Flag: Argentina
Registered: March 24, 2022
Last post: February 3, 2025 at 12:44 PM
Posts: 1022
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A fact? Yeah, Lev throws, loud wins so it proves it right? Damn you're so smart, how couldn't I see that the 2nd best JP team is better than TL and PRX!
You're just that stupid, it's insane, no fucking wonder you can never make a reasonable take, You even said that optic is bad cuz they lost 1 time to Loud, disregarding the 3 following times they lost to them.
You just don't think with reason, but with region pride, the fact I recon they could lose to Loud and you saying those things just proves it.

posted about 2 years ago

Como é feio ver a LOUD jogar de tr

É sempre a mesma coisa, junta os 5 em um bomb e entra
Os caras não colocam pressão na B, não quebram a barreira da sage na B
Mesma coisa na ascent, não exploram o meio do mapa, raramente tem infiltração de alguém, etc.

Que coisa patética

posted 2 hours ago



posted 2 hours ago

U change opinions pretty fast huh lmao

posted about 2 years ago

So if we only sent our first seed we would be the same as KR?
I think this would be more accurate if you do it by series won/lost

posted about 2 years ago

-the same guy that can't speak more than 1 language and needs 2 jobs to maintain himself
Nice education!
Just do a little research and you will know why brazillian favelas aren't the same as others.
You bored me tbh, you're just pretty stupid

posted about 2 years ago

No hay nadie que sea más pobre que alguien en la favela, no podés donarle a nadie.

posted about 2 years ago

Listo, no paso por la favela de tu mamá, te quedas sin comer.
Una vez más jajsjajsjajjans

posted about 2 years ago

A quien le querés dar una orden? No mandas ni en tu propia casa que vivis con tus viejos jajajajaja fracasado.
Algún día me pasó por el trabajo de la trola de tu vieja y de propina le dejo las redes ya que tenés bastante miedo de pasarlas después de hacerte el hombresito.

posted about 2 years ago

No funciona así, si las pedís primero y te haces el hombre las pasas primero, cualquier estúpido de mierda puede hacer lo que vos haces, pedazo de cagón inmundo.
No tranqui, vivo solo, a quien pusiste en su lugar? Literal todo el día insultando y con solo 3 palabras logré que me mandes 3 pms distintos y spamees mensajes con lo enojado que estabas jajajajajajaja, gordito patetico

posted about 2 years ago

Quiere hablar conmigo, pide redes pero tiene miedo de pasarlas primero.
Fácil ser vos, decir miedoso a otros y ser el tipo más cagón de todos

posted about 2 years ago

Bastante fácil pedir redes con la excusa de hablar y después tener miedo de pasar las suyas primero kadnkajdja, que pasó, no tenías ganas de hablar????
No sé, mi vieja no emprende en el trabajo de la felación al menos

posted about 2 years ago

Damn! Bad for us!

posted about 2 years ago

El hecho que creas que es mucho es triste y denota lo mediocre que sos.
Además, avísale a tu vieja que deje el emprendimiento entonces aksnaksbaknskanns
O será que lo hace de placer? AKDJAJSJS

posted about 2 years ago

Damn, acabas de flexear 1200usd? Trabajas todos los días solo para terminar ganando 1200usd???????
No bueno, vos solo te descansas kajdjajsjand

posted about 2 years ago

Pedí las tuyas, vos lo propusiste, no yo.
Miedo de que? Si tenés que trabajar dos trabajos solo para mantenerte lo menos que podés hacer es pagar un viaje para hacerme algo akdjkajsjajsj

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Que querés que te diga? Me das gracia.
Cómo te dije ya, no veo tus redes sociales, porque mandaría las mías?

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Jakdjkajsjajsjkajs que esperas? No hiciste más que insultar, ser xenofobico y decir burradas, pero que tú vieja trabaje de eso es la línea?

posted about 2 years ago

Damn, the guy was xenophobic, told me to kill myself, even said the thing you're doing "@mods" at, but you call the mods on me? I guess that's br double standards for you

posted about 2 years ago

No me deja ver el comentario, pero te respondo igual:
No, no se dedica mucho tiempo para hacer mensajes cortos.

Jaja necesita 2 empleos para mantener a la puta de su vieja, si fueras un poco mas inteligente o cualificado con solo 1 ganarias bastante mejor!
Supongo que la diferencia entre vos y yo, ojala salgas de la favela:(

posted about 2 years ago

Sabes que es un hobbie? No debo de pasar mas de 30 mins promedio en el foro, tu analisis pobre y estupido no te deja ver mas alla.

Todo bien, yo solo sé que seguis sin negar que vivis con tus viejos, lo mas probable es que seas un gordito fracasado de 18 años que todavia ni siquiera trabaja.

Igual bastante gracioso que culmines todo esto con la conversion de pesos a reales, demostrando lo poco que podes conectar una idea (Es 1 PESO, no real, tontito) y pensando que el que tu moneda tenga menos numeros equivale a una economia mas fuerte.
Que tipo tan ignorante y estupido hermano, das demasiada gracia, el como quedas en evidencia con mensajes de como mucho 100 palabras es insano, no vi a alguien tan estupido como vos en mucho tiempo.

edit: que pasó, de la nada hablas ese ingles de educacion pobre de la nada? No tranqui, puedo proveer para mi familia aunque viva independientemente, tambien puedo proveer para el "emprendimiento" de tu vieja en las favelas.

posted about 2 years ago

Gano en usd, no funciona ese argumento conmigo, puedo contratar a la puta de tu vieja que vive en las favelas por 1/100 del sueldo que gano para que me satisfaga.
Importante reconocer que lo unico que negaste fue lo del idioma, no todo lo demas, asi me gusta pedazo de fracasado! primero sali de la casa de tus viejos para decirle algo asi a alguien mas.
Y no, entender cuando lees un idioma no es hablarlo, pero bueno, que esperar de un tipo con el iq igual al de un animal.

posted about 2 years ago

Pedazo de imbecil, queres que hable mi idioma? lo voy a hablar, pero ni siquiera lo entendes, vas a tener que ir a google translate de igual manera porque en tu pequeñito cerebrito solo cabe un idioma pedazo de estupido.
Ademas, a quien verga estas llamando fracasado? Gordo boludo, seguis viviendo con tus viejos, solo sabes hablar un puto idioma y con el iq que manejas lo maximo que podes aspirar es tener un trabajo publico fijo despues de salir de la escuela mediocre en la que estas.
Acudis a la xenofobia, a los insultos una y otra vez, pero a un comentario donde solo aclaro el malentendido que el mismo ASPAS reconocio me decis racista, tu cabeza no hace sentido, esta tan llena de mierda que lo poco que podes procesar lo reconoces como un insulto/ataque.
Deja de responderme cornudo, alguien tan patetico como vos no deberia de estar aca.

posted about 2 years ago

Not only they group us with BR for some reason when we are different regions, but now we get grouped with ASIA to get the narrative going.
nah bro i cant.

posted about 2 years ago

Nice, aspas racist confirmed because he is friends with keznit.

No, you're just insulting since you got in this forum, u keep insulting me and even you got to be xenophobic, then cried racism at every chance you get you cringy mf. The shitty person is you, not anyone else but you, if everyone says you're a shitty hypocritical person and you keep insisting that everyone but you is bad, i think you should do a little retrospection on yourself.

And speak english you dumb bitch or get the fuck off this site if ure unable to, why the fuck i have to respond to someone who can't even understand half of the forum post and then calls them all "retarded"

posted about 2 years ago

I mean, I asked you where I was racist, what sarcasm are you talking about???
Just show me bro, show me I'm wrong or stop bullshitting and crying


posted about 2 years ago

When I was racist? LOL then u guys expect to be taken serious when making this accusations.
Weren't you the one pming insulting me?? Then made a thread crying racism?
Edit: found it LOL https://www.vlr.gg/126880/this-forum-is-totally-racist

posted about 2 years ago

I think with NA we are 3-3? You're the ones who are like 1-7 against NA lol

posted about 2 years ago

flag + kru owns ur entire region

posted about 2 years ago

how is stating a fact make it an achievement LOL.

I said that LEV's results depended on how much they improved, because as we all know their capacity to improve is insane, i just thought it would be real close but PRX would win.
You just thought that PRX is bad because ????? you're just stupid and then you proceed to say ZETA > LIQUID and PRX to cope LOL

We are not the same, i have thoughtful thinking, you just try to cope

posted about 2 years ago

bro LOL i have already said they are a bad matchup for them, EVEN if they win they will get 0-2 right after, thats what im counting on.

then again, this has nothing to do with keznit owning ur entire region + loud getting grouped if they were in a real group.

posted about 2 years ago

leviatan is 0-0 in masters against brazil.
kru is 4-0 in masters against brazil.

and thats why he owns ur entire region.

posted about 2 years ago

And then lost to northeption who also lost to edg.

damn, the cope is reaching his limits, you really want to make the point of ZETA> liquid and PRX only to say you literally didn't get the easiest group in this tourney LOL

posted about 2 years ago

no shit he would, at the time they were getting shit on by KRU.

Things change! Now they barely scrimmed against each other this champs.

posted about 2 years ago

Bruh counting regionals games against teams with no economic support to get and edge lmaoooooooo, try again only with vct records.

posted about 2 years ago

not only that but put loud in kru or lev groups and they get grouped.

they won 2 times against ZETA who is arguably the 2nd best team in JP after northeption who couldn't qualify

posted about 2 years ago

LOL they can't teach aim, remember they are braindead only aim!

Also not the reasons he gave but sure u know better i guess.

posted about 2 years ago

no, there is lower bracket, onur already said that LOUD is a bad match up for them.

also it haves nothing to do with keznit owning ur entire region but ok

posted about 2 years ago

and also ur region + fluke masters 1 2nd place

posted about 2 years ago

cuz he owns their entire region

posted about 2 years ago

no, they misunderstood when he said "primate", thats a word used in chilean poor zones to say he's a friend.

aspas and keznit know each other since csgo and are friends since then, they're just trying to make keznit look bad, like always.

posted about 2 years ago

no, thats mwzera: 0 comms only aim, brings every team he is in down.

Thats why he will not be in franchising, well deserved.

posted about 2 years ago

i didn't, you guys do lol https://www.vlr.gg/126880/this-forum-is-totally-racist
learn 2 read

posted about 2 years ago

nah we're okay with FPX, they were just better.
just amazing to see that the only people hating on KRU are BR, then cry when they get hate on this site alleging racism.
just want LEV to win

posted about 2 years ago

flag also i stated facts

posted about 2 years ago

keznit owns ur entire region + lives rent free in ur head LOL

posted about 2 years ago

nah, you don't only put the wrong link because you're pretty dense, you link the game where keznit had to go to the hospital right after it was over. No fucking shit he would be frustrated wtf?

for real bruh get a life

insight in how keznit always is the one talking after rounds to cheer them up, even if trembo just want to lie and get a narrative going!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHRklbzGlCY

posted about 2 years ago

Actually no? This is the first time I have seen him do this ever?

Trembo ure a sick person, your parasocial relationships with the players makes me kinda sick

posted about 2 years ago
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