stage 1, definitely
stage 2, no
Flag: | Netherlands |
Registered: | September 13, 2021 |
Last post: | December 13, 2024 at 4:20 AM |
Posts: | 12886 |
stage 1, definitely
stage 2, no
only "above average"
playing average in last 2 tournament
deryeon played 405 rounds
lmemore played 275 rounds
deryeon is better with slight difference
nah bro, their kda is not good too, even their clutch% is only "good", not very good
when you are good player, even if your duelist taking all the fight and kills, u still can shine in KDA, or Cl%, or HS%,
sscary is insane. insane.he plays like he uses a cheat. insane game sense, insane clutches, insane fragger
you just don't watch him enough
only Faze who trying to "copy" prx style a little bit
i think prx playstyle quite compatible with NA teams, NA teams should try it
they are team player
as individual, they don't shine too much
low ACS, low KPR, low FKPR, low ADR, but high in KAST and good in clutch%
he's pretty average as individual player
sscary is better overall tho in terms of impact all rounds
it's just because xia didn't go far
TOP 10 APAC player right now:
TOP 10: (excluding prx, xia)
fl1pzjder (igl)
severiNe (igl)
Honorable mention: Fung3 -> 41% Clutch percentage
all minimum 200 round played, with all KAST, ACS, KPR, FKPR, and Cl% considered and taken into account.
what do you think
let's be honest, no one cares about FPX
except their fans
all good, i'm confident paper rex will be finished (at least) top 8
what happen?
pls summarize it
if they manage to finished at top 8 (champs), do you consider it's "bombed out"?
i think Guard attract more viewers than Faze (in valorant)
it's because EMEA blatanty better than NA
yeah, but at early valorant, it's quite comparable, but now we can say it's very different
it's true, valorant's skill ceiling is lower than CS one, but if we are only talking about "aiming", not "utility usage". Easier to aim, is what makes more people playing valorant than CS (noobs, and casual)
with next 4 or 5 years, no one will say valorant is low ceiling skill, because players already explored every "utility usage"
yeah, kinda true but
low skill ceiling is true if we only talking about "aiming", because it's harder to aim in CS than Valorant.
but with the development of valorant, I'm sure the "low skill ceiling" will disappear, because valorant is basically a mix of MOBA genre & FPS
“I wonder if it’s hard because everyone is so good, and everyone is so good because the game is arguably easier,” he added. “Maybe that’s why [it’s harder]. It keeps the competition high.”
in CS, aim is harder because of the spray pattern, and that's makes new players hard to keep up with the experience & the older one. Different to Valorant, the aim is not based on spray patterm, but with burst/tap. that's make quote "everyone is good", because it's technically easier to burst/tap instead of "spray" like in CS. i think easier to aim is why valorant "easy" and noob friendly
Therefore, valorant takes different route to become harder by "utility usage" which is very different approach compares to CS
i'm sure, in 5 or 6 years, definitely there will be someone who really masters the utility usage in valorant and we won't say valorant is easy (plus the meta is constantly changing)
you gotta be kidding me if u don'y include wardell
cned? kkkkkkk
Currently: its Suygetsu or Shao
and the third is Jinggg
Champions was still nAts,
zeek was very delusional pick
sorry, Guard
but Sen will 2-0 u
i always knew C9 is actually an L org
winning fluke major and boast it to everyone
hazed, tigg, shroud 4 dollar? c0m, dazzle, mitch 5 dollar?
NA players overprice af
for prx, it's not too early
4 players of PRX were actually together since September of 2020
so, they have already achieve many things since they goes to Valorant from CS
nah bro
and many more
only EMEA & Optic rarely streaming
snuck VK like we won't notice
i remember ronaldo has many hotel, company, and many more
short stream is good
long stream is bad (shah)
liquid need igl bro kkkkk
not another aimer
building streaming is building ur future career
i mean, it's not so bad if u streaming like 3-4 times a week with 2-3 hours per stream
u need clout, pros career is so short
true kekw
but the money is not bad
look at sentinels
and should stream in NA primetime! get viewership!
only nats and nukkye is usually streaming so far
nah bro
with the amout of the FD he got, he's not the best igl in my book
the best igl have to the last 2 player (usually) to alive, not the first one
jokes aside, unless they get a real proper igl like Boaster, koldamenta, redgar, or like fns, vanity
i don't think they going anywhere
the game has changes a lot, they can't replicate the same run like lcq 2021 with only their aim
i might be wrong, don't judge me
SMB will really has a chance