Flag: Belarus
Registered: November 16, 2020
Last post: March 22, 2025 at 3:48 PM
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I'm from a csgo enjoyer region SUKA BLYAD

posted about 3 years ago

Will see in a month, hope Berlin top 2 will be the same as hltv top 2 now

posted about 3 years ago

Whichever team yay is on because yay coached for free in his discord back in the days, I'm really glad that now he doesn't have time for it due to obvious reasons but still I am his personal fanboy forever lol

posted about 3 years ago

Forze could only take split to ot vs navi, they lost Bind 13-1 and Icebox 13-7, liquid took a map+looked better than Forze vs navi so I think it is 80-20 in favour of liquid, even tho as a cis fan I want Forze to win.

posted about 3 years ago

Fnatic took sen to multiple ots, fnatic couldn't even qualify for Berlin, the question is will 100t take double digits on any map vs acend, hiko does not have s1mple and elige on his team this time

posted about 3 years ago

There will 100% be such a group because na+emea+kr=9 slots, either 2 emea+1na group or na+emea+kr, so being top 4 EMEA actually sucks, I just realized that

posted about 3 years ago

Based as fuck, pipson was a thrower on my favourite team in crossfire and was a reason for them sucking dicks back in the day, I am a personal hater of him and insoM so NAVI DAVI

posted about 3 years ago

Exactly, seeding does not really matter, top 1 na and emea will most get last seed of the opposite region+top 1-2 teams from minor regions except Korea, so it will be easy to get top 2 in group stage for 3rd seed na!/3-4th seeds emea

posted about 3 years ago

No, they weren't, their core has been playing together for couple of months months and they only added cloud instead of crabik, not a completely new team like you portray

posted about 3 years ago

Wouldn't really call it a choke given how navi performed vs acend, seems like Acend and Gambit are more or less same level judging by scores vs navi, and Liquid are def way weaker than Acend, I would say 80-20 for Gambit in Liquid-Gambit match up.

posted about 3 years ago

Gambit are leagues above navi(7-0 so far, with half the maps not even being close) , so I doubt liquid can win vs them if they face each other, we will see tho, everything is a possibility.

posted about 3 years ago

This qualifier is a chance for Valorant to become more popular here, the same happened with dota when navi won ti1, dota still dominates cis despite lol being a way more popular game globally, that's why im hard rooting for our region now

posted about 3 years ago

CIS is just good at fps, look at current hltv rankings, the same might as well happen in Valorant who knows.

posted about 3 years ago

Imagine not being too fond of cis when you are Russian, fake and gay tbh

posted about 3 years ago

Forze are(unfortunately) way worse than navi, so liquid are favourites to win(coming from a CIS fan), liquid probably wont qualify even despite winning vs Forze tho

posted about 3 years ago

Not an fpx fan but feeling proud for 2 Belarusian players to be in top 8 EMEA at least, now rooting for ssk to beat Guild and Giants and I will be very satisfied.

posted about 3 years ago

They are losing to 3rd cis seed, and Forze are way worse than navi let alone gambit, it is easier to qualify for EMEA from eu than from CIS cuz they have 6 slots versus 3 slots in CIS.

posted about 3 years ago
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