Flag: New Zealand
Registered: November 23, 2021
Last post: August 12, 2023 at 9:33 AM
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Just because something is unintentional doesn't make it not bad.
If I made a game where you play as a russian invading ukraine and it shows russia as the good guys for invading ukraine, even if it wasn't intended to be a pro-putin agenda, it obviously still has the parallels so we would say it's bad.
Not to say that I really care all that much about it since the harm isn't really there and I don't care about cancelling harry potter, just pointing out that there is the parallel

posted about a year ago

Man, fns comes off as so incredibly likable in this interview, I wonder if he's consciously trying to now a days because compared to back in the day he's improved

posted about a year ago

exhaustion based photophobia

posted about a year ago

I doubt jk rowling mean't for it to be a jewish caricature but your really gonna tell me the hook nosed people that own the central banks, are greedy, and use others for their own benefit doesn't sound a bit a like how conspiracy theorists talk about Jews?

posted about a year ago

I mean your obviously right about goblins being jewish caricatures, just wouldn't come with so much energy that it's the most racist in the last 50 years or nazi sympathiser since that is trivialising what nazi means
but hey keep fighting the good fight netero

posted about a year ago

Pretty cold take tbh

posted about a year ago

average global esports writing comprehension

posted about a year ago

A song to listen to when RRQ loses 3-0, drops out the tournament and unfortunately gets to keep their franchise position

posted about a year ago

after 5 months of no tourneys I've lost all sense of time, doesn't feel like it's only a week away

posted about a year ago

I mean if you attack others for enjoying Hogwarts legacy because the creator is transphobic then why doesn't the same apply when you use twitter since Elon is also transphobic?
If you want to hold that position at least be consistent otherwise why would I listen to a hypocrite

posted about a year ago

They complain about how buying hogwarts legacy supports jk rowling's transphobia yet they'll post about it on twitter owned by Elon Musk whos also transphobic.
The cognitive dissonance is wild

posted about a year ago

Mjtchell W

People down voting this have no self awareness, you are just as much of a sheep as the people you claim to criticise

posted about a year ago

I wanted so bad to get it early but I refuse to pre-order any game anymore, I'll get it when it fully releases if user reviews are positive

posted about a year ago

true and based

posted about a year ago

Oh yeah completely forgot about him on ABX, fair enough

point still stands though, even if yay pops off is it enough to carry C9 out of their slump since xeta left?

posted about a year ago

I mean the betting odds strongly favour C9 to win against PRX, since the team was announced people have been saying they are the best in NA, the only time I see people saying C9 are bad are random bait threads by like babysasuke not the real discussion threads which are erect for C9

posted about a year ago

Why are people so high on c9?
Since XETA (fuck you) left they have been on a slump, yay joined and ofc he is one of the top players rn but he hasn't proven that he can work in other rosters as well as he did on optic.
I'm not saying they have no chance but after the convincing 100T loss and losing to fokus, what is giving people such high hopes?

You guys are stuck in the past, forget their peaks and look at them today

posted about a year ago

Kiwi players > aussies players
in other news the sky is blue

posted about a year ago

God tier poster myhiy

adding polls and a betting system and you'll have done everything the community has complained about but vlr is to afraid to do

posted about a year ago

it's not NA that looks better then the other regions, it's really just the guard and SR that look better then all other ascension teams, NA or not

posted about a year ago

shownu doesn't have a brain, a broken clock strikes twice a day

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

So far been pretty sick, when I tried half life alyx I understand why you don't move with joysticks, holy am I nauseous

What VR games should I try?

posted about a year ago

yeah she won't be there

posted about a year ago

Yeah, HR only exists to make sure the company isn't liable

posted about a year ago

Thanks man, I'll send updates thursday for how it goes

posted about a year ago

In a he said, she said situation where it's a 16 yr old girl and a guy that is a few years older, there is no chance they fire the young female 'victim' for making a complaint. There is no chance of me winning regardless of what I say, what I can do is make sure she loses with me

posted about a year ago

no, I was told during the middle of my shift that a complaint was made and I would have to go home while they do an internal investigation. The talk on thursday will be only me getting interrogated on the complaints validity

posted about a year ago


So the formal email has been sent to me about the complaints were in part 2, I wanna kill myself bros
The complaint has come from the girl who I thought was my friend, she had talked to me about her poor home life, running away, and troubles with her boyfriend. She assured me that she wasn't gonna make complaints against me, and was the one from part 2 that warned me that complaint girl was after me. This girl now has made complaints to the managers, just made up shit and told half truth that can be proven by co workers to make it seems legitimate.

I have been played, the girl who I thought was a friend and on my side was helping complaint girl the whole time to fuck me over. I don't even know why, I'm such a fool. I have to talk to HR on thurs but I don't see any chance this works out man.

GG go next ig

posted about a year ago

Well the season hasn't started and literally no tier 1 matches for the last few months so no shit it's mid

posted about a year ago

Damn so smart, thanks for the insight reycac

posted about a year ago

Girl made false accusation for a second time, seems unlikely I get out of this not fucked

posted about a year ago

got sent home today and don't need to go to work tomorrow while they do a investigation, very cool.
previous explanation about the first time https://www.vlr.gg/157262/went-to-hr-for-being-homophobic

Since that I haven't ever talked to the girl, nor ever in the same room alone, only times she's talked to me in the last 2 months is when she asks a work related question and I respond with yes or no and leave.
Despite this I got called in to be told a young girl made a complaint against me because of something I said to her, I couldn't get anymore information then that.

I am 90% sure it's the same complaint girl as part 1 because a young girl who I've made friends with told me a week ago that complaint girl told her that she wanted to make another complaint against me and I should watch out.

If it is complaint girl then I think I still have a job because they can ask her when I said the alleged thing and check cctv to see I couldn't have since I literally never spoken to her.
If she was smart enough to get her friend (close friend of hers from school, outside of work) to make something up, I am very fucked. No shot they see 2 complaints from different 16 yr old girls about a older guy and don't fire me.

I was only gonna work until the 18th anyway but sucks I won't have this place as a reference tho

TLDR; Girl made false accusation for a second time, seems unlikely I get out of this not fucked

posted about a year ago

I mean it's not impossible though? French school finishes at 4:30, If he comes home after school and plays until 10 thats 5.5 hours then plays all day on weekends it's 15 hours each day, that averages 8 hours a day with enough time for 9 hours of sleep.

If the average includes school term breaks that he could grind then he could keep the average of 8 while only playing 3 or 4 on school days.

Is it unhealthy? most likely but we also don't really know enough about his life and circumstances

posted about a year ago

what is that video though?

posted about a year ago

If you had some kind of limit I think it would be good addition, like you can only post 1 pic per day or thread of something

posted about a year ago

Crazy bro, I've heard GE is the best team in the world rn according to a few pros

posted about a year ago

Guys what the best VR headset to be getting for under 1k?

I have a 3060ti and ryzen 5600x, which I assume will be enough to play vr games off my pc

posted about a year ago

Has GE ever failed us before?

posted about a year ago

Your getting downfragged because you said it in the most autistic way possible but yeah, they aren't good enough to get top 32 in open qual then they shouldn't be allowed. All adding them would do is grow animosity against woman because they would throw streamers games

posted about a year ago

society isn't ready for a lot of things, aJAYYY. Don't let them stop you from your dreams!

posted about a year ago

When we get real results, what else is there to talk about?

posted about a year ago

aJAYYY I love you, every time I see your name I'm ready to read something that sounds like it was written by a 7 year old stoned out of his mind

posted about a year ago

talking about me reading people when you can't even read plain text. Above I never said I'm some 1000iq god reader, I explicitly said 'obvious', my whole point is that people can see obvious flaws except the person that has them.

posted about a year ago

Bro brings up an anime character then calls me cringe
must be andrewdamf

posted about a year ago

it's 3am and I work tomorrow so I'll take this advice, thanks buddy

posted about a year ago

You know how when you meet a new person, normally within the first few conversations you already know their obvious faults and flaws.
That means that when people meet me they quickly find obvious ones, yet they aren't obvious to me, obviously.

The idea that I can never know what is so easily figured out by anyone who talks to me is like having BO, what if I have really bad metaphorical BO and I just don't know?

posted about a year ago

You malded about some random streamer playing ranked

posted about a year ago

Oh cool, another account to ignore

posted about a year ago
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