Apeks beat pcfic how did that happen???
Flag: | Spain |
Registered: | February 13, 2024 |
Last post: | March 13, 2025 at 3:43 AM |
Posts: | 3020 |
Apeks beat pcfic how did that happen???
Icebox clears at least 2 or 3 of these maps it's hated for nothing (I agree with breeze to an extent though)
Tbh 2 imports would be alright to me as long as it was also standard for t1 which it isn't so there's no point of having 2 imports since you're just ruining your team once you actually make t1
Na users either know a ton or nothing at all and there's no in between
Why hate on peak so much though
It also doesn't help that they're probably the only winners to have that drastic of a fall off after winning nobody else has had it THAT bad
Also it says he's still on fnc there's no way he ends up in t2 right??
Turks have indomine too? Idk why but I thought it was an African thing
Saturday and Sunday at the bottom it's easily when the most bots and throwers get on
I'm going to sleep and when I wake up pcfic are going to win it somehow I swear
They might actually do it ngl they cant chocke on 2 maps
That might be the greatest line I've ever heard from someone ngl
Their round differential is honestly good enough to let them make it to playoffs if one of 2g or all knights lose and honestly I think one is happening
The one time where running back old players is a good idea they don't what does xeppaa have on C9 to have stayed longer than a year on C9
Yeah I don't wanna play in servers where I don't speak their language + I've probably already waited 3 minutes I can wait longer should be a setting tbh
Sounds nice but that involves probably getting rid of oxy which is somehow worse than when they benched yay (he was still in for at the time)
Idk that much about runi but there's no way he's on the level of vanity and xeppaa
Not just this year every year he's been in vct I can name at least 5 people who could have replaced him
I forget Rossy is an initiator player because I swear he played viper so much last year on t1
True but I feel like literally anybody can succeed in Tier 1 given the right team and/or meta I don't really like the firepower argument much but oxg was a fairly good na team and I do think na t2 players are actually better than some na t1 players so I think he has a shot
(sorry for the mini-rant)
Oxg already disbanded I think you're behind on news
Thought na kept talking on and on about how nrg needed firepower so does it matter that much
People really forgot about the best player to ever touch the game in 5 months
There's a reason why your league is being cut
(meant to reply to #2 mb)
I get what you mean but the Leo pregnancy bit is a little funny
I feel like this is just a think with nationalists in general and why they suck
I feel like shao and suygetsu got away from the hate because they were already a part of the fpx signing someone new will definitely piss them off
Tbf fusion had more problems than just dropping him but yeah he got them to ascension so better than their other coaches
Bro got upset riot stopped his chances of making tier 1 so he went by himself
I think valve wouldn't have released cs2 so quickly if it wasn't for valorant tbh although I think they could have waited a bit
Thank god I'm not the only one who thinks this
Why are several entire teams and boaster 3 times
Just watched them lose a 2v4 by pushing a wall so frauds (didn't watch na t2)
Yeah I had stuff to do that day and the match was still happening by the time I was done 💀
As bad as a tech pause gets ill never forget t1 vs bleed I think it was the opening game for apac this year worst tech pause ever
Was about to type bleed and remembered he got benched for no reason
Ngl either magnum or him had to be benched and it looks like kc have choosen tomazy (hope someone else picks him up he's good)
Had them in 3rd with darkzero making it instead