Flag: Brazil
Registered: November 30, 2021
Last post: September 21, 2022 at 8:35 PM
Posts: 288
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No one plays Chamber like Yay.

posted about 2 years ago

Eu não concordo, porém o Fallen está olhando o lado dele. Contudo, como um todo, Kim Kataguiri é um deputado ruim.

A trajetória do Kim Kataguiri na política é suja, surfou na onda das manifestações de Junho de 2013 dizendo que eram apartidários, surfou na onda do anti-petismo prometendo ir atrás dos outros bandidos depois, surfou na onda do Bolsonarismo, apoiou o Eduardo Cunha diversas vezes, fez de tudo pra defender o Flávio Bolsonaro entre outras figuras corruptas do centrão.
Todos os membros da diretoria do MBL depois se vincularam a partidos de direita (alguns desses que compunham o centrão) inclusive um desses partidos foi o DEM que é o que sobrou do partido ARENA da ditadura. DEM que se fundiu com o PSL (que dos partidos pequenos que compunham a centro-direita foi um dos que mais esteve envolvido nos esquemas de corrupção da última década).
O MBL de Kataguiri também aparelhou o Patriota, partido de extrema-direita fiel ao bolsonarismo
Operaram no gabinete de ódio e de fake news

Enfim um hipócrita que com o tempo perdeu sua máscara liberal, mudou o discurso para ganhar o eleitorado conservador por meio de discursos e atitudes reacionárias com a intenção simples de se manter na política e garantir seu salário de deputado. Pessoa nova porém fazendo uso da velha política.

posted about 2 years ago

I have no info about DRX, and i don't know when Optic and Leviatán started their bootcamps

Loud scrimmed with XSET
Loud also scrimmed a lot with Optic --> I think this tweet: https://twitter.com/yayFPS/status/1561994945363320832?s=20&t=iP38BUZjpeQOEMoAsm6CAw was because yay is excited to play and practice with the Latam/BR teams that will join the America's franchise

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Benkai said they're a good team. They're in Champions so they definitely are a good team. But i don't think they are a title contender

posted about 2 years ago

Yes, that is a lot of secrets and plots on the Tower of God story, there is also good character development that we usually don't see on manhwas/manhuas. The art to mee seems pretty unique, it's his style.
Solo leveling has a pretty generic story, the development of the main character is not good, he changes too fast. But people like the weak becoming overpower, and the art is pretty sick

posted about 2 years ago

I've read them, but The breaker It's the closest thing to a manga

posted about 2 years ago

it has a better story, solo leveling has a better art

posted about 2 years ago

Yes i agree, here some good manhuas/manhwa/webtoon for whoever wants to read it:

  1. The beginning after the end (good story)
  2. Tower of God ( The best story for sure)
  3. Overgeared (good story and fun)
  4. Return of the Mount Hua Sect (very simple story, but it's fun)
  5. Sleeping Ranker (it has potential)
  6. Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint (it's distinct, it was the first time that i read a story with this Streaming thing)
  7. Leveling With the Gods (Starts well)
  8. The Breaker (The best of the Murin type)
posted about 2 years ago

I don't think so, most of the manhwas and manhuas are divided into one of these 3 genres:

  1. Isekais
  2. Cultivation (Martial arts in which the main character take some pills and get stronger, sometimes it's mixed with isekai: a martial art isekai)
  3. Virtual reality (in most of them the Main character goes back on time or it's Isekai-like)
posted about 2 years ago

Sometimes it looks like people don't watch the matches or even the scores

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah it can happens, Zeta is training hard. I heard they've been at a EU bootcamp for more than two weeks

posted about 2 years ago

Any news about them: DRX, Paper Rex, Xerxia, Boom and EDG?

posted about 2 years ago

Não é o mesmo time, com a saída do Ablejj e a entrada do Dgzin a Furia ganhou outra pegada, os jogadores voltaram pra roles em que ficam mais confortáveis também. A Furia com o Xand sempre pegou top 3. Viaja não. TBK e Furia foram os melhores times brs nesse LCQ.

posted about 2 years ago

kkkkkkkkkkkkkk esse copypasta é bom
Pool do mwzera: Raze (boa), Sova (mediano), Skye (mediana)

posted about 2 years ago

It's time for the multiple Champions scrimbux threads!!!

Teams that are in Europe/Istanbul:

  • ZETA - Poland (training there since 08/01)
  • Leviatán - Madrid - At CASE Esports
  • Loud - Madrid - At CASE Esports (since 08/12) --> Instanbul
  • XSET - Poland (since 08/14)
  • Optic - Poland
  • Furia - Istanbul (since 08/19)
  • Paper rex - Istanbul since 08/23
  • EDG - Istanbul since 08/23
  • Xerxia - Istanbul since 08/24
  • BOOM - Instanbul since 08/24
  • DRX - Instanbul since 08/24
    100T - Instanbul since 08/24
posted about 2 years ago

Phantom is better at LAN even on Breeze. It's because of the first shot accuracy. It makes a huge difference at LAN that's what PRO's says.

posted about 2 years ago

Concordo, acho que os times do VCT NA terão sim vantagem, mas talvez os times latinos de alguma forma ajudem os que estão fora da franquia.

posted about 2 years ago

Just facts. America franchise is going to be sad for the NA fans, they better prepare to cheer for BR/Latam teams

posted about 2 years ago

Franchise will show how stupid you are

posted about 2 years ago

KRU Valorant champions 2021: 3rd-4th
Loud valorant masters iceland: 2nd
Leviathan did great for their first international too: 5 - 6th

Kru and Loud had a tough group and less preparation for the matches, they still showed great matches.

There is no sense in what you're saying, you will see what Latam/Br will show you in this Champion

And i assure you America's franchise will be stronger than Asia's

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Told you guys: https://www.vlr.gg/110072/orgs-brs-liga-americana
Based on Logic not on rumors

posted about 2 years ago

Cara tá fazendo IGL e jogando como suporte 4/7/15 não tá ruim não doidão.

posted about 2 years ago

Não tem essa de não gostar. A VK é uma empresa pequena, foi rejeitada no CBLOL que é uma franquia menor que essa. Então era esperado ser rejeitada nessa também. Pagaram uma multa absurda num jogador, e o valor dessa multa com certeza corresponde a uma % bem gorda do faturamento dessa empresa, esse tipo de atitude acho que pode ter sido mal vista também.

posted about 2 years ago

I told him that Furia and NIP would advance.. Dude came out with 00nation and godsent

posted about 2 years ago

They have invested in the BR scene since the beginning of it. Also Final level the company who owns Gamelanders has more money than the other teams that didn't advanced

posted about 2 years ago

Gamelanders tem mais dinheiro, simples assim. E tá investindo no cenário desde que começou.

posted about 2 years ago

Mané duelista, o cara tá jogando 90% das partidas de Kayo

posted about 2 years ago

Já colocaram 4 do Gamechangers. O top 1 que domina o cenário feminino não consegue qualificar no open do VCT sempre perde pra algum fakezin Tier 2. Tá assistindo a Elite cup? Os time femininos não venceram nenhum jogo contra os Fakezin.
Esse top10-top14 são melhores que os do Gamechangers que ficaram de fora. Vale lembrar que a mesma fila que jogaram continua existindo, só vai ter uma acima em um horário restrito que tem ACESSO QUINZENAL pra quem ficar em primeiro na outra fila 24H

posted about 2 years ago

Só ele pegar um top1 quinzenal que ele sobe.

posted about 2 years ago

Para de comparar com esse jogo merda, cansativo.

posted about 2 years ago

Pois é dá pra entender elas, mas de certo consideraram mais esse porque foi na Lan né.
Bora ver se muda algo, até agora parecia uma ranked que se vai pro OT não termina em empate. Uma porrada de jogo que era só rush ponta

posted about 2 years ago

Gente reclamando que pode os 14 do VCT mas os 8 do Gamechangers não. Ue nem o top1 do gamechangers conseguiu classificar pro VCT

posted about 2 years ago

NIP and Immortals are bigger than both.
00nation is a new org, bought by Nordavind, they're new in this Market
Same for Godsent that used to be Final tribe

Sad to know about it I still think that Furia is one of the better options here.

posted about 2 years ago

It's going to be awesome to watch Brazilians stomping NA players in their own region just like in CS.

posted about 2 years ago

Then we have MIBR or NIP

posted about 2 years ago

I agree, It would be better if some of these NA orgs had to have 5 latam/br players

posted about 2 years ago

it is most expected that one of the organizations to get the Brazil spot is Furia, and they won't pay Mwzera and Heat's contractual fines. They will already have a lot of expenses to enter the franchise

posted about 2 years ago

I don't know if Leviathan has the money for that, even fusion. Not a big organization, they refused Luminosity which is bigger than them
If we don't include Brazil the only big Latam org that i can remember is KRU

But yeah most of these players should have a spot in the franchise

We will probably have more teams mixed with latam/br players

posted about 2 years ago

Não. Eles estão sem descansar já faz um tempo. Provavelmente descanso e 1 mês de bootcamp na Europa.

posted about 2 years ago

Muito burro mesmo, melhoras.

posted about 2 years ago

Fale por você, vira-lata

posted about 2 years ago

I would never cheer for an european team if they are against any latam teams. To be honest i would never cheer for an European team, I would not support a European team under any circumstances. Just ignore kids like Rabbit, they don't know yet that the reality is Latinos contra o mundo

posted about 2 years ago

Vergonha de quem fala isso. Não torço pra Europeu em contexto nenhum. Se for Europa x America latina vou torcer pra latino sempre em qualquer modalidade.

posted about 2 years ago

"Tentando salvar a imagem do top 1 br" KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
Continua aí chorando pra opinião de criança gringa em forum por conta de Br brincando de zika reversa.
Sim a Riot vai analisar os comentários de pessoas de outras regiões no VLR pra definir slot internacional.

posted about 2 years ago

Burrinho você em

posted about 2 years ago

for the winner: 11500 Valorant points
2nd: 5550 Valorant points
3-4: Minima Ares skin

i'm 100%sure.

posted about 2 years ago

Average player, bad human being

posted about 2 years ago

Delusional loud fanboy...

posted about 2 years ago
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