do you know that Fokus is a team? xDDDD from VCT
Flag: | Guatemala |
Registered: | July 24, 2021 |
Last post: | March 5, 2025 at 12:55 PM |
Posts: | 596 |
do you know that Fokus is a team? xDDDD from VCT
Sincerely rn no, cuz historical problems, also br are racist, toxic, macho and misogynists to many player of latam in many games. Yeah we know that all br scene is not like that, but for some dumbass ppl, that´s very demotivating
If TL doesn´t troll with their comp, they can win...
he was talking in spanish with chilenian words in their stream. Each country have their owns words and doesn´t have relation with others. Like conchita in spain means "Consuelo" name, but in Argentinian mean vagina, and Mexico means mollusk. We will cancel Spain cuz they call "mono" to all thing or person that are cute? We will cancel Korea cuz in their language I´m is niga and You´re is naega and that sound like N word?
NV with MikeHD Finalist of masters.
OG with chet ....... wait, they use smokes, sentinels, iniciator and duelist? damn that so cringe, that not gonna happen in csgo.
Kru 2-1 Optic
DRX 2-1 NIP (very close also maybe NiP win).
FNC 2-'0 Zeta
U need to know that are a world outside br, with their words and types to talk, in Chile that means amigo (friend), if keznit was from another country maybe ur right, but not in this case. Example in spanish we have: chucho, in one country that means dog (central america), in other a dude that steal (many countries of south america), in other country that means Jesus (mexico). Chile have many worlds to reference a one thing. It´s like portuguesse world "pico" in spanish pico it´s a reference of mountain or something with triangule figure, but in portuguesse it´s penis.
KOI, he was do trials with fnatic, but fnatic wants a sova main and h1ber wants to be a duelist so he goes to KOI. Also he played in Finest team and mixes :b
This match was yay carry, yay go kill.
You are talking about a match with a japanese team, it´s normal dude XD
They are team since long time ago, also they grind in the tier 2 tournaments, that reach experience.
I think that they gonna continue with Tenstar, cuz Tenstar are looking for news players to their male roster (leaks but idk if this is true or not.)
This is an Acend prac, cuz we can see Giants Monster are playing with them, and leaks are talking about Giants Monsters in Acend.
anyways, if Acend wasn´t play the champs, br doesn´t win.
Escrito bien sería: tengo mucho amor para los latinos y solamente latinos.
Opción 2: tengo mucho amor solamente para los latinos.
Opción 3: tengo mucho amor para los latinos y latinos solamente (aunque suena raro en la estructura).
bro así no se escribe el español xDD, los artículos te los comes? xd
decir jogar, reirse con kkk, no usar la Ñ, no lo sé bro, ya visto como se escuchan estas palabras fuera del español, hace que pierda credibilidad, además de mala elaboración de oraciones.
we doesn´t have stage cuz the organization put more priority in LoL, that shit situation was talking in the first match kru vs Xolos.
EMEA and NA do it the same role than the past year, Latam and SEA continue with the performance of Masters. Maybe KR can do the role that they do in the Masters 2 2021, and upset from BR and JPN.
amazing arguments dude... sentinels need a coach, maybe can u will be them coach analyzing 5 months ago match, with different coach, different meta, different playstyle, and one different player, ur resentment are so kekw.
in this case also furia would to be in Iceland.... but no.
IMO it´s cuz the hyspanic community are stronge, cuz also in a match of Valorant Regional League Spain, they reach 170k . The WP reach the viewership too hard.
If Leviatán play like today, 3-2 result, idk who can win tbh, both are good.
INSANE FUCKING MATCH!! Valorant Regional League from Spain>>>
Also u talking about a qualifier from NA, QUALIFIER, not a principal tournament.
many nicknames from chinese players.
The last match both teams played in a container practicallly, with sound problems in both headphones (in ear and over ear) . In this match both team doesn´t wanna play in that shit situation. Imagine all that problems are knew since many time, and this stage will gonna play the LCQ with Br.....
the match was paused 1 hour, so yeah the headphones sucks, also the others teams are talking about that. GG when the lcq gonna played.
lo que no sabes es que es un contenedor, porque no hay que perder la humildad
more famous = more haters :b
Better preparation in this match from G2 staff ig.
fun fact: it´s also logo from a soccer team.
Doesn´t matter in a OT cuz u have money to get weapon tier 1 (vandal/phantom/Op) and that bullets are more situational in the normal rounds. If u buy in OT it´s okey, if u don´t buy also okey, it´s ur preference, but not necesary.
Academy rn, cuz they are more structured than the main team. But TSM main can win cuz.... firepower :b
Helps you in speed, flicks and traking, but all that is useless if you don´t follow this recomendations: Care ur crosshair placement, that´s 80-90% of the aim, and that doesn´t practice in Aimlab, only in Valorant, u need to practice that in the range, cuz this is more usefull than DM rn if u want to improve ur aim, also play play and play, caring always the placement of ur crosshair, in first time that are so hard, but when u play many matches, that will come in ur "dna plays". Also u need to improve ur gamesense and ur good placement in game, that´s helps u to get more kills in combats.
thx for a real analysis, and not only a useless post hating :b. Yeah TL if continue like this we look the TL that we saw in LCQ and Champs. Jesuschrist EMEA are so freaking GOD tier region rn.
he post some tweet homophonics and fatphobics, in the problems that he had with keznit, both have gulty in that. Also he tread to hit him when he meet keznit IRL in any LAN tournament.
He´s the IGL, also he isn´t a natural IGL, he had to adoptave this role. It´s normal in a not natural IGL that that´s things happens, cuz many info that he need to manage.
GG Fucking Well Played to the both teams!