the russian.. is american by nationality.
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Registered: | May 17, 2023 |
Last post: | March 12, 2025 at 1:24 PM |
Posts: | 4766 |
the russian.. is american by nationality.
naruto is the best anime series of ALL time. my hot take :)
it’s never too early for horny hours wym
dude is so beautiful ☺️
i have the fnc flair on for the jinx for tokyo lmaoo
i had the c9 and sen flair before 🥰
tenz and marved are my own personal goats. love watching them play.
and who would’ve guessed i get to see them play on the same team!!
xeppaa is viet my guy lmao
going by your logic 4/5 c9 players belong to EU lmao and africa if you want to go back farther lol
i wanted to cry seeing his smokes as a controller main.
im an omen main, and that HURT my soul. on god.
that omen smoke on C spawn with a gap was devastating.
costed liquid the game honestly.
that omen smoke with the gap on C costed liquid the game,
keith got multiple picls holy lmao
that’s the beauty of feminism. women having rights allows them to choose whatever path they want to go down in life. you want to be a housewife? a mother? a lawyer? a doctor? having rights and opportunities allow that. voting, fighting for better maternal leave, and everything else comes with it. that’s just my 2 cents 🥰
feminism is about all genders having equal rights and opportunities. women just want to be independent, have the same rights as men, do everything a man is able to do.
we women have so much to offer to society. i think feminism isnt a bad thing at all.
yay is white, so does he belong to EU then by your logic?
also indian IS asian.
this team is actually lethal ngl
i’ve been telling myself it will be fine for years.
it in fact did not get better. being depressed sucks.
it’s hard. i envy those who stay positive and happy. i feel like i’m broken cause i can’t.
can’t do push-ups if you’re busy crying hahahahs
no seriously, i feel like crap. i’ll try to sleep it off but i doubt i’ll feel better that soon. going to the gym always helps my mental though. maybe i could do that tomorrow. thanks <3
anyone else just feel down in general sometimes out of nowhere? some parts of life just plain suck man. i hate it. i hate people, i hate myself, i hate feeling like this.
marved is a GREAT replacement. we love the iceman.
i love women
g2 lft oxy just built different i guess
he’s russian american no? or am i wrong 😭
you’re delusional if you thought LOUD weren’t the favorites for this bracket. EG looking hot though wtf
thank you MIBR for the opportunity to watch this team.
he’s at a maid cafe in japan. understandable for the no stream.
fined for making finger guns in a ... gun... game.
wtf i really hope he didn’t get fined lmao
i have the fnc flair. surely they win it all right ?
it’s for the jinx trust!!! any team i support loses.
it’s why drx or c9 never won anything. you don’t want me to support loud. i love loud too much to curse them.
yeaaa i had a hard time with that one. EG just looks so hot right now.. idk if i should change that to fnc
edit: you’re right i have a gut feeling it will go fncs way. i’ll change that one little bracket
we are getting el clasico for finals trust
i’m not a jinx like tarik :( besides i don’t want nrg or loud to win though lol
that was drewsparks idea not syykos
apparently tenz was on breach too when they were experimenting comps
i thought his nationality was canadian and ethnically he was indian 😭 am i wrong
fns is tanzanian???!
my life is a lie
okay let’s not be too biased now. mako clears every controller player by far.
decent but not mako good you feel me?
he’s getting so unlucky. killed through smokes and doesn’t even get to play the game. give the guy a break :(