Advise: don't watch watch party streamers if they only talk 10% about the game
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Registered: | September 18, 2021 |
Last post: | January 30, 2023 at 9:14 AM |
Posts: | 1721 |
Advise: don't watch watch party streamers if they only talk 10% about the game
How tf is balla goated lol the dud pulling out braindead takes on platchat podcast. And pansy just always giggles while casting
Imagine being american hater and nba fan at the same time lmao ironic
Didn't know cilantro is still relevant these days
That's what happens when u keep recycling players and don't take a risk on new talents
like bruh just check his stats all previous matches, all bot frag. i would at least understand if he's the igl but he's not
hot take (don't even know if this is a hot take): ghost getting carried all the way to apac
zellsis and boaster
afaik it's gonna be on september or even more later
Mind translating?
u do realize that there are ppl watching outside sa right?
Better if they have competition in korean scene. Better for their scene, i also want to see a new kr team in masters.
G2 is not savable from being a dogshit team
They in hard copium just because of the previous matches lmao
The battle of the washed teams
It's been almost an hour and the audio is still not fixed jeez it's unbelievable.
G2 is a hopeless org no matter who they get
Dogshit org with poor work ethic players in it. So worthless giving efforts supporting this team except sick and tenz
Bruh this soccer game is boring, the game can end with only 1-0 score
Not even insecure, it's just sad that the scene is shaky already.
FalleN would easily smoke these self proclaimed tier 1 teams but sadly he wont switch to val
CSgo killer but has 28k viewers for masters. Val not even 3 years yet but dying already. Nitro did the right move, he switched back to cs because he knew that the val scene will soon die
My bad, because i don't watch peak t2 teams
Why are these tier 2 teams winning lol. This is too much of a low skill ceiling. This game is so random that I wont even be surprised if guild qualifies despite being one of the worst tier 1 teams right now.
Said by the ireland, province of england