ver a galera não dando o mérito pro resto do time quando mtas vezes eles são bem melhores que o próprio aspas. O que me irrita é que já que tem essa onda de pessoas que acham que o aspas é o melhor do mundo, surgiu um hate da galera que se acha entendedora do jogo dizendo que ele é só um random carregado pelo time, e isso também é bem injusto com ele.
Pode ate ser que sim, porém atualmente não faz sentido trocar o aspas por nenhum outro.
Essa discussão é mt burra, pq de um lado tem a galera que acha que o aspas é um deus do jogo melhor que todo mundo pq ele ficou 40/4 num DM, e do outro surge um hate desnecessário em resposta a isso. Na verdade o aspas é um ótimo jogador que cumpre bem o papel dele no time.
Agreed, both can take over some rounds but mostly just play their part
O gap de skill apesar de n mt grande existe, mas a principal diferença é que hj o aspas é um jogador bem mais inteligente que qualquer outro duelista top tier do cenário
Po eu n acho o aspas o melhor do mundo nem o melhor brasileiro (pra mim é o less ou o pancada), mas é mt irritante ver todo mundo tratando ele como um jogador comum e colocando ele no mesmo nível de outros duelistas br (heat por exemplo). Não é pq ele teve duas séries bem abaixo nesse inicio de lock in que do nada o cara virou um bagre
Pretty sure its jazz
I was wondering if that was the reason for his name
Pancada = strong hit
Aspas is quotation marks
Nukkye was shit in reykjavik last year when he was supposed to be a top player, he has been overrated for a while
Im dumb and didnt read the whole thing just ignore this
As a IGL fns is better, but there is a good argument that saadhaks mechanical prowess makes him a more valuable player
Facts he had that one crazy air dodge and suddenly became the best raze
Didnt find the clip by itself but here it is
Most of the brazillian comunity knew that bzka's role in old loud was more people management, while the in game stuf was mostly from sacy and saadhak. I dont think that was ever clear for english speaking fans
One thing i can say is that the Vivo Keyd core is a little overhyped by brazillians imo, RgLM is still too raw, murizzz was never really great in international tournaments and heat is great mechanically but still makes the same mistakes he has always made.
All that + people overrating bzka because of loud's success, made the expectations for this team way too high
Edit: those are just some of the problem i had with the team going into the tournament, there's probably some more things i didnt consider or dont know about
Don't remind me of MIBR
maybe w'e're both underrating our teams LOL
I thinks its clearly the weakest region, but if you have Zeta facing FUT and not lev they would be the favorites
Its so unlucky that 2 out of 3 good apac teams got such tough first round matches
I got C9 2-1 and EG 2-0
First game is a toss up imo
Imo NRG looked both more disciplined and coordinated its not a huge gap tho should be pretty close
Loud has shown that they're crazy skilled, but clearly took a step back from where they were. I got NRG winning next, hopefuly im wrong
There are no brazillians in vlr all fake flagers
Im getting worried for her health
Its similar but champions 2021 still had the group stage so the really good teams were less likely to get upset.
Also acend was a mickey mouse team and gambit deserved to win
The format takes away so much of the competitive integrity when compared to champions
After what they showed in their first match i think NRG probably have the upper hand
Bro got -5 frags with inly 2 letters 💀
My ideal top 5 is:
sen (100T also good)
Praying for americas domination
W GENG they were a lot better than i expected
MIBR so humble, lost on purpose so that other leagues wouldnt be demotivated
Honestly its kinda embarrassing seeing so many empty seats in a day with two brazillian teams
I guess we need to wait until they play against top tier opponents
Im not talking about results i need to see if they're playing well