prior to the heretics game (which is what we are talking about)
sacy had a 1.06 rating
TenZ had a 1.04.
TenZ was only above zellsis in sen until heretics
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Registered: | August 12, 2024 |
Last post: | March 3, 2025 at 10:15 PM |
Posts: | 3034 |
prior to the heretics game (which is what we are talking about)
sacy had a 1.06 rating
TenZ had a 1.04.
TenZ was only above zellsis in sen until heretics
sideshows narrative was tenz was nothing special till heretics game. which is just statstically true. including the heretics game makes no sense as thats when sideshow said tenz was good
list of players who played supportive roles and is better than tenz prior to the heretics game
Controller players:
Played controller:
Intiator players:
Chronicle x2
'Riens x2
side by side because you have the heretics game. he has a 1.04 rating if you dont include the heretics game. sacy did better than tenz overall if you dont include the heretics game. fucking luoking did better than tenz if you dont include the heretics game
you replied to a message I sent before sending the screenshot, then complained I didnt consider your screenshot before sending that message???
"and before that tenz wasnt doing very much" as in he wasnt game winning, he was nothing special. dont see how you can infer this as tenz was bad
wdym, he did great against heretics, ass against fnatic, mediocre against drx, great agaisnt geng and good against fpx.
at best he did good overall
besides heretics, tenz was like decent, sideshow is right
can the man speak chinese? or is his team english speaking? its crazy I only found out yesterday. too bad he is gonna lose to my goats, my kings, qing jiu club who are winning it all
geez you dont even watch your own team play? not even nrg fans like nrg gameplay LMAO
Leo faria has confirmed that CN will have an english broadcast now, and EDG just won champs. If you werent watching vct CN, will you now?
navi brought fpx after the war tho. they willingly brought 2 russian players
If they dont im gonna cry myself to sleep
I hope its JDG, because I want that RA core to do well in valorant
but qing jiu club is gonna qualify (:<)
well blg kinda got one already
Who will claim the seat of the 5th chinese team to get a win
yeah thats weird. I mean you can a report about it in the TRN network
wdym, like as soon as you get immortal your tracker doesnt work? or you just hit immo but it doesnt say that on your account
im the same but I deserve to be 0-10 icl
I know I can get to diamond this act if I were to actually play my good agents, but I just hate playing characters like jett and love playing yoru.
Im not sure my teammates agree with me tho
thats a fucking sexy tracker wtf
your overall tracker is actually pretty good
yeah that tracker is probably the worst one ive ever seen LMAO
but hey at least your current tracker looks good
my one is looking a little depressing
great explanation, thanks for clarifying
yeah you carry the bums on your team, I am the bum on the team
oh wait its number 4 not 8
hm thats a fair point, I just see keiko as very much of a job doing duelist like d3ffo or miniboo.
probably a fault at my end, im sure as the roster improves keiko will start fragging more
how many jokes are we making
it really is but i have not seen good enough evidence of emil being a good coach
yeah that was a tough one to deal with...
I just do not like keikos performance this year and its very similar to how d3ffo kinda was for gambit. The only difference is gambit had 3 superstar players and redgar in those days was still fragging at a reasonable level. where as for liquid I dont believe you have your extreme fraggers.
but hey like you said I might just be dumb
this is a fair ass argument
the same painful screams of an fpx fan
I mean yeah, everyones abyss can be improved on its a new map after all but I feel like EDG are currently the best. I mean lev lost the map after having a double pistol, that just shouldnt happen if your better than the other team on that map imo.
well liquid was braindead enough to sell sayf
kinda the point. I would be shit talking you if it wasnt for the fact my org is just as shit
imagine not even qualifying for stage 2 playoffs XD
oh wait...
i mean EDG are flawless on abyss rn and since they beat lev hard to argue its not EDG
he isnt too bad, I just dont see him staying as a duelist with so much talent going around
Kieko -> Derke (Duelist) {if he plays in NA sign kajaak}
nAts (IGL - Sentinel)
Kieko (Flex)
Pattitek (intiator)
Grubhino (smokes)
eMIL -> d00mbr0s
replace keiko for someone else if u want
dude, look at my last played game, how can u tell me that im trying to throw
with so many losses, i think im gonna change my name it EDGE k0ngk0ng