Flag: Italy
Registered: September 30, 2021
Last post: July 17, 2022 at 8:05 PM
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How do you come up with these takes

posted about a year ago

Bad timing

posted about a year ago

It doesnt matter if they can, the fact is that they dont right now and communicate in russian both in and outside the game, it would be a huge downgrade for coach and igl to swap languages just for one player

posted about a year ago

Lmao does he speak russian too?

posted about a year ago

Ye I watched both nip games and a few other rounds here and there throughout the season

posted about a year ago

Just supporting loud through masters

posted about a year ago

He’s a kafka character

posted about a year ago

Also yeah rats eyes do in fact glow in the dark

posted about a year ago

Here before the shahzam jokes

posted about a year ago

Thats what I was thinking. There definitely are universities elsewhere in europe with courses in english but they tend to be either private universities or the very top ones which are very hard to get in

posted about a year ago

Are you looking to having the course in english? It seems like a very language-specific degree no?

posted about a year ago

Shouldnt the chances add up to 100% ? Also why the specific numbers, was there a process behind it

posted about a year ago

Stop fighting imaginary people, everyone I’ve seen is impressed with alfajer, everyone except trolls

posted about a year ago

Usa education system confusing af I dont know what any of those terms mean

posted about a year ago

What do you think an igl is supposed to do

posted about a year ago

Whats the point on using stats when comparing players that play in NA vs a player that plays in Latam/Kr

posted about a year ago

I really hope these are real

posted about a year ago

If they ranked rb higher than those two then it has to be because they watched their regional run, no one in their right mind would say that otherwise if they only saw his performances at masters

posted about a year ago

Lmao why do people worship this guy, he does exactly the same that platchat does, yall just randomly decided to dislike them and like him

posted about a year ago

Im guessing you didnt see acend play this season

posted about a year ago

Found real life trembolona

posted about a year ago

They’re gambit

posted about a year ago

Wait so the guy from the other day was right? Lmao

posted about a year ago

It wouldnt have been that fair considering some teams that are in challengers arent getting lcq

posted about a year ago

The last two rounds were awful to watch ngl

posted about a year ago

??? Acting as if viper has never been played in a pro match in haven

posted about a year ago

Sub him back in

posted about a year ago

you forgot the raaah

posted about a year ago

op said emea in the title

posted about a year ago

isnt falcon emea

posted about a year ago

One of the most one sided finals I’ve seen

posted about a year ago

ok apac_jimmy

posted about a year ago

The two best players from two of the best teams were unanle to go because of visa issues, and this will only last a few games. Having a lan for challengers would be a logistical nightmare, lets just hope next year they will sort it out

posted about a year ago

did you read? I said IF they do bad in LCQ, plus adding a face like stewie2k to their val team is a huge boost in partnership chances. I never said it would be a good move for the team

posted about a year ago

he's probably going content creation like tarik, but I can maybe see EG bringing him for the val team if they do bad in LCQ to increase fan base

posted about a year ago

My suit is still in the laundry

posted about a year ago

I don't understand what was the point of max staying alive, I feel like she had a good closing arc and that they we're going to read the letters she wrote in ep4 at the end for the emotional climax, I don't understand how 11 could revive her out of nowhere, like wtf happened there, but overall a great final episode, I was skeptical of the length but it had very good pacing

posted about a year ago

I'm not saying they're bad, but I don't understand how you criticize Loud for not having a good Haven back then while saying Guild can play all 7 maps, when they have a pretty bad icebox that they ban very often

posted about a year ago

Just as a stand in ofc

posted about a year ago

they should get zeek

posted about a year ago

No they didnt? They played icebox against liquid navi and big, they lost twice pretty badly and banned it every other time this stage

posted about a year ago

Everybody said that group b was harder las time

posted about a year ago

Their icebox looks pretty shitty

posted about a year ago

team win = good
team lose = bad
that's how it works nowadays, both him and leaf are top 100 at best

posted about a year ago

Rossy isnt top 3 no shot

posted about a year ago

I mean idk what people expected, its the best that could be done with 12 slots

posted about a year ago

Theyve said sick is 99% not playing idk what the surprise is and what you said doesnt make sense since rawkus and sick are still signes and dani was just a sub

posted about a year ago

If you were supportive of the asian scene then you would let them engage in a possible rivalry to create narratives instead of defending them like they're some 5 years old that can't talk back

posted about a year ago

I think its better that they’re going after asian teams, its a cool way of making storylines instead of repeating the same NA vs EMEA s we’ve had since the creation of valorant instead of just ignoring the other regions or viewing them as secondaries but hey thats just me

posted about a year ago

Tell me you’re gullible without telling me you’re gullible

posted about a year ago
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