if you didn't use adblock, there's always 30 s ads before open any twitch link.
that's fckn trash
Flag: | Netherlands |
Registered: | September 13, 2021 |
Last post: | December 13, 2024 at 4:20 AM |
Posts: | 12886 |
if you didn't use adblock, there's always 30 s ads before open any twitch link.
that's fckn trash
why does everyone say 100t should drop him? stop!
he's still good.
the only NA igl better than him are fns and vanity imo. he's def better than depph or ayrin.
i saw on the twitch chat someone say net is the igl, so i'm asking the confirmation
who is teal seam's igl? net?
edit: just got the confirmation, net is the igl for this team
welp, it seems like they really don't care
his aim is bad tbh. even shroud's aim is better.
but some people keep saying "crashies incident, crashies made history, crashies' legacy, etc". so, it's not about crashies imo
yes you are the asshole 2
BOOM should take more credit tbh
it's more like "BOOM incident", cuz it's from BOOM fault, not crashies fault.
just a trivia thought
okay. can you tell me the other examples? cuz i don't see often in val like that so far
modern classic
no, it's not. Netero, pls
did i hurt u?
c'mon man, i don't even bait or anything, just asking opinion
boaster (controller)
derke (duelist, chamber)
alfajer (2nd duelist, sentinel)
chronicle (initiator, controller, sentinel, even duelist)
the role is good? wdym
i saw on reddit that he is derke new teammates.
he will go to SEN, don't worry
100t doesn't have that much money
turnament di brazil abis 1 februari ngab.
turnament coba" mungkin yg turney offseason setelah tgl 15 oktober
moga" di SEA ada
all their need is rawkus. trust me
masih mending diincer organisasi lain...
sedih juga liat pemain kayak tehbotol, fl1pjzder, monyet, lmemore, famouz main di tier 2... soalnya kan kuota SEA cuma 3 team, 1 ke thai, 1 ke PH, 1 rrq
you guys fast af
both thread at the same time
weh.. udh dateng nih satu wkwkk
cuma kamu kayaknya yg tersinggung segitunya kalau saya lihat di sini..
tapi bener sih yg kamu bilang.
buat org indo yg belum liat.
"Immortalised. Monumental."
sama. lagi emosian juga gw ini. frick rrq
don't tell us no namers like invy or xavi8k
wait, frick. RRQ def see this thread. f u archetype
padahal Valo terbesar di SEA kan, kalo soal PC esport. pelit amat nih ceo anjir
APA perlu patungan saweria buat beli FL1PJZDER DKK? wowkwokwok
ga ada budget buat PC esport kah rrq ini
padahal investment loh itu. bawa nama full 5 indo ke BR.. masa ga mau ya kan. BR aja bisa juara champs..
there are slightly better player but borkum is still good choice imo
jangan cok.
selagi bisa diteken", diteken dulu rrq ini wkwk. emang gini kalo organisasinya fokus mobile doang
nanti kalo udh di "roster lock" baru angkat tangan
apalagi kalo ngomongnya reflek kan... harus dipikirin lagi apa yg mau dibilang kalo comms di english
baru sadar
lumayan banyak juga org indo sini ya
bagus bagus. teruskan guys.
nexi ama kellyS lumayan
tapi monyet > kellyS
masalahnya nanti sih di comms nya.. pasti kuranglah daripada comms full indo..
kita cuma kurang di coach doang kalo kata gw... kalo soal skill udh bisa nyaingin atau malah beberapa lebih jago
emang badut beneran kan wkkwk (kalo enggak full indo)
IYA anjir.. kita cuma kalah di vieweship doang (itu pun bedanya dikit) ama PH.. yg laen lebih bagusan kita...
masalahnya, kalo ga full indo.. gw pun ragu org indo bakal nonton atau enggak.. lebih milih prx lah jelas
suruh bocil indo" luar sana, spam DM ig ama twitter nya rrq
"full indo min" bilangin gitu wkkwk
siapa tahu berubah pikiran kan...
siapa tahu aja gitu wkkwk
bercanda doang ini ya wkwk.. kalo mau dilakuin sih gpp juga
iya anjir. kalo mau jujur"an aja ya, lebih jago pemain kita anjir daripada pemain ph (secara rata")
fl1pz, tehbotol, lmemore, monyet, kush, famouz, blazek1ng, severine -- ini pemain semua top masuk top 20 apac. masa ga mau keluar duit sedikit lebih banyak gitu
kesel juga wkwk
but prx is not indonesian orgs. the case is different
Kecewa berat.
emang susah gini kalo orgnya fokus di mobile doang...
gimana mau dukung sepenuh hati kalo gini.. mending dukung tim luar aja dah
lah dibahas lah
keren loh ini, tiap main valo, inget bani dkk wkkwk
ini pencapaian tersendiri, jgn salah wkwk