And asia is getting 6 slots right? LATAM and BR are different regions (México is in NA), just because riot for whatever reason wanted to do a region vs region LCQ does not mean they're the same
Flag: | Argentina |
Registered: | March 24, 2022 |
Last post: | February 3, 2025 at 12:44 PM |
Posts: | 1022 |
And asia is getting 6 slots right? LATAM and BR are different regions (México is in NA), just because riot for whatever reason wanted to do a region vs region LCQ does not mean they're the same
They didnt add anything wtf
Yes, and Brazil is either Brazil or SA right?
México is both for definition bro, riot just prefers making México from LATAM for the language barrier with NA.
KRU 2-0 VK
This Is like saying Asia is getting 6 slots. LATAM and BR are different regions (México is in NA), just because riot for whatever reason wanted to do a region vs region LCQ does not mean they're the same
yes they did, also with crowd unlike here
only match keyd will win on upper bracket
you're actually from trinidad and tobago? thats sick, how do you comunicate in ranked on latam servers?
ahahahaahaha but i was dissing trembo not you!! you upped a rank by baiting trembo, congratz
imagine comparing champions with the worst masters ever and getting baited by a fakeflagger lmao
bruh, you guys need to understand that if you consume something does not make it mainstream, i don't expect you to know who ibai is although you can know from being in this space:)
nah, i know him but i don't really think critikal is that known
bro klaus is an argentinian igl, just think in the long term, he could migrate to a br team any time soon!
i mean last year they didn't have any more data though
When they consider seeding (atleast in LoL) is by region and they consider like the last 8 internationals.
But yeah i don't know how they consider seeding here.
Yes, very normal response to Keznit comparing someone to CJ LMAO only in Brazil
I mean, if a bunch of people send death threats to a player so he doesnt play or so he can underperform they have a chance, even if theyre bad
Considering that NA is a 1 team region i don't think that will be any problem.
But yes, not doing a SA/NA franchise is stupid.
Wdym its the same from last year, riot just took 1 slot from 2 of Brazil cuz they were the worst region last year and put it into a LCQ
Yeah no bro, you were the only ones doing these kind of threads, and yeah "go home arrogante kru" is hating, if you can't even see that you are just another BR delusional fan.
Bye, not going to respond again you proved me right.
You are the most delusional and hating fanbase in this site, do this shit over and over then play víctims, like you are right now
Wdym lol, just last week there was a lot of threads of br spreading hate lmao
yes, i feel like we didn't have a entertaining series since FNC vs LEV
GG! What a boring series though, not even 1 map was close
Wrong flag bro, kru Is not from NA! Ur welcome
Well, last masters EMEA's 1st seed couldnt attend, so by your standards("youve played against every top team from every region") they are not worlds champions?
There were threads where they put Loud top 2 of all teams after they got last place. I think they are the most overrated
He Is talking about slots in the franchise, is presumed to be 6 NA 2 BR and 2 LATAM
"i'm stating facts!!!" Proceeds to link a bunch of biased BR influencers LMAO.
Common trembolona L should have stayed banned sad
Idk but with Americas franchise this Is very problematic, depending where it will be hosted (presumably NA) t2 NA teams potentially getting scrims with t1 teams while t2 LAS/BR teams getting shit practice plus less talent on soloq.
I hate franchising so bad its unreal.
Latam includes LAN, its not entirely SA.
They are two different regions, this is like saying why ASIA has 4 spots lmao
KRU Is not looking strong rn and theyre very dependant on mental (look m1 after dgzin drama) now with Keznit death threats idk what will happen.
Hope to see good valorant though
Melser 1v2 on ascent was so important and insane, but i don't really remember plays:(
i just don't understand why they don't do SA and NA franchises, Americas franchise doesnt even make sense geographically.
This is so upsetting for LATAM and BR fans
also owning your region and getting out of groups, achievement that not even the top2 could even do! lmao
And the only game saadhak was last was vs líquid? Wtf Is that cope. Vs NIP (last match before KRU) saadhak topfragged too, this further confirming they were playing like that and youre coping hard
and LOUD lost against KRU even when an sadhaak won a map for them.
so you guys are even less than a 0 team region? damn
XD holy shit, yes your 1 team region is not shitty please don't be upset anymore
what lmao, not obviously their peak, they got last this tournament remember?
Thats the thing, i know they are not playing like m1, the "bad day" excuse is just delusional and pure cope.
aspas doesnt top frags and rely on saadhak to win their map selection vs KRU; n-no! t-they were playing bad even if we played the same vs optic!
keznit was sick 2 matchs in a row and had to go to an hospital after optic's game: nahhh they were destroyed!
yes sure alitmanus im delusional for saying that LOUD is not top2 internationally and that smart plays are not LOUD identity.
englando very hardo please no fake flaggerino
but they did not, not only that, but were last losing to KRU, no top2 would not make it out like that
that underperform bullshit i don't buy it though, they kept on losing playing the same way they did vs KRU.
as i said, you talking about loud like they are about smart plays and talking about LEV like they are the same 2 months ago is just funny
OP said top2 of every team right now, im not talking about master 1 what