And who called you here?
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | July 10, 2022 |
Last post: | September 25, 2024 at 3:55 PM |
Posts: | 138 |
idk how it works in EMEA but in Americas the last 4 teams don't go to playoff.
ngl is a lot of fun playing against catfish and NA is full of this
2-1 close for SEN, our little angel will smash bagriis
pra cima deles deco
he clearly doesn't give a fuck about professionalism
FNS isn't close to be retired. He's a good player
bro don't you think it's too early to say something like that?
FUR 2-1 hard game
ez for mibr 2-0 clean
so should we forgive people who commit crimes because they play for famous teams?
As most Brazilians know, the braggart committed a serious offense (racism) against two Brazilian proplayers and got as a "great punishment" proportional to the crime a simply suspension of ONE SINGLE FUCKING BO3. Keznit called dgzin "CJ of valorant" with pejorative intentions. Furthermore on a ranked game he imitated a monkey after the BLD won a clutch. Meanwhile, at the same time coach "gatti" was suspended for 10 games for commenting on bets on his live. You can see how riot deals with punishments according to their severity, committing racism twice will only bring you a bo3 break.
video imitating a monkey:
Print "CJ":
Já ouviram falar naquele ditado: "Prego que se destaca leva martelada"?
Esse é o motivo do Brasil de modo geral estar sempre na boca dessa gringaiada, eles sempre estão buscando algo de nós para falar mal e fazer thread nos fóruns. De onde eu venho isso tem um nome kkkk
Eles NUNCA vão entender
Acho muito engraçado esses gringos tentando falar merda do brasil e pipipi e popopó. Cada dia que se passa eu tenho mais certeza de que
dont worry bro. at least they lose for loud (current vct champions)
LOUD x TL - upper quarterfinals
LOUD x G2 - upper semifinals
both were the last EMEA teams in playoffs 💀💀
LOUD had never lost a match against an EMEA team, you can see below all matches that our dear LOUD played and smashed the colonizers continent.
LOUD (2) x (1) Team Liquid
LOUD (2) x (0) G2
LOUD (2) x (0) Karmine Corp
No matter who wins between Fnatic and NaVi, LOUD will knock them down once more.
I've never seen such a great team like them in valorant before
chill bro, if them choose it, they know what is going on
i swear i dont understand why people call Sacy and pANcs traitors. Honestly, I'm so grateful for what they've done for our region and I'll always root and support them no matter what team they are. SENTINELS também é BRASIL porra
tanto que ele escreveu "de NA" quando na verdade qualquer pessoa brasileira falaria "do NA", soa até estranho falar "de NA"...
muito feio ver gringo tentando se passar de brasileiro fazendo merda pra tentar manchar a nossa imagem kkkk
Now imagine be saved every map in all series. This is FNS xD