I think Shadow could have done better if he wasn't igl and on koi
Flag: | Spain |
Registered: | February 13, 2024 |
Last post: | March 12, 2025 at 4:44 PM |
Posts: | 3018 |
I think Shadow could have done better if he wasn't igl and on koi
Nah doombros is better than his twin at least
Why did he walk towards the trip they saw last round with an op??
Nah trace proved it's actually a good pick they're just the only ones who know how to play her
At least they made champs and thus are better than a lot of either teams so they aren't that bad
They need to do something to get zest back on sova/fade and they'd make an international event he's that good
Fun fact since vision strikers became drx they have only lost one group stage game at any international event they have been in which was a match vs EG at Tokyo
Multiple I thought it was just ruination bundle
After trace beat lev literally nobody has correct pickems anymore there's no way anyone has them being first in their group
In my opinion he's the best duelist for G2 but on any other team he would struggle because of how different they play its similar to c0m on EG being good ok there but was awful until stage 2 on LEV
China can be good and the other teams can be frauds both don't have to be the same statement
Tbf beating vitality doesn't make your stocks go up by a lot since it is just 3rd seed vs 2nd seed that got an upset
They can't just do what they used to in 2021 and 2022 since everyone knows how to by this point and it shows
China and apac getting more wins than they used to is actually amazing for the game
They called us farmers but they can't even beat the 3rd seed 💀💀
Isn't their comp from Italian t2 as well?
Every region is a 1 team region besides China this makes no sense
Prx ain't beating fut to get to the decider though
Against geng too the bias against emea on vlr is crazy
Idk I feel like heretics are also making mistakes they shouldn't as well as the map being bad
Would be so sick no matter how it ends as long as it's close ngl
He's truly finished if they lose to prx but otherwise there's still faith
Well you see how people are treating miniboo so it makes sense
Why the downvotes it's true sen and krü ain't doing shit yet I have far more faith in fut bili bili and talon
It's so obvious how is fnc not beating drx
Nobody uses him though so maybe only better in concept
12-9 in fk to fd he did his job why is everyone flaming him specifically also China really ain't that bad of a region idk where this came from
Nah because watching kc lose last year was actually fun so I sort of see it but it's obvious cope at this point
It's not really the round timer is 2 minutes long for a reason
That match was good but I think there were definitely better ones that year
I can't speak on 2022 but they still ain't that's special in 2023 they just happened to be winning more that year
At least 10 times more interesting and I'll die on this hill
I guess but you can find set strats on any team to be honest and it's what sets them all apart prx ain't that special
I'm serious idk how this team is supposed to be interesting to watch I'd rather watch anyone else
Feel bad for surf he was forced to flex literally everything only to get benched after they made playoffs
I feel like the problem is everyone knows zest and rb ain't shit zest is constantly doing well on an off role and rb is fragging out in china
Yeah give primmie more time and if he keeps playing at the level he was in pacific he's clearing aspas in a year or two but not right now
I think it's person with most frags but I could be wrong
I still don't think they're beating fnc but I actually think they have a chance to make playoffs since drx and krü ain't very good
Prx is losing 13-0 4 times in a row lil bro j0nggg ain't doing shit
If drx is getting beat this badly I think prx is coming 4th in their group
Hope he gets to play next map his util was good but he barely got to fight anyone because drx just fell apart