Flag: International
Registered: June 16, 2023
Last post: October 27, 2023 at 11:42 AM
Posts: 1349
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I lost it at EDG at S tier

posted about a year ago

That's EDG

posted about a year ago

not really 'cause you die in the end and you're existence will be forgotten

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Oh, my sincerest apologies! It appears my sarcasm and verbosity got the best of you. I'll cut right to the chase then:

No therapist wants to waste their time on you and your gender swapping manga preferences. Try something else

posted about a year ago

No therapist would be interested to spend precious therapy sessions discussing the intricate nuances of your manga choices. After all, there's nothing more therapeutic than analyzing fictional gender-swapping characters and their impact on your psyche.

posted about a year ago

Its Friday Night, no wonder you're high and delusional

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

literally half of this site

posted about a year ago

9/10 shits fire
nAts so handsome

posted about a year ago

Yo, this song is fire
nAts looks so handsome

posted about a year ago

Ok,I will inform this in the next board meeting with the stakeholders

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

You forgot about EDG, the most delusional fanbase on this website

posted about a year ago

The experience you get between the time you jump and the time you land on the water is so thrilling and exhilarating. I still get excited when I dive from so high
You should try that.

posted about a year ago

NA people are unable to move from their past. They are still living in 2022 unable to cope with the losses this year

posted about a year ago

How high do you dive from?
I remember asking my instructor to push me 'cause I was too scared to jump initially from 14 ft high

posted about a year ago

B*n threw the round against NRG
It should have been T1 in top 4 not NRG
Maybe check ban's bank account

posted about a year ago

of course I cant win an argument with delusional fans, like you

posted about a year ago

Fkn ppl voting Tokyo for nothing. Minor edg run (only ended at 5th-6th), bedge fnc 3-0 finals, and loud drx navi falling off. Definitely not best event unless it is the only one u have watched lmfao


posted about a year ago

Im tired of typing that every time I argue with these EDG fans so i just linked my comment.
Also I'm not arguing with EDG fans anymore, I'll come back after EDG get grouped

posted about a year ago

Not before EDG

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

LOL. Why would I be upset over scrim results?

posted about a year ago

How is it hate?
Im exposing this overrated team

posted about a year ago

This is why scrim results do not matter
Let these EDG fans rejoice for a few days before their team gets grouped

posted about a year ago

STFU how are loud the last on the list and EDG 6th

posted about a year ago

PRX might win but do not expect from other Asian(Chinese) teams they are getting grouped

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

dont even compare these two
One is a champions winner and No 1 Jett in the world
Another is a one tournament wonder who baits his teammates to get kills and has no significant achievement
This comparison should get your ass in jail

posted about a year ago

True, I've been saying this from a long time and I only get downvoted

posted about a year ago

Jett = Kangkang

Bro forgot about aspas after the last tournament

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

By far the best anime I've watched

posted about a year ago

It's natural to develop feelings for someone you spend a lot of time with and share common interests, like playing games together. However, it's important to approach the situation with sensitivity and respect for your friend's feelings and boundaries.

Before you decide to confess your feelings, consider a few things:

  1. Respect her boundaries: Make sure you have a clear understanding of what kind of relationship she is comfortable with and what her feelings are towards you. Respect her decision, whatever it may be.

    1. Taking things slow: It's a good idea to take things slowly and get to know each other better before jumping into a serious relationship. Rushing into things might put unnecessary pressure on both of you.

    2. Communication: Have an open and honest conversation with her about your feelings, but also be prepared for the possibility that she may not feel the same way. Rejection is a possibility, and you need to be ready to accept it with grace.

    3. Balance with gaming: Ensure that your emotions don't negatively impact your gaming performance. If you find it hard to focus during gaming sessions due to these feelings, it might be a good idea to take a step back and reevaluate your approach.

    4. Gifts and nicknames: While gifts and sweet nicknames can be thoughtful gestures, make sure they are appropriate and don't come across as too forward or intrusive.

Ultimately, you should prioritize maintaining a strong and respectful friendship with her, regardless of how she responds to your feelings. It's crucial to approach the situation with empathy and understanding, considering her perspective and feelings in the matter.

Remember, it's okay to have feelings, but it's also essential to handle them maturely and with consideration for both parties involved.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

No, he represents the people who didnt read, like me

posted about a year ago

My king.
I heckin' love TenZ

posted about a year ago

Mushoku Tensei>>>>

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I'm delusional??!! LMAO
This is the most I have laughed this entire year

posted about a year ago

Tell me your (only one)

Favorite User:
Based User:
Delusional User:
User you hate:

posted about a year ago

BotBot owns the sole spot in the dictionary as the example of "fluke".

posted about a year ago

We be like that sometimes but deep down I love all the EDG players

posted about a year ago

KingKing is an old praise, find a new one
of course I dont know someone who gets carried

posted about a year ago

Bro Im literally chinese of course they own me

posted about a year ago

as an EDG fan i think they might make it to playoffs over us

posted about a year ago
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