Flag: Brazil
Registered: November 8, 2021
Last post: March 2, 2023 at 5:26 PM
Posts: 368
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holidays, Riot employees had a little "vacation" in December, so that's why we haven't received any leak. Probably this week they're leaking some things about next episode.

What Mike have said, there's a probability of:

  • Clash mode (same as League)
  • New Agent (Neon - Duelist)
  • New loot box system (probably same as League)
  • New level rewards
  • New rank rewards
  • New map teasers
  • New comunity pass
  • New battle pass
  • New login screen
  • New skin bundle
posted about 2 years ago

Isso eu estou contando só o cenário BR 2021, se juntar o LAS tem muito mais jogador que poderiam ter comprado no lugar dos dois.

posted about 2 years ago

Vixen e Khalil são melhores controladores que o Pancada
Fuzari, Qck, Murizzz e o próprio Saadhak são melhores sendo flex/sentinela do que o Less, justamente por serem shotcallers e IGL nos times, além de terem participado de internacionais e já possuem experiência competindo, Less é um garoto de 16 anos.

posted about 2 years ago

Pancada and Less aren't the best in their roles. Sacy is the only player that we can say it's the best BY FAR, but Saadhak isn't the best flex on BR scene, while IGL we have Murizzz and Nyang that are really good IGLs too, Aspas need to prove himself in international stage, until there he's only good on BR scene. VK have experience shuffled with fire power, but they proved themselfs in international stage and have shown that they can improve more, playing toe-to-toe with the major regions. LOUD need to show up just like VK.

posted about 2 years ago

Não, na Alemanha estavam exigindo exame PCR ao chegar no país, não a vacinação em si. Já no Brasil é diferente, eles estão exigindo o calendário atualizado da vacina contra a COVID, não contra as outras doenças. Ele tomou a primeira dose aparentemente, mas não quis tomar a segunda, porém não pode entrar no Brasil sem atualizar as vacinas.

posted about 2 years ago

cara algm tira a internet da ponte desse mlk

posted about 2 years ago

They're probably the best at the moment, we can build a roster stronger than this, just mix VK and LOUD.

posted about 2 years ago

Yes, every single player from LOUD was FA

posted about 2 years ago

Oni, Glitchpop and Ruination

posted about 2 years ago

it's good to remember that TenZ nickname was actually TenZera :D

posted about 2 years ago

Tbh LOUD will probably stay as TOP 2/3 from Brazil, just because of the lack of experience from Less and Aspas trying to fit his style in a team-style (he's in the same situation that Mwzera had to pass throught when he moved from Duelist to Initiator/Flex, but Aspas are a demon ranked that can litteraly kill himself bcs he didn't stop holding W, so if they want to win something, he'll need to adapt his style to a more focused teamplay)

LOUD and VK are going to be head-to-head in Brazil, FURIA and GL are looking good too, but the TOP 2 will be WAY better than the rest of the region imo.

posted about 2 years ago

In terms of utility usage I think Sacy is the best Sova in the world, but seeing Chronicle shining so much in a team with nAts it's incredible.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Codename (game files): Sprinter
Codename (Valorant Protocol): Neon
Name: Unknown

posted about 2 years ago

Red was trying so much to kill FRTT with Yoru's ult + Shorty combo lol, Frtt killed him like 3 times before this

posted about 2 years ago

so he's a Trembolonarage but conscious

posted about 2 years ago

Cned: Properly
Yay: Properly
Wardell: Properly
Roza: Properly
Mwzera: idk, need to see him as duelist in international stage, I really miss his Raze
Heat: Properly
Starxo: Properly
Zeek: Properly
Keloqs: Properly
Zeek: Properly
Lakia: Properly
Rb: Properly
Nats: Properly
Chronicle: Properly

posted about 2 years ago

1200 dpi 0.3 sens
1.135 sens multiplier

Diamond 3

posted about 2 years ago

Cóe Noyn tão te escaralhando dnv no Twitter kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
jájá essa mesma rapaziada começa a postar matéria das mesmas coisas q vc tá falando

posted about 2 years ago

the water is wet btw

posted about 2 years ago

The best NA team of the year? C9 Blue
The best EU team of the year? Team Liquid
The best Wildcard team of the year? LOUD
The Masters One winner? Gambit
The Masters Two winner? Vision Strikers
The Champions winner? LOUD
The team that will disappoint the most? NA teams
The team that will improve the most? Vision Strikers
The region that will improve the most? Japan
The region that will get worse the most? NA/OCE
The Rookie of the year at international events? Aspas
The best player of 2022? Sacy or Aspas
NA teams will start to struggle against other regions, we'll be seeing JPN/KR/BR taking a lot of wins against NA teams and Sentinels will disband half of the roster

posted about 2 years ago

he died, nobody know more than this

posted about 2 years ago

sheesh, can u teach me how I can get access to the KR servers? I'm seeing a lot of ppl saying stuff about new accounts etc.

HK server I know will be hard to access

posted about 2 years ago

I'm curious bcs next year I'm moving to Japan and I'm planning to play some matches in KR too, I'm very excited to see the difference between BR/LATAM and KR/JPN queue.

posted about 2 years ago

do u know if the Japan scene is growing faster than KR? like how many viewership, salaries etc.

posted about 2 years ago

yo korean guys, how many teams in VS level can KR create? I don't know about the korean players, so I guess they're really good too, right?

posted about 2 years ago

Gamelanders, numa entrevista do Katraka ele disse que a GL pretendia criar um setor academy pra descobrir novos talentos.

posted about 2 years ago

Fiquei sabendo que a Fluxo tá querendo entrar no cenário, tá sabendo de algo além do Nyang? Pelo que parece irão entrar no 2 split

posted about 2 years ago

Jzz vai ser a Jett do time?

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

First we talked about THE BALD MAN, now he is considered the best Sova in the world
then we talked about THE JETT, now he is considered one of the best Heats in the world
now, we're talking about THE FINAL BOSS, one of the most cracked players in our server (and I hate to play against him honestly), Aspas.

Mwzera will live to the hype when he pick up Raze or Reyna again, I don't like to see him playing Sova or Skye, ma'boi need to play with our bahiana.

posted about 3 years ago

same thing about Mwzera going to VK, with Heat and Murizzz he will not carry every single game or fragging 40-30.

posted about 3 years ago

sinceramente, acho que só vão engrenar na reta final. Pra mim, até o que eu sei, os times que vão começar no ritmo vai ser VK (se o mw conseguir entrar no time), Sharks e talvez a GODSENT.

posted about 3 years ago

Não digo no cenário profissional, mas sim nas rankeds kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
O Belky não mostrou o potencial dele com outros controladores, mas ele é mono controlador nas rankeds atualmente, dificilmente vai puxar outro boneco nas partidas, da mesma forma que o Mw vem treinando forte de iniciador e alguns duelistas. Less é mono sentinela tanto nas rankeds quanto na Galaxy, digo isso por jogar contra ele quase todo dia.

posted about 3 years ago

A questão de Belky dos sentinelas é o fato dele ser "mono sentinela", assim como o Belky hoje é mono controlador. Sacy e Saad falaram em live que só jogariam fora do Brasil em time com "cara de vencedor", provavelmente a lineup não era boa o suficiente ou não tinham um projeto interessante. O fato do Less ser sondado pela LOUD e por outras orgs no Brasil só faz crescer a ideia de que ele é bom o suficiente para competir por títulos, não para preencher buraco.

posted about 3 years ago

discordo demais, Less na Galaxy era um monstro e é um Belky dos sentinelas, mlk só joga com essa porra e é muito bom. Fora q se o Sacy e Saadhak recusaram proposta da Europa pra jogar com esse mlk, é pq tem futuro.

posted about 3 years ago

just Fallen is already bigger than all of the argentinian players in history

posted about 3 years ago

cNed better with Operator
Heat better with rifles

I think they both are in the same level with the knives (ult)

posted about 3 years ago

Immortals and MIBR are from the same company, so if MIBR are going to BR Valorant, Immortals will disband

posted about 3 years ago

Jett of the Year: cNed, yay, TenZ
Best Entry/Flex of the Year: SicK, Sheydos
Smokes/Controller of the Year: nAts, Marved, MaKo [Honorable mention: nitr0]
Initiator of the Year: Chronicle, Sacy, Crashies
Support/Sentinel of the Year: nAts, FNS
In-Game Leader of the Year: Jamppi, Redgar, FNS
Personality of the Year: Patiphan, Boaster, Vanity
Coach of the Year: KRU's coach, Gambit's coach, Acend's Coach
VCT Team of the Year: Acend, Gambit
Breakthrough Player of the Year: Heat, Dubstep, Keznit [Relatively unknown players who showed out at international events]
VCT Player of the Year: cNed, nAts, yay
Best Match of the Year: KRU vs Gambit Champions Berlin Semifinals
Play of the Year: Crashies 5HP clutch (1v4) with deagle, D3FFO 1 v 4 clutch against 100t, Keznit 6 kill ace
VALORANT Social Media Team of the Year: G2
VALORANT Event of the Year: Iceland [First International Lan for Valorant], Champions

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

about Mwzera, actually his performance was good enough. It's a Raze player trying to change functions in the most important tournament of the year, and in a month with a new team could almost win twice against the world champions.

posted about 3 years ago

Sacy deserves to be atleast top 15 imo

posted about 3 years ago

paiN Gaming, GODSENT, MIBR, NiP, TL (female), Dignitas, LOUD, Team One, FURIA, Sharks, Havan Liberty, any of these teams have more money than Gamelanders, and that's the reason for the team tearing apart. I'm glad tbh, each one of these players are good to build lots of superteams in Brazil. Maybe now we can see the real potential of the region.

posted about 3 years ago

probably, maybe the big orgs coming to the scene for 2022 are offering way higher than the current BR orgs.

posted about 3 years ago

eu ouvi uns cara dizendo que Fznn tava sendo sondado por uma equipe convidada pro próximo VCT, puro rumor

posted about 3 years ago

Do not think that a Brazilian player, being used to receiving low sallaries in Brazil, will accept receiving less from a foreign organization. If he has the level to compete in a global tier, he will demand a salary that matches his level.

posted about 3 years ago
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