Flag: Europe
Registered: May 28, 2022
Last post: September 5, 2023 at 5:51 AM
Posts: 7147
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And? What are u implying?

posted about a year ago

Already formed months ago, not new

posted about a year ago

Won against a newly formed team

posted about a year ago

Shahzam 1 vs 5 still clears

posted about a year ago

Some indian fans say they are T2 at SA kekw
How the tables have turned

posted about a year ago

At Mickey mouse tournament against new teams

posted about a year ago

Crying at SkRossi maybe, diffed twice

posted about a year ago

Let SA teams play only so they can actually win

posted about a year ago

So? Cuz u guys like u will reply me lol

posted about a year ago

As I said , I don't care

posted about a year ago

India, I don't care

posted about a year ago

Diffed by Fluky

posted about a year ago

His fans still delusional, dude played so many APAC tournaments still can't win shit, top at SA but not top at APAC

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Lost to a new team again kekw, chamber diff again lol

posted about a year ago

Yet got diffed in 1vs1, keep trying

posted about a year ago

As I said, I already stated my points on how he diffed him lmao and u guys are just ignoring it lol, braindead cuz u can't accept it

Btw, as u agreed on my point that Rossi is not a top player then Deryeon easily clears him lol

posted about a year ago

Higher kda, more wins in 1vs1 against Rossi lol?

posted about a year ago

U are talking like u stood ground,my boy, is SkRossi a top player at APAC, u sure bro?

posted about a year ago

Not a top player though

posted about a year ago

I stated my points u stated yours, no point to argue, wait until the day Rossi frags at APAC

posted about a year ago

Get a win at APAC then we can talk, a higher acs doesn't mean shit

posted about a year ago

Drop all and get a new import roster

posted about a year ago

So? Still diffed by Deryeon
One proven at APAC, one got rekt at APAC

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Losing to a random new team yeah

posted about a year ago

Easy for Bleed, a new team still wins

posted about a year ago

Man thinks Rossi is better

posted about a year ago

Not an excuse Bleed is a random new team lol and GE how long has this team been playing for

posted about a year ago

24/17 and 24/23 kda
1vs1 5-4 in favour of deryeon
What u on? A good player yes he is but that play is so common lmao, insane no

posted about a year ago

Diffed by deryeon

posted about a year ago

Comeback? In ur dreams lol

posted about a year ago

U want GenG to be bot at next year kickout tournament

posted about a year ago

Language barrier

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Ahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahha wtffffff is this, that last round is so funny hahahahahahahahahahahahahsha vlt fade running to die

posted about a year ago

They have months to prepare lmao, plenty of time to bond

posted about a year ago

Candy crush

posted about a year ago

8/8 u guys got me

posted about a year ago

C9 top team confirmed

posted about a year ago

Where is RNT? Bribe confirm( jk

posted about a year ago

pls pick Vera up for franchise!!

posted about a year ago

I mean the players..... It looks like there aren't many good TH players anymore

posted about a year ago

Son, it's time to wake up

-Father of Supernova

posted about a year ago

Is there even hope for Thailand at franchise?

posted about a year ago

PH is bot at SEA without Team Secret

posted about a year ago
1 •• 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 •• 137