Flag: Singapore
Registered: June 1, 2023
Last post: March 11, 2025 at 6:35 AM
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when did i say i was special? u r being aggressive on internet like a no lifer degen and saying "grow up, u r not special". Everyone has their own speciality but maybe ur too boomed to understand that but let's leave that aside. Besides, using an abbreviation to insult me? that's not pretty for a biopharm uni student.

However, the statements that i made had similarities. i am mentioning about the performance of regions at champions in both the tournaments and their worst performances. "EU didnt have that bad of a performance in this year of champs unlike NA had a terrible performance in 2021" this is what i said and isnt that hard to understand

posted about a year ago

so? the same goes for navi too. sure, they did troll their comps at emea league but it's not like they trolled at tokyo. EDG were the uprising underdogs and NAVI just had a bad phase like every other team

posted about a year ago

the game was new around that time when sen played at reykjavik. the meta wasnt even evolved at that time. if u r bringing up the discussion of their "dominance" at iceland, then it doesnt matter at all becuz they got shit on the next tourney

posted about a year ago

i have work and i have a study life. not a degenerate sticking to the phone and arguing on vlr. Also, i didnt "compare" about the results, i just stated it. Might as well develop some brain cells

posted about a year ago

atleast, emea was in top 4 in champs 2022 unlike in champs 2021where there were no NA slugs to be found in top 5 and got stomped on by minor regions

posted about a year ago

the same goes for loud and these NA kids arent clowning them? certified brain damaging moment

posted about a year ago

"don't act like Optic wasn't one of the best pre-franchise teams" dunno if it's reading issue or brain issue

posted about a year ago

chamber. Guess NA IQ couldnt find a riddle in my statement.

posted about a year ago

he will be back when that french idiot will comeback which is never gonna happen for lifetime.GL tho

posted about a year ago

after zombs u mean?

posted about a year ago

since when did brazil and NA rooted for each other?

posted about a year ago

FPX were Top 4 in champs 2022 whereas none of NA teams were to be found top 5 in champs 2021....

posted about a year ago
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