Flag: Uruguay
Registered: April 15, 2021
Last post: October 9, 2023 at 8:43 PM
Posts: 527
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phoenix imo

posted about 2 years ago

I don't think he would be a tenZ, but he would have more impact than some one trick jett players out there. Anyway, he's one of the bests with operator so he would stay on Chamber I guess

posted about 2 years ago

seeding was wrong, said Tenstar Nova would lose to Guild X and happened, but they were moved to another to the wrong match in LB :(

posted about 2 years ago

better on duelist than flexing imo, he could be a good jett now with the nerf, now the jett posibilities match with his playstyle and not so much with the "agressive go kill brrrr" thing

posted about 2 years ago

ok chancho from zimbabwe

posted about 2 years ago

FNS (igl/sentinel)
Shanks (duelist/chamber)
Zombs (smoker/shittalker)
Xand (duelist/flex)
effys (initiator)

posted about 2 years ago

thx for the info manito. Idk RgLM tbh, they might be 4th anyways bc fuck GL lol

posted about 2 years ago

Group A

1) Loud - Might be the best as usual

2) Furia - 2nd place, 2nd best firepower and 2nd best strats

3) Los Grandes - Tier 2 team, might not get the last position but can't do any surprise imo

4) Stars - didn't see a shit, aren't Ingaming in their place btw?

5) Gamelanders Blue - there's stupid playstyle and stupid people fuck them lol


Group B

1) VK - They have to improve, I hope they do so

2) NiP - jett nerf might fuck xand's playstyle + bnj's move (wtf), they will be worse than last stage (I don't like their macrostrats at all btw)

3) TBK - didn't see so much, but they look better than Liberty

4) Liberty - 3 initiators goes brrrr

5) MiBR - didn't see anything actually, hope they do that gtn yoru thing

posted about 2 years ago

just get a coach and stop doing shit

posted about 2 years ago

wtf was that eco round everyone dying to shorties lmao

posted about 2 years ago

Its 2027. Im still watching the T1 x KNIGHTS Match. I had 4 children. Steel retired and his son is playing for him now. ban has over 3000 kills and Knights has a map point but gengshta clutches 1v3. My wife left me.

posted about 2 years ago

what did my mom do D:

posted about 2 years ago

bro clanless are not noname players, it wasn't bad to think they would win this xD

posted about 2 years ago

ikr sounds stupid

posted about 2 years ago


lasted like an hour

posted about 2 years ago

are they working with a coach already? I've heard about they were looking for one some weeks ago but I found no recent news about it

posted about 2 years ago

trust him

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

since he changed his flag he seems to be trembolonaReformed

posted about 2 years ago

lmao hahahahahaha

posted about 2 years ago

what does "FNS e um pouco pinas" mean? xD

posted about 2 years ago

ok now bench everyone except of cauanzin I guess xD

posted about 2 years ago

nah, bnj speaks PT very fluently

posted about 2 years ago

ashufgdjhakhhjagjhdjh wtf are they doing

posted about 2 years ago

me? supporting Laos players since 2022

posted about 2 years ago

NA: 100T & TGRD
EU: MRS, G2 & Acend
JP: ZETA, Crazy Racoon & Igzist
KR: -
APAC: Paper Rex, Bleed, Xerxia & Order
LATAM: everyone
BR: everyone except GLB lol

posted about 2 years ago

soulcas is good, they don't need new players, they need better strats

posted about 2 years ago

two losses and we're the worst region now, ok

posted about 2 years ago

they trolled de LAN but were the best team at EMEA playoffs (behind FPX, but I've already explained why are they 4th)

posted about 2 years ago

ok but why

posted about 2 years ago
  1. Gambit
  2. G2
  3. Optic
  4. FPX
  5. Paper Rex
  6. Loud
  7. Team Liquid
  8. Fnatic
  9. The Guard
  10. DRX

-FPX should be top 1/2 but with this shitty situations we only watched a few games with the complete roster, I know that they were beasts anyways but it's difficult to judge them like that
-Liquid are top 1 until they start trolling with comps and macro strats
-yep, PRX top 5. imo, they play valorant like they should do, agressive playstyle on defense and a good way to do map contact on the attacking side. They sadly lost against DRX and ZETA, but they showed sth never seen before that is SO effective.
-Despite fuckin it up on Masters, The Guard played an insane NA stage. If they play like they know, they will surely have another chance.
-Zeta would be top 11. Since the only thing I saw from 'em was the Masters run, I can't tell if they play as good as that so constantly.
-KRÜ would be top 11/12 like Zeta, they had a pretty good LATAM stage (and, obviously, the Champions run), but Masters performance was dissapointing. I've seen them playing as they know, but they need to show it to the world again to come back to the top 10.

posted about 2 years ago

Most of the best teams of BR has more than enough firepower to fight LANs, but they need to work on strats and playstyle

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

S- Optic, Guard, C9
A- 100t, XSET , V1, SEN , Ghost, Knights
B- NRG, TSM , Faze , LG
C- T1, Akrew, GENG, EG, Complexity

posted about 2 years ago

Bro what's achieving something for a "minor region" team for you? getting a win against a tier 1 world team? If that's the case, the only team that did "anything before champs" was DRX winning Acend at Berlin. It's absurd to criticize a team for not achieving something that almost any "minor region" team did. For me, KRU's Masters 3 run was achieving something: beating top 1 BR team and top 1 JP team, showing superiority against two regions with more slots at LANs and more visibility.
"look at Kru's history, an insignificant team in the international scene besides a few wins at champs XD": holy fuck, losing only against EMEA and NA teams is being insignificant for you? then make Masters 8 EMEA slots and 4 NA slots and fuck the rest of the regions

posted about 2 years ago

"how many rounds they win/lose maps by" they lost a map after 3 OT cycles and a 13-10 against a top 4 Masters team (and possibly top 1/2).
And ignoring the fact that talking about "fluke" is a bit disrespectful, you can't call fluke to their amazing run, which was bc they played very well, and not bc the enemies trolled (Fnatic were at their best point at Champs, and GMB were incredible as usual, besides that Furia and Sentinels were not the worst teams of the tournament as well).
And responding the "Anyone can look at some team and reference a few good wins they had over some other teams sometime in the past" statement... anyone can look at some team and reference a few bad loses a well xD

posted about 2 years ago

nt, but TSM played better

posted about 2 years ago

don't know about his attitude towards the scene, but well, if that's the truth, gl getting a non-toxic ambient on their next roster :/

posted about 2 years ago

Seven is the best player at the roster rn xD

posted about 2 years ago

Don't think so, even when he wasn't getting a huge amount of frags, he was getting lots of first kills, worthy agressive plays and good games in general. At least, that's what I saw from the few games I watched from Sharks. The only problem is Sharks, and tier 1.5/2 BR teams in general, they play... idk, they don't seem to play Valorant xD

posted about 2 years ago

good, gaabxx was one of the best duelists in BR and I wanted to see him in a LAN again

posted about 2 years ago

Liquid performed like a champs contender in groups, not trolling with comps and macros (like their games in haven with double initiator w/o Sova, or Jett+Neon in fracture). KRÜ played bad this Masters and that is recognizable, but you can't say they played bad because "they dropped every map", it's bad to analize them by generalized results. And it's even worse to ignore their entire last year achievements (and their matches on the LAS split this year) so you can say they are shit because of... losing two matches against tier 1 teams?

posted about 2 years ago

Oh ok, thought we were talking about leviatan xd.
KRÜ wasn't in their best moment at Masters, but... you rlly gonna judge KRÜ for not getting a map against LIQUID AND OPTIC? holy fuck

posted about 2 years ago

called it, only 3 games, I present you other 3 LEV games so you know a bit more about them


when they stop choking at important matches (like LCQ finals) bc of pressure, they will be almost as good as KRÜ or Loud for everybody in the scene

posted about 2 years ago

the only LATAM team people knows are KRU and LEV, and people watched 3 LEV games in their whole life. Minor regions are coming stronger, and LATAM is not an exception buddy

posted about 2 years ago

A Br + Latam LCQ is literally another guaranteed spot for a Brazilian team.>
bro could u shut up pls

posted about 2 years ago

lmao mb ahahahahahahaha

posted about 2 years ago
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