I will later
Flag: | Bermuda |
Registered: | June 15, 2022 |
Last post: | May 8, 2024 at 8:59 PM |
Posts: | 931 |
I put my flair as 100T before champs last year and have had it as 100T since right before tokyo, ever since I set it 100T has been on a downward spiral. before I set it to nrg we looked really good, and now we are looking extremely fraudulent, I realize this after they barely won pearl so in between matches last night I changed my flair to DRX and we fucking destroy them on the second map. I will now be changing my flair to the opponent of whoever EG and NRG the remainder of the tournament since I was clearly the curse for 100T and NRG
As soon as I changed to DRX flair we started winning
TL is not beating nrg lmao
EG and FNC only teams thats look like they have a shot at winning tokyo unless something comes back then it will be a 3 horse race
I think s0m got more kills with the op in that 1 round when he picked it up then adriis got the whole game
they would be called racist if they mentioned it
NRG bind not the same as optic bind, marved lurks and yay's chamber is what made there bind so dangerous
What happened to cauanzin and Tuyz since lock in, they were faming at lock in and now they look lost
Second time loud got hit by the curse
it stikes again
Second time the curse strikes LOUD, they got instantly booted out of Copenhagen as well
He literally only played jett on every single map during the regular season and he was cooking, LOUD coach needs to be investigated for crypto throwing
EDG play valorant the right way, none of this nerd bullshit that LULquid or FNC do
Imagine LOUD with players like Sacy and Pancada
That might be a champions winning roster
Pacific teams cant afford what edward is paying they guys
Bronzil is NOT NA (unless they win then they are one of us)
got 2 mil viewers on billibilli
We dont even know what hes saying
Sinatraa is just one of these people who are generationally talented, he could be a top tier pro if he wanted to
got half his kills from split already
But they have Benkai with all the experience in the world just sitting on the bench
Benkai should be in next map, that was a terrible performance by CGRS and DRX still lost
CGRS is shitting the bed bro hes hurting the team more then he is helping
PRX is doing this well playing a 4v5 bro this cgrs guy is doing nothing
They would be insane if Something was there
ik I did not just read skrossi
Today my father asked me to clean his car for him and so I spent the whole morning doing it. After sometimes, I went back inside and my father asked me how was the car looking. “NRG” I just replied. He just smiled and nodded. He knew that it was washed.
Not saying much EG look like the best team in the world rn