Flag: Ukraine
Registered: September 15, 2021
Last post: May 16, 2024 at 3:20 PM
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VLR rankings mean not that much tbh, SAW in portugal is 5th in EMEA, the Union is second in Brazil, Dplus is over Gen.G

current 100t is not debatable with prime optic AT THIS MOMENT
if 100t gotta dominate Americas and do hella well internationally to compete with peak optic

posted about a year ago

FURIA gonna own everyone

posted about a year ago

only one brazil representative, great plan

posted about a year ago

it honestly depends on the region,

that is very true in pacific
there are a few duelists in EMEA that imo deserve t1, masic and woot come to mind
in Americas, there are a lot of good duelists but not a lot of GREAT duelists, t1 in Americas has the best duelists possible

also this is a problem that can only be fixed by people locking brimstone instead of jett for the first time

posted about a year ago

There is no discussing, its literally mindless hate

G2 is mostly being praised, they got flamed for losing to Turtle Troop
C9 criticism is slightly deserved cause they dropped FUCKING YAY
I haven't seen anything about DFM or RRQ in forever

posted about a year ago

then hate on the fans not the org

or just dont give it any piece of mind in the first place?

posted about a year ago

fym Global Esports get soft treatment lmao

a tenth of vlrs threads every day is people making fun of skrossi and global

they get more hate then all the other orgs you mentioned 😭😭😭😭😭

for literally 0 reason

posted about a year ago

the top 15 players at lockin were ALL support players lmfao

posted about a year ago

theres a shortage of good smokes player in pacific

kind of in EMEA because its so large

Americas has 0 shortage of good smokes

I can think of more S tier support players than duelists 😭😭😭

posted about a year ago

Why do some of yall have such a hate boner for this org 😭😭😭😭😭

I dont think any of their players has ever be anything but humble and kind
The org isn't poorly run and they are fully committing to their project and riots vision for franchising

good lord

posted about a year ago
  1. Its easy to be crazy at aim and pop off on a duelist (In pro terms)
  2. There are plenty of good initiators and flex players
  3. It is very difficult to IGL and even harder to be a great IGL
  4. Smokes are a naturally extremely supportive role, so if it seems like they're not fragging it doesn't mean they aren't doing their job
  5. nAts, tuyz, mako, ange1, crws, s0m, skuba, pancada i could go on
posted about a year ago

G2 is actually botting this site good lord

posted about a year ago

He should IGL too

posted about a year ago

optic win i think

fns is gonna have a game

posted about a year ago

young players with high potential

you will see these players grow and improve through Split 1

they will surprise imo

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
  1. sorry guys, NAVI, loud, drx, NRG, leviatan and fnatic use their strats at this mickey mouse tournament, it is impossible for teams to make new strats
    its the EG, RRQ, MIBR, Heretics era now

  2. because why?

  3. you're just one off

  4. because why?

  5. Leo MVP, chronicle two time winner, alfa, boaster and derke beat the undisputed best sentinels, duelists and IGLs in the world

posted about a year ago

i hope so

dicey is so awesome

posted about a year ago

babybay and supamen cant even clear oxygen bro

posted about a year ago

we shall see,

anyway chronicle and yinsu own you unfortunately

posted about a year ago

you're too focused on Fnatic and EMEA

you need to be more focused on faze making it out of NA challengers 😭

posted about a year ago

bro i know you're still seething that EMEA and boaster won a trophy

but the amount of coping is too far 😭

posted about a year ago

How can someone be a repeat fluker 😭😭😭😭😭

a fluke literally means an outlier

a fluke would be chronicle not making a grand final at a lan

posted about a year ago

Too early to discuss fixing a team

wait until split one is done

posted about a year ago

That is never gonna happen

posted about a year ago

nah i think GE is looking to solely focus on this project

GE dont need yay tbh

posted about a year ago

Talon takes first seed in big upset
DRX second
Global makes it through crazy nailbiter

posted about a year ago

Masters Berlin is peak

But I’m a biased gambit diehard so πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

posted about a year ago

gotcha thank you,

i was worried there for a moment

posted about a year ago

Chronicle was playing i couldnt not rep the fnatic flair for lock//in

ill switch to talon for their match days dw

posted about a year ago

d3ffo and something play the same roles but in two polar opposite ways

d3ffo was a dedicated space maker that let the superstars go in and annihilate everyone, it was a very selfless way to play duelist and he was key at their run at berlin

something has the ability to just take over an entire lobby that d3ffo didn't have with Gambit

im not even saying that something would've been better than d3ffo in the context of Gambit

but now that my favorite team is gonna be gone for many many many years
i like to think about how things mightve been different

posted about a year ago

I am a d3ffo defender till i die but imagine if peak Gambit had this Russian Aspas

posted about a year ago

Leo is chopped liver apparently

posted about a year ago

yea thats fair, i feel like they could've had that match against Apeks

they have potential

posted about a year ago

Apeks, Acend, and to some extent fokus and parla

posted about a year ago

nah no way, there are no stats to back that up

posted about a year ago

There are so many gaps mistakes in GEs game

However these mistakes are very fixable

The ceiling for this team is high

posted about a year ago

Chronicle and Derke

posted about a year ago

I don’t think you know what hate speech is

posted about a year ago

I am so sick of icebox it’s insane

I need breeze or bind back

posted about a year ago

Take out icebox I beg

posted about a year ago

no shot

posted about a year ago

rip NRG aiden

posted about a year ago

bro its platchat, they do not take shit seriously

dont take it seriously

posted about a year ago
1 β€’β€’ 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 β€’β€’ 98