Flag: Eritrea
Registered: April 27, 2023
Last post: March 5, 2025 at 8:23 AM
Posts: 1110
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This feels racially motivated

posted about a year ago

My premier team is running viper,Cypher,raze,Skye and omen

We focus on holding the a main choke with viper orb followed by an omen smoke. Raze plays off cypher trips ready to nade on B and Skye and omen play off contact mid

posted about a year ago

Controllers: Decisive plays using your smokes and your kit. Especially when your anchoring on sites. At the top of my head monyet on split is good example

Sentinels: how much value you find from your util. Like Nats on Ascent on cypher his set plays got so much value

Intiator: Setting up your team mainly your duelist for frags cauzin and ethan are the best examples here

posted about a year ago

Press 4 on keyboard

posted about a year ago

They singing manbearpig man ain't nobody giving them a cent 💀

posted about a year ago

Bro choose the worst pic in existence

posted about a year ago

Weren't sen begging for money like yesterday lmao?

posted about a year ago

I mean in the case of gen g and zeta it is valid but fuck is c9 and some other orgs doing. My premier team has less changes than these guys

posted about a year ago

Is dropping you entire roster really a good decision? Can your new roster really gel within 3/4 months orgs are making the same mistake as they did at the start of franchising by not understanding that having a good team chemistry= good team. Not just putting players with good aim

posted about a year ago

How is bleed able to drop such big bags on players? Is it oil money 💀

posted about a year ago

They removed everyone i saw them remove god dead and elma as well what's going on?

Edit: Everyone except metor has been removed is this the right move ?

posted about a year ago

The partner system will likely have to be a org from korea cause getting korean visas is an actual pain so that won't be ideal as well

posted about a year ago

Farmer org don't care about sa representation they will buy 15 duelist players this year and make them flex ez

The sa scene and talent pool isn't there right now give it like 2 years and we'll see some better t2/t3 orgs that might even acsend who knows

posted about a year ago

Will we see someone new in the showmatch or will it be the same old teams?

posted about a year ago

Orgs need to invest in a good system for both mental and overall health of its players

posted about a year ago

Might be something with the language barrier. Good thing WB can actually get picked up by a good org

posted about a year ago

Aim on head and shoot

posted about a year ago

For the first week or so do not overdo since you are new to the gym. Keep your workouts light consistency is key

posted about a year ago

I feel like riot makes bad decision on purpose to make the community angry and when they reverse the decision it feels like riot is listening too us. Indie game studio psychology

posted about a year ago

Schroeder lee
Sage mommy/jett daddy
And those other ekitten youtubers

posted about a year ago

Not possible GE is not an indian org

posted about a year ago

I'm ascendant 2 and there's nothing wrong in playing in bronze lobbies

posted about a year ago

If you are actually serious buy a openings and mid game course online. And use those courses play games with different opening and solve chess puzzles to understand the game better

posted about a year ago

Controlling a main that box area with a viper orb is an ez win on defence. I have a 100% win rate on breeze by just doing the same thing

posted about a year ago

NA is doomed wait until we african come up on the big stage.

posted about a year ago

Then why allow teams with no org backing them to participate.

They said premier will promote people to t2 so will riot kick out the team that gets promoted cause they aren't backed by an org. Wild system

posted about a year ago


Will riot not allow them to join cause they are not a org per say?

posted about a year ago

Great list thank you!

posted about a year ago

Now that champs is over i need something to watch
can someone recommend some good anime

My favourite are
Terror in resonance
Great Pretender
Samurai Champloo
So anything similar works

posted about a year ago

Half the money from the prize pool is gonna go towards the swearing and tagging fine 💀

posted about a year ago

Why is he playing without skins

posted about a year ago

Downvoted for being right 😭

posted about a year ago

Tmv for good malding from him

posted about a year ago

Pansy and hypoc cause when fanatic is not playing

posted about a year ago

Bro farmed impression for his dead org. W player

posted about a year ago

How are you this incredibly unfunny. It's an art

posted about a year ago

Did anyone take a screenshot of the tweet

posted about a year ago

-24 💀

posted about a year ago

0/8 try again

posted about a year ago

The Eg reserve roster should participate in ascension that would be a great storyline

posted about a year ago

She's terrible the trips are too slow to activate. The net is actually useless the only good thing is her wall and ult but in pro where they bait out util and hit sites very late you can't even throw it on time to stop hits so its just meh

posted about a year ago

Ideally EG ban Lotus and Haven
Fnc play split FNC W Eg
Eg Fracture Eg W FNC
Fnc Ascent Eg W FNC
Eg Pearl EG W Fnc

It can be done the two map veto is too strong

posted about a year ago

I feel like there's more to this then she's letting on. No way they security single her out from the crowd just like that

posted about a year ago

This pearl comp is not it man imo

posted about a year ago

Do you want me to explain a bad play?

posted about a year ago

All good we can beat edg in lowers

posted about a year ago

You get shot you loose the round it's a FPS game

posted about a year ago

Half the game my face was just :pogchamp:

posted about a year ago

I guess as an attacker you control the vent and defender controls the door that was the purpose ig

posted about a year ago
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