Flag: Brazil
Registered: April 4, 2022
Last post: September 20, 2024 at 8:12 PM
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I'd get so fucking hard if that happened fr fr

posted 4 months ago

I have that too, the thing that has been doing it for me is have matches in the background while I draw or work.

posted 4 months ago

NA vs BR? nah
A possible upset? lmao, no
Revenge for last year? Kinda

Most importantly, it's the match between both teams with the LEAST ORIGINAL LOGOS IN AMERICA, and that's all that matters.

posted 4 months ago

I think not qualifying for Shangai would be a great wake-up call for them.

posted 4 months ago

QCK is not reliable nor flexible as he was sold out to be, if this LOUD had Aspas or anyone consistent for them to rely on when it comes to doing their role, LOUD would be a top tier team again. Not only that but Saadhak is trying to much with comps and such, if they dropped that sooner and did the basic yet effective comps everyone else is using then they wouldn't be in such a bad position rn.

I don't think LOUD is that good anymore, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, since they had the whole Visa problem after Madrid and just a week ago Saadhak stopped being the one to decide comps and strats, leaving that to the coaches. They can still bounce back, but that will take time. Time I don't know if they have.

posted 4 months ago

Tbf, that's a big change, and we can't expect it to just get better in a single week since it's been made.

posted 4 months ago

Most overrated player from our region. Casters and other Pros have been hyping him up since 2020 as "Our Hero", and since then he didn't win a single trohpy and didn't have a single notable performance on the international stage, even when given the chance. Other then that, he is a complete dictator that wants all the teams he is in to be made by his friends/people that agree with everything he wants, 2023 Furia was decent and had potential to improve, but he kicked everyone he didn't like so he could build the team around himself, and this rn is the result.

Sorry for the long comment I wanted to get this frustration off my chest.

posted 4 months ago

LOUD can still comeback, they've just gone through a lot of changes and turbulance.

MIBR played well in Kickoff, but it seems they didn't really improve since then, but the potential is there, I hope...

Furia is a bad managment hell in which they gave the team to MWzera so he can do what he wants with it, and he kicked everyone that he didn't like from last year (Mazin, DGzin and the Carlão) and then built the team with his friends. If they kept the same players as 2023 I can guarantee you this team would be at least competitive.

posted 4 months ago

I think LOUD can comeback, but it's hard to look at their current state and say anything positive...

posted 4 months ago

Essa G2 é bagre, principalmente com esse tal de Icy, acho que a Fúria deve ganhar um mapa se jogarem no pique daquela Icebox contra a KRU ou a Breeze contra NRG, mas ganhar a série eu acho bem difícil.

posted 4 months ago

I hope so, would be unfair as hell if it wasn't. This format sucks ngl.

posted 4 months ago

I'll bet my house on them just so you're not alone

posted 4 months ago

After today, I think MIBR may have a chance...

(This user is high on copious ammounts of Hopium, do not trust anything he says)

posted 4 months ago

I'd put Keznit above Oxy ngl, but other then that, pretty accurate

posted 4 months ago

"U talk bad about thing, then how about you make thing but better?" 12y/o logic, couldn't expect much better from a singaporean

posted 5 months ago

If that cope makes you sleep better at night, then go ahead!

posted 5 months ago

Mickey Mouse game, if any good CS tier 1 team wanted to play val for only 1 year they could easily dominate and win all the throphies with no difficulty. Regiona + 2 Masters + Champs without dropping more then 3 maps in the whole year.

posted 5 months ago

they don't do it because they're shit. It really shows how low level this game is when frauds that couldn't go past tier 2 in the easiest region in CS can dominate with 0 tactics like that. Do you think a lot of frauds from CS come to valorant for no reason? lol

posted 5 months ago

I don't see how that's a cope. I'm not a GEN.G fan, they lost because they are thrash, as is any team that loses to PRX. Those guys were shit at CS Asia Tier 2 (the weakest region), and they got into Valulrant, started playing with 0 tactics and just pressing W, and are a constant top 2-4 team in every lan they play. If this is not proof of how shit thie game design for Valorant is, then I don't know what could prove it to y'all.

posted 5 months ago

losing to Pooperex should be enough for a disband ngl. These CS frauds that play with 0 tactics and still win are the undenibale truth of how broken this game is.

posted 5 months ago

You may be right, but I'm 90% sure there are other good options like Swag and even Keeping Khalil to play sentinel. I don't believe Furia needs to step that low to get a decent roster that can work.

posted 5 months ago

I'm a professional hater myself, and one of the best at my job

posted 5 months ago

Yeah, naked truth lies, only if you realize
Appearing in nobody's lives, 'til they sterilize
Stop the guerilla warfare to keep it fair
Bro, change your rage to a smarter greater cause
You know the stake is high, stardom is near
Those you sympathized with died, killers pass you by
Do not waste your time in hating flirting guys
Use your mind to AIs, bring justice to them all

posted 5 months ago

If you think lying to yourself is a better mentality, then that's on you. Live your whole life without facing the truth.

posted 5 months ago

That would be way closer to reality, yes. You don't need the "we suck" part, just be honest on how you lost because the other team is simply the better one.

posted 5 months ago

Me when I'm in the "All Aim No Brain Competition" and my opponent is OXY


posted 5 months ago

G2 real fix: Kick all of these fraudulent players that are just stealing paychecks, leave Valorant for good and focus on CS2 instead.

posted 5 months ago

He's doing his best to compete with Yay in the biggest fraud category.

posted 5 months ago

I didn't, and I don't care for both. NTK and Pancc can both go to hell for what they did.

posted 5 months ago

I don't, I feel happy he's been kicked. Hope his pro career ends here too.

posted 5 months ago

First seed of China = Americas tier 2 at best, so yeah, not important at all. Weak ass region.

posted 5 months ago

random chinese player no one cares or knows, got it

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

Nitr0 carried that shit 100T roster in the only international they went to, and Scream never won shit in CS, even if he had some feats, he was never really that good.

posted 5 months ago

They don't need to give a fuck, as this game is so easy to exploit and only needs aim to be at top tier. If you put then in an actual game tho...

posted 5 months ago

As I said, the cheater allegations were debunked in 2022, you can easily find the proof of that if you use your brain and try. And as I said, even if he WERE a cheater, it does not matter, Valorant is not even half as hard as CS, if he tried to play it, Asspas would be tier 2 at best.

posted 5 months ago

There are lots of them, but PRX are the only ones that know they don't need to pretend to actually have tactical depth, because that has 0 value in this game.

posted 5 months ago

The thing is, the ones I was talking about were not top tier in CS, they were mediocre at BEST, and most were shit players. Most got the status of top tier in Valorant in less then a year, you don't need much to understand why that is.

posted 5 months ago

The whole PRX core + Tenz + Boaster + Derke + Leaf + Xeppa + Dapr + Crashies + Victor + FNS + Yay + Shazham and the list goes on and on and on...

posted 5 months ago

You need to be actually delusional to think that those 3 would be trash in Valorant. Any shit tier 2-3 player from CS comes into val and is basically a top tier instantly. Why would the best of the best be worse? Think a little.

posted 5 months ago

Nah, with less then a year in val they were a top tier team. This kind of game-changing experience does not come that easily.

posted 5 months ago

This was debunked years ago, and I don't call aspas my "GOAT", if he tried playing competitive CS he would be tier 2 at best.

posted 5 months ago

Tell me you never watched CS competitive games without telling me you never watched CS competitive games.

posted 5 months ago

I don't see the fun in watching a game full of dumb mistakes and plays, where one of the team only knows how to peek every angle and depend on aim to win, and this is supposed to be a top 3-2 of the world match.

posted 5 months ago

Yup, that says a lot about this game.

posted 5 months ago

I'm not, they deserved to lose, those guys are hot garbage nowdays, hope the line changes as soon as possible.

posted 5 months ago

That this team's core + coach were on CS:GO before VAL, and they were a shit team in ASIA TIER 3, the absolute bottom of the barrel.

The fact that they are a top 4-2 every international says a lot about Valorant. If they were in a serious game that they can't exploit, their all aim no brain playstyle would be hot garbage.

"W gaming"? more like Stupid Gaming.

posted 5 months ago

ngl i didn't expect that

posted about a year ago
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