Flag: India
Registered: November 27, 2021
Last post: July 16, 2023 at 2:48 PM
Posts: 481
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teams are unknown so prbly due to that
imagine lots of fnatic fans will book for first day if they qual

posted about 2 years ago

champs will have 16 teams so 4 group gsl is best format
swiss is good for 24

posted about 2 years ago

masters is just naruto filler at this point

posted about 2 years ago

how dafaq u have 6000 posts ? :)))))

posted about 2 years ago

no tier 2 player is losing their mind cause of shroud joining SEN
viewership is also very important to a team cause thats what gets u sponsors
riot has no power to control player transfers unless it breaks rules

its not a sad day, its a good day for everyone, even other teams
the only losers are ppl like u
cause everyday is a sad day for u

posted about 2 years ago

we have alrdy had a LAN for CS with crowd in NA
so it can def be done
but ppl at NA riot are very incompetent
hopefully riot gets a third party to arrange all the stuff including proper pcs

posted about 2 years ago

yeah , i unlike u am very proud of my country but dont get triggered if someone analysts give their opinion on it

alex, stop being racist

posted about 2 years ago

stew will prbly just go the streamer route like tarik

he doesnt deserve a starting spot in top 10 NA team

posted about 2 years ago

like how everyone crying abt plat chat being anti-EMEA
what did EMEA do last masters?
also, most of u dont even watch apac or kr/jp regions to have full understanding
so u all are the ones who are actually biased

posted about 2 years ago

promoting someone stream on a fucking vlr forum
so weird
def never watching that person stream ever

posted about 2 years ago

W thread

posted about 2 years ago

actual W post

posted about 2 years ago

better give slot to liquid

posted about 2 years ago

for all of LCQ
or just finals?

posted about 2 years ago

u are the person who does that stuff here buddy
also , no one is holier than thou dumbass
if it happens here , it shld be called out here too

u need some help brother
u want to get a W online so bad that u will type any random bullshit

posted about 2 years ago

just hope fpx can make with their main 5
also is it confirmed of ange1 not making it to LAN?

posted about 2 years ago

mate, how braidead are u?
stop comparing everything!
csgo v valo
hltv v vlr
no one, shld ever make fun of someone's culture or appearence

if some one said same thing here, i will also call them out
stop being so delusional

posted about 2 years ago

not the time for making bait threads
just log off for today pls

posted about 2 years ago

the hltv community is def the most horrible and braindead
bunch of no lifers making fun of ppl culture and looks just cause they like one game over another

posted about 2 years ago

sure buddy

posted about 2 years ago

highly doubt they did cause of community begging them for it
its obvsly cause they feel its actually better for them
stop making dumb narratives

posted about 2 years ago

and i will keep supporting SA still
unlike u whose whole existence is hating other regions

u are not even proud of ur country so u fake flag and just here to be toxic

ur parents didnt raise u right

posted about 2 years ago

esport culture
fps LAN wins
etc etc
in many APAC regions ppl get enough support to grow and perform effectively

posted about 2 years ago

cs and other esports are hacing LANs with crowds reularly now
the VCT team for production needs to step their efforts

or shld just ask blast to help them

so dissapointing

posted about 2 years ago

so ur reason for being toxic is that others were toxic first

what a dummy
be better than them

posted about 2 years ago

Facts, having healthy rivalry is good
but we shld all support each regions team

our APAC region is miles behind NA n EU
even South America is very ahead

we shld all support our region of APAC and alao the improvements wont happen overnight so also be patient with our teams

posted about 2 years ago

This LCQ is too stacked with so many storylines
SEN Gaurd C9 100T
all have something to prove

pls Rito make this a LAN

will be sooo hype

posted about 2 years ago

yes, lets use examples for 2% ppl in community to label whole region as toxic
yes these ppl shld not be doing this stuff , but it doesnt mean whole region is like that

posted about 2 years ago

this used to be funny in 2020, when all of us were stuck at home
guess u are still stuck , sad for u

posted about 2 years ago

pansy is very cool ,
in ur case its prbly cause u never talk to any girls, so hearing a female voice is a bit weird fr u

posted about 2 years ago

feel sad for all 2 of u

posted about 2 years ago

no way u are suggesting which strats to use lmao
how delusional are u, yes india needs to develop a lot,
but to put it bluntly u dont even have 1% of game knowledge compared to pros
its harsh truth, but u are a bot. Thanks for staying

posted about 2 years ago

there will thrid party events after sept though
i would love a 16 team NA vs EU , KR vs JP, APAC/OCE vs SA
type of continental cups,
prbly give direct invites to top 4 champs for every region
and for other 4 have open qualifier!?

posted about 2 years ago

so u are being an immature asshole just to gain derke's attention !!?!
mate u got some issues

posted about 2 years ago

depends on approach riot takes,

biggest pro : money and sustainability in scene for orgs who get into t1
biggest con : t2 scene suffers massively cause of no rel or promo

imo , i like the stuff riot are doing from "path to pro" -> t2 scene
issue is we have no idea how a t2 team makes into t1 if they improve and what is penalty for t1 teams performing badly.

posted about 2 years ago

tbh, feel like shahz will just retire and become content creator
as for rest who knows , tenz and dapr will surely get in any team
dont know abt kanpeki or sick

posted about 2 years ago

y is styling like this?
always having an excuse to compare cs and valo

u do understand that meta changes in valo very often and also its a very new game
teams unlike cs do not have multi layered strats and deep understanding of game yet

but yeah u just like to ask dumb questions even if u know the answers

typical loser

posted about 2 years ago

Potter is jose mourinho of valorant

posted about 2 years ago

they went 0-5 with the dre carry man (fact)
stop being a stat andy (fact)
this current line up has good balance of firepower , strats and teamplay (fact)

posted about 2 years ago

india as a region doesnt have a good fps / computer gaming scene
most kids play games on mobile due to lack of money
and parents are also not really supportive of the becoming gamers
things like these take time and support from community

ur ranting and crying is not gonna help , but yeah nvm

posted about 2 years ago

eg are sponsorsed by wolves football team
make sense

posted about 2 years ago

sick <3

posted about 2 years ago

tarik s0m sideshow sliggy tenzz

posted about 2 years ago

vlr users dont post dumb stuff challenge ( IMPOSSIBLE )

posted about 2 years ago

i dont understand japanese so cant say
watch doug podcast with sgares, they dicuss it in detail.

posted about 2 years ago

no, but the casting in cs has been tried, tested and improved in cs a whole over multipe years, go listen to casts in early cs, its not thta good.
read the statement properly dont assume random stuff
Please don't

posted about 2 years ago

is it just me or comparing casting in a game more than 20 years old to a 2yr old game is cringe and dumb?

posted about 2 years ago

then dont make dumb assumptions

posted about 2 years ago

yes, soul from india is signing them lol

posted about 2 years ago

agreed, we def need a relegetion/promotion system
else t2 will die
also feel like riot shld seperate NA and SA and have seperate leagues in them

posted about 2 years ago
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