Flag: Europe
Registered: May 28, 2022
Last post: September 5, 2023 at 5:51 AM
Posts: 7147
1 •• 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 •• 137

Never trust Indians in their delusional takes, the lesson learnt from their delusional valo takes

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Good team even though the valo scene at CN is still restricted but too less exposure to vct, hence lacking in experience

posted about a year ago

me when Suygetsu cries after getting trashtalked by DRX: "that's so toxic 😡😡💢💢"
me when Suygetsu trashtalked Boaster: "lmao true, it's just banter guys why mad 🤣🤣🤣🤣"

posted about a year ago

I'm from Northern Mariana Islands and my favorite team is Ghetto Artist

posted about a year ago

I'm just copying his sentence, I'm joking😘

posted about a year ago

This is exactly why I hate KR fans. Random vlr users took a dump on KR and Koreans just cry about it . Korean fans are so ass I cant wait for 2023

posted about a year ago

Delusional Koreans

posted about a year ago

Vlr users acting like FPX except Shao isn't toxic lol, they deserved to be in the list than most pros in the list🗿🗿

posted about a year ago

Female MC is not pretty

posted about a year ago

sScary is back!!! He just needed time to adapt

posted about a year ago

We can all blame this on one specific person🗿

posted about a year ago

0 stars 0 life

posted about a year ago

We are different from those 0-3 stars peasants

posted about a year ago

I love how OP meant who's gonna win Sao Paulo but people responding think it's about CS

posted about a year ago

Wait does agent pick affect this?

posted about a year ago

SkRossi ❎No LAN
Tenz ✅Masters win

Tenz owns

posted about a year ago

The song is good though

posted about a year ago

2 people watching🗿

posted about a year ago

I'm just kidding

posted about a year ago

Battle of irons, I'm excited

posted about a year ago

Germany wins world cup

posted about a year ago

Popularity score≠views

posted about a year ago

I like to eat Sushi without the rice

posted about a year ago

RickyIndian is a fake Shahzam fan instead u should be a fan of Indians proud---SkRossi

posted about a year ago

I'm a yay believer

posted about a year ago

Practice aim at range and deathmatch before playing
Then use aimbot cheat

posted about a year ago

Not only FNS though, it's the whole team and coach

posted about a year ago

Do u have rightnut?

posted about a year ago

Only SkRossi is the correct answer

posted about a year ago

I don't see any spam threads at hltv 🗿

posted about a year ago

Ok LOL fan

posted about a year ago

The first page filled with tons of Worlds spam threads with many not even surpassing 10 replies, literally many 1 or 2 replies threads🗿
Like why don't even go to LOL forum where u can really get discussion 🗿

posted about a year ago

Rigged by Tencent bots

posted about a year ago

No one cares about worlds here

posted about a year ago

It's technically just a ranked match for pros lmaoo, pros also get diff in ranked match every time, not a big deal

posted about a year ago

No way u are comparing a ranked match with pros to official tournament matches

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

How can people hate Romanians when we don't even know Romania

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Downvoted, get on your knees and thank me

posted about a year ago

Downvoted , no need to thank me

posted about a year ago

No one cares about worlds here except a few from a specific place, boring

posted about a year ago

Remove icebox, shit map

posted about a year ago

W, it's good to see them expanding the staffs
Still waiting for analyst/coaching staff announcement though

posted about a year ago

Drake fanboy found

posted about a year ago

Meteor owns

posted about a year ago

10, 2 monitors for each room

posted about a year ago

Meteor deserves a place

posted about a year ago

I mean I named them on purpose

posted about a year ago
1 •• 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 •• 137