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Registered: March 17, 2022
Last post: June 3, 2024 at 7:43 AM
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I don't think people come here looking for university app advice (people usually just ask stuff on the gradadmissions reddit). They would just assume you're trying to flex.

Anyway, what are you majoring in?

Also, you don't have to call someone braindead or stupid for this.

posted about a year ago

Shao isn't on Guild or Optic. He plays on FPX.

posted about a year ago

FPX didn't destroy DRX on Haven. Regardless of the final score, the map was very close, and it was Shao solo-winning them 4-5 rounds that prevented FPX from losing 5-13.

posted about a year ago

DRX would have won 13-4 or 13-5 if not for Shao fucking them up.

posted about a year ago

how would you lose the gun buddy just because you lose a few games?

posted about a year ago

yes, I felt M3C's brim pick on icebox was pretty good too.

posted about a year ago

The triple sentinel icebox comp (Chamber, Sage, KJ, Sova, Viper) seems very strong. Teams walk up to a site, get a plant and then play post-plant with Sova, Viper, and KJ (defence is strong anyway with 3 sentinels and viper). I think this comp was started by G2 if I remember correctly.

How do you think other teams can counter this in the upcoming matches?

posted about a year ago

They try to farm orbs for KJ ult, and Alfajer keeps finding kills, so ult every 2-3 rounds.

posted about a year ago

Sage - Sheydos
KJ - Less, sushiboys, Alfajer

posted about a year ago

Graduated from IIT Gandhinagar, joined UCSD for MS.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

ah, thanks

posted about a year ago

I guess that helps

posted about a year ago

oh okay, thanks!

posted about a year ago

I was wondering if you know which city or state different pro teams or players play from.

Does any pro or streamer play in California?

posted about a year ago

I feel like you're only looking at placements when comparing older and newer IITs. You can't really expect much when you just have a BTech, and if your whole batch puts in the required effort, they will all get placed, but they won't. I graduated from an IIT.

Yes, I know that NA and Europe have better colleges. They're also expensive (if you go to a good one). I joined for MS in the US.

Just don't say that IITs are down bad when they're among the best options you have in India (also much cheaper than the US and better ROI if you put in some work).

posted about a year ago

Depends on the player and the team. It's not exactly wrong for an IGL to play duelist.

posted about a year ago

All the best!

Don't spend much time on vlr or Valorant or any social media for that matter.

posted about a year ago

So if IITs are average, did you find any better engineering colleges in India?

Also, the situation is a lot better in older IITs than in newer IITs.

posted about a year ago

How do you think these tests should be?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Gave JEE 4 years ago, and graduated a month ago

posted about a year ago

Increase the TP cooldown from 20s to 40s and remove the slow effect from the ultimate.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Do look closely at Fnatic and DRX as well.

posted about a year ago

I think bdog is a good oper and someone who could learn new agents fast

posted about a year ago

I think these are new fans, these threads from Optic fans began very recently

posted about a year ago

yes they played well to make it into a 1v1, despite being on a low buy

posted about a year ago

100T has a lot of potential for a fresh squad, but their players must remain calm in these high-pressure situations. They shouldn't put themselves in situations where they have to come back.

posted about a year ago

they aren't 100T fans

posted about a year ago

there are more than 2 threads now, and most of them aren't 100T fans

posted about a year ago

he has played controllers before on his old teams

posted about a year ago

sounds more sensible than the original post

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yes, this is the important thing. Dropping Stellar for 5 seconds of stupidity doesn't make much sense.

posted about a year ago

Yes, Stellar played that clutch stupidly in the last second, but he has been good in general.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, he won't be able to forget that. The map could have gone 100T's way with that win.

posted about a year ago

NGL it was a little bit of Stellar being dumb for a second

posted about a year ago

Yes, it's viable, not braindead. I have been feeling the same thing since this roster started playing.
If Will plays Chamber and Asuna plays duelist, then Bang will have to play Skye/Kayo (which he is good at) and Stellar will have to play smokes. Seems fine, but I guess the players wanted the roles they are currently running. I remember hearing that bang wanted to play smokes and Asuna wanted to play flex on an interview.

posted about a year ago

Wait a minute...I've seen this somewhere

posted about a year ago

Common styling L

posted about a year ago

Yeah, his Raze is a little shaky (satchels I mean), but he is doing extremely well for a new role. nAts is going nuts too.

posted about a year ago

Yes FNATIC is super consistent. I think Optic Gaming (Envy) has also been comparably consistent.

posted about a year ago

Individually: Babybay is better

With their team: Victor is better

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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