Unironically the fix is to replace jinggg with cgrs
Flag: | Spain |
Registered: | February 13, 2024 |
Last post: | March 13, 2025 at 12:57 PM |
Posts: | 3021 |
Unironically the fix is to replace jinggg with cgrs
Tbf it also doesn't help that boaster keeps giving himself shit buys because he thinks he can't do anything he's actually not that bad mechanically he needs some confidence
Nah because how do you forget how to utilise a world champ he literally wasn't playing his role at all and how did ethan not try anything that nrg team was honestly something else everyone just suddenly felt like succing ass because they thought having a team of 5 international event winners and a coach of the same caliber made them win everything
Valorant community has standards on players that are too high a good amount of good players are disregarded for literally no reason
I think it has to do with riot wanting to show off talent from gc elegible players which would be a lot harder if they had to play in t2 even if they were the best in the world it would be hard for them to get on a team due to probably lacking connections
Breach is great but only if teammates follow up on your shit otherwise terrible to play
Honestly she's not as good as people think just annoying at times jett and raze can absolutely still be played and the buffs only benefit people who were good at her before so I think keep it
They've already scapegoated the rest of the old core he'll probably go in a year or 2
Idk but they know each other and that's a good thing probably would know more if we were behind the scenes
Ironically against one of the few teams experimenting with deadlock as well
People do not want to see experimentation for some reason
Almost all of them I think it doesn't work for a few
Probably means that they'll just make a team out of whoever doesn't get a better offer
Uhhh I think you're a little back in time bro definitely not bleed
As long as it ain't foxy9 they'll keep being a top team
Chinese ascension winner as an igl but due to import rules voluntarily stepped down from the team
Same reason I think Nature should stay on EG
Korean and not good at LoL is impossible ig I wouldn't know I've never played or watched league
Tbf it was his first time on lan where he got something done I'd try my best to keep vibes up
NA dominated site they forgot China isn't apac and have multiple teams instaead of 1 EDG definitely deserved it they made roster moves only when needed and management deserve a lot of credit because the players already were championship level smoggy was just kinda not really in the right place and haodong isn't flexible like smoggy is
Zeta really should have bid all of their money on Meiy and just hope yuran gets better because if Meiy can carry DFM being in a 4v5 instead of a 2v5 Japan would make another lan
With that logic so are you 💀
Yeah but they also were good in 2022 got signed afterwards and Bcj had to play a role he wasn't the best at and net won ascension only to play in T1 for like 6 matches
They won the first lan but weren't that good the rest of the year so no they're kinda overrated
True but I'd argue geng's case is different since they weren't literally robbed of a playoffs spot since this was champs but they also aren't better than 2022 loud/optic and 2023 fnc/eg
Finally prx won't make a lan maybe they'll realise change is needed
The rest I sorta get but Nature is literally better than the 2 nepo baby flash initiators in his region and they ain't here (BTW 2028 is crazy what does xeppaa have on C9 there's no way)
Idk it just feels like it makes 2022 loud at lot worse than they actually are despite the fact that they only lost to krü as an actual upset
Yeah that makes sense but why wasn't the best Brazilian team there?
Should have been suspended but this adds on to riots standards being the most random shit of all time
Still think it's so silly they didn't invite the 1st seed loud really should have been in playoffs to me
Loud over EG because how tf were they not in playoffs by default despite destroying Brazil they gave it to latam instead even though (at least on vlr) it was a latam/be slot so they should have been able to play for it
I'm actually confident last year's bbl M8s KOI mibr furia tec etc could beat prx apac needs to step it up ngl how they let prx make it to lans is crazy
Then what else are you supposed to use for new prospects?? (I'm assuming this is about primmie)
There's so many good sentinel players that it feels unfair to not include some of them
Changes have been made they're actually going to try to sign good talent this time
England flag dickriding NA I've seen it all
Tbf this year they looked like they could've made shanghai too but they're just really good at making champs
Not really they only played it on 2 maps before champs and even then it was mostly because they copied strats from lev and thus they copied the comps too
No he's right a lot of people can play them better than asuna
Lewn is a good signing but more needs to be done they have the best emea t2 region at their disposal yet they can't seem to find success
If anything buzz zest and rb rejected drx let's be honest
Nah the teams are just poorly structured to tbh (they're definitely the best regions of EMEA but these teams ain't fair)
I'd rather be single than to have a sex robot ngl
Tbf the na teams simply have 100x more synergy than the EU teams the na teams should win in theory