same happened to me few weeks ago, got comp banned for 3 days
one of my teammates leave the game and my viper keeps mollying herself in spawn, 3v5 situation all the match, i was punished for saying some things which i dont regret saying, and im sure they weren't given a ban/warning as well because who cares. valorant is all about positive experience and people like me ruin the experience by telling teammates to stop doing shit which ruins the game
anyway i cba about games anymore, i dont mind getting a week/perma ban just because i said slurs
edit: lmao i completely forgot what you asked. so what you gonna do is, in dms, just shoot people. turn ingame vol off, blast you favourite music in headphones and shoot. you aren't playing to win dm, you are playing to warmup. people camp all the time, be it judge or mag7. just play and dont give a fuck
ranked: im giving you an example, haven map, someone is holding garage w judge. either you use util on that person, preferably stun, or you just avoid the judge player completely. use drone/dog to clear corners, they will change position. clear angles from the farthest distance you can possible get without revealing yourself
don't chat, mute enemies. even better if you unbind all chat