he'll be on EDG when they inevitably fail at champions and end up rebuilding
Flag: | China |
Registered: | December 28, 2023 |
Last post: | February 14, 2025 at 7:09 AM |
Posts: | 233 |
he'll be on EDG when they inevitably fail at champions and end up rebuilding
FPX and Trace in the same week 💀
but its ok because my goats 4-0 this week
stew is going to champions
we're going to champions
if JDG go 4-1 (only FPX loss) this stage they end 5-5, is that enough to make playoffs or is it gonna depend on other team's performances?
JDG look fucking different, they're making champs
4-1 split only losing to FPX
GEN hasn't been banned on CN stream all tournament man
They weren't banned at MSI either
I been saying that since the finals, FPX's failure at Shanghai is entirely due to them fucking up the finals and getting a bad seed.
JDG will make champs, remember me
Fnatic beat TH in finals too, are we gonna argue FNC > TH?
FPX was better than EDG all split and choked the finals, it cost them this event but they were absolutely a much better team than EDG this event.
regional titles are worthless?
or skipping group stage is bad for form?
weird thing about this masters is everyone seems to agree in every region that the regional results were scuffed
CN fans say FPX should've won the finals
EMEA fans say NAVI should've been here
APAC fans say DRX should've been here
some NA fans (not all) were saying SEN/KRU would do better than G2/LEV, G2 proving them wrong but LEV definitely shit the bed
saw this crazy stat on reddit
Madrid - 5-13 vs GEN
Madrid - 6-13 vs GEN
Madrid - 2-13 vs LOUD
Madrid - 3-13 vs LOUD
Shanghai - 6-13 vs TH
Shanghai - 3-13 vs TH
they are cooked 💀
wym one game fpx beat edg twice in china and only lost finals?
fpx played this same team that's slapping edg around right now and almost won, while EDG is on pace lose 6 international maps in a row with sub-7 rounds each loss.
can we admit FPX deserved to be first seed and EDG fluked finals now
FPX unironically could be like a top 6 team and got unlucky to play GEN/TH in swiss
definitely better that FUT at least LOL
why we have to sit here and watch FUT play instead of FPX 😭
FPX closer series vs GEN, FPX beat FUT
LEV clowned on by GEN and getting embarrassed by FUT
Can you uh... name the esports you've watched where China is part of pacific? In League, Dota, Valorant, and even OW, China is it's own region. The biggest ones have China as its own region, generally speaking.
NAVI losing to a Chinese team in the 2nd event of the year
you can see shanghai stats on this link (no its not a virus relax)
idk if mods can edit the match pages or w/e to put the missing stats in
what is this clown sayin 😭
bro is fighting his ghosts 😭
This bracket is ideal for a double elim format. Guarantees upper finals and lower semis are inter-regional. If it was APAC vs NA both matches and one region clears the other, then upper finals and lower semis are regional matches which would be significantly more boring than round 1 matches being regional matches.
edg took 16 rounds in their last 4 maps...
edg gen map 2: 5-13
edg gen map 3: 6-13
edg loud map 1: 2-13
edg loud map 2: 3-13
team has peaked, won't be going anywhere without a roster change imo
how we let these bums get to madrid?
show up whzy
Q: "#FPX's coach said they only have EDG left to beat. [...] They want to beat all the teams within China on Lotus. What are your thoughts?"
ZmjjKK: "Who cares if you beat us? I hope you can beat other teams on the international stage. What's the point in beating us?"
thats why hes the goat
AAAAY is him good respect, but where lysoar
what u mean even kangkang, they aint never play before dont smear my goat
if CN bracket is EDG vs FPX it's so cooked for china
BLG just randomly good again
nrg shaking
choke 4 maps to the same team
joke, get a real igl before roster lock
3 maps now jdg have thrown vs tec...
there's a rumor jdg don't even have a dedicated igl apparently, so it might not be jkuro's fault
wait actually jdg look a lot more solid today than previous days, we're going to madrid
jdg 2-0
come see jdg 26-0 rb and friends
guang will take nova to the promised land (losing to jdg in playins)