Flag: | Argentina |
Registered: | March 24, 2022 |
Last post: | February 3, 2025 at 12:44 PM |
Posts: | 1022 |
Common tastycookie L
Do a great masters
Be close to get out of groups
Kick second best performing player in masters and not jonn
Keznit brazillians slayers buff, KRU just does not lose against br teams
Kekw x2 u were almost right though, just wrong sided
Pero si CJ ya no tiene ni team, por ahora veo que le afecto más a el
The guard came as first seed of NA winning against Optic, but Optic proved being better at international events. Competitive valorant is not linear, KRU has a lot of experience against BR teams and LEV flopped when they played against NIP (not to mention LCQ). It's not crazy to think that KRU is more likely to perform better against NIP than LEV.
?? KRU won 2-0 against LEV just 2 weeks ago, sometimes underdog wins happens, if match ups didnt matter then there is no reason to have more than 1 seed for region.
KRU have a better match up against NIP than LEV.
Ahahaha just asked why
4 días para resetear, ojalá sea la primera vez con dos representantes en Latam
En 11 rondas no pudieron controlar medio una vez, wtf
Obvio, estoy de acuerdo, tacolilla está en su peak performance junto con shy, hasta ahora shy había pasado desapercibido pero estos dos games (menos la primera mitad del primer mapa) está súper prendido, no sé cuál es su clutch% en este match pero seguro que es alto.
Ahora, hablando de mapas, KRU domino siempre en split y el breeze de LEV demostró no ser tan bueno. Siento sinceramente que si gana LEV es 3-2 en el bind (ojalá me equivoqué y lo terminen acá jaja).
Pienso igual que los primeros dos mapas es donde más chances tiene en general LEV para ganarle a KRU, puede haber un reverse sweep tranquilamente.
Aunque otra vez digo, por mi que gane LEV, KRU tiene más chances contra NIP
Why? LEV won 2 out of the last 3 havens and still lost the series
No sé, LEV siempre juega mejor vs KRU, por mi que ganen, porque no creo que ganen el LCQ vs br
damn como va a terminar asi, lindo match igual
How? Lmao
Lol cringe
Ni siquiera viste el game monito, pero bueno, disfruta el mapa donde tenes que pickear chamber y viper el 100% de las veces porque sino perdiste
borren breeze por el amor a dios, despues dicen que es un mapa que solo basta con tener buen aim, cuando el mapa solo se trata de OP control.
feniz veni para las, no te merecen
kru 2-0 aunque a FS los veo para LCQ
lev 2x1 xolos
You're saying this while the guy you are answering is outside of Latam.
Average braindead trembolona L
sigo diciendo que deberian de ser 3 de lan y 3 de las para el spot en vct, MOX y 9z lo tienen dificilisimo compitiendo contra los top2 de LATAM en general solo por un spot para la verdadera final.
Sería poético que bandicoot después de boquear aquella vez quede afuera por el mismo team que insultó
i told you, shitty masters with shitty format giving the worst region a free pass to playoffs, they win only 3 fluke bo3 and lose a bo5, but sure they are the second best lmaooooooooo
yes, the "Brazilian Slayers", gl getting out of groups!
XD fluke run + only region who have not got out of groups ever
lol? our whole event fucked up because some br alleged racism and what free pass card? We had to play play in, with the team that 3-0 loud, why? why not loud if BR didn't achieve nothing in 3 whole events???? But sure, you get to skip groups otherwise u can't get out lmao
No? Because EU/LATAM having 1000 problems + shit format allowed region that didn't get out of groups in his history get a free pass card?
sure, nice job explaining br logic
lmao came back from vacations, nice cinderella run just to get 3-0 lmaoooooooooo
vamoooo drx
Yeah sure, thats the reason that i said it must be nice winning something after lossing that much ahahahaahaha
Of course, the only way that you can play playoffs is not playing group stage, but sure, the region who have the least accomplishments is better!
Another delusional BR fan lmao
Lmaooo the only region that never got out of groups, enjoy your fluke win, must be nice winning something after so much time lossing ahahahshahsha
? Fluke win, congratulations? Still the worst region
Lmaoooo u were talking about valorant until you realized what i said is true ahahahahaha, BR have no accomplishment whatsoever because they can't even get out of groups lmaoo literally the worst region
Another one: Now with JP getting out of groups, BR is officially the worst region overall counting all masters altough they had 2 seeds every masters.