sheeeeeesh my god, thx for the info!
Flag: | Guatemala |
Registered: | July 24, 2021 |
Last post: | March 5, 2025 at 12:55 PM |
Posts: | 596 |
sheeeeeesh my god, thx for the info!
I think that he considered return to OWL if X10c don´t have a good performance, but now I think that he are more inclinated to stay en Valorant maybe, cuz the performance of him team was really good.
yep but no the same time that was stream NA, they was streaming like 1-2 hours per day if they have energy after the pracs, in the case of Krü they stop streaming when the champions started, and Keznit was in streams of the people that have co-streaming party for few minutes. In case of Shahzam, he stream many hours per day in champs.
hope a rebuild, good luck for all player that was part of Nuturn, thanks for all ! the same tournament
And this is when Austral play against Krü in the Challengers 3, cuz they don´t fight together in other tournament.
and in the second match Krü wins, cuz they learn and play better.
sure, so why Australs wins against kru and furia in the same tournament? lol the other team plays better in the other match but you can´t say that they are bad lol
That's a Riot problem, cuz we only have 1 spot since the master 2 lol, but you have 2 secundary regions.... you can´t show another team in the lans lol.
Wtf krü aren't a region lol, they're Latam
Meta change, and phoenix goes useless in the defense if you don't have a player with good ofensive timings.
Never fucking underestimate any region, this is about the progress and the hard work of the teams, if determinated team are not qualified to Playoffs, that's means that they aren't the best in the world in this year.
in Asia nope, that´s so weird tbh.
they sometime cast like they are sleeping. Per example this clip , I know that was from the Challenger of EMEA, but yeah they cast sometimes like sleeping when the play are interesting. We knows how the korean caster are, they gives lives to the match, like the spanish casters per example this clip
yep the english casting are sometimes bad, for my the best caster are from LVPes2 and from the korean stream.
Dude, this video was from the masters 3 xD when G2 win against Sen. Anyways that's a good meme in this situation xD.
qué sucede cuando un objeto con una fuerza imparable choca contra un objeto inamobible?
He only knows how press the pause bottom.
That´s its not important, imagine if the final will Liquid, Fnatic or something else against a team of emerge region (like krü for example), for be a first Champions of Valorant, many people will see it, cuz the hype of the first champs and the hype of riot.
Also, this is our first year, the scene get richiest and growing up in the audience with the past of time.
He's a normal jett player, good, but not the best of the champs.
He's maybe talking about him individual performance, he doesn't like it and it's normal in a player.
this not aged well...
woa now its a Riot fault that they can't win ....
my god pati are so sick sheeesh it's a firepower demon!
x10 are always good, remember the masters 2. X10 doesn't was go to masters 3 cuz they used the same glitch cam that use VK and was desqualified, if I'm not wrong.
American person discovered that EMEA has many countries, congrats :D
Cned jett op
DavidP IGL
Starxo Flex/maybe second duelist.. idk
Avova Smoker strongholder
Nats Sentinels Strongholder.
u forgot ElevenZ my boy are freaking amazing.
Idk rumors but Steel are interesed to back to csgo? like nitr0.
It's only curiosity, idk the rumors about NA teams.
counter to ur counter to their counter... xD
all matches... hmmm if you view in the deskopt mode, that show a list of the most view match to the minus view match with the views, but only when past 1 day, cuz that lag or something and u can't see the views of today matches. Sorry if I don't explain me good, btw that it's limitated, if you pay the premiun mode, u can see more but idk what, cuz I don't payed it.. heh