Bruh why is he hated so much?
Flag: | International |
Registered: | May 31, 2022 |
Last post: | March 9, 2025 at 2:40 PM |
Posts: | 1293 |
Bruh why is he hated so much?
Bruh we should not hate him there is a clear diff b/w hating a player and criticizing a player..eSports is ment to compete and enjoy not for stupid targeting of urs so pls keep it to urself my guy.
And it's not about TenZ no one should be getting blind hate
We all know Kj ulted why tf do need a ui for that
I think they looked promising and good they played well (actually very well) they have played only 4 games
These guys just aren't able to convert series...
Agreed realistically they all 7 players and 3 coaches have met like a week ago
And all of u scumbags who are saying t3xture is trash he is clearly not he is playing well : ) so stop hating on the players lmao GE played well but just lost..
Its not the org it's the fanbase bro
Haters might get offended but I think Lightning Fast can be a pillar on this team i personally would add him permanently because he is the guy who can literally play anything and still frag like crazy good
Personal preference i would go for Recon only because everyone has oni so i prefer buying skins who no one has.
Let's see bruh , I just wanna see them play whatever roles they play lol
Its not India actually it's more Like SA
There are many reasons why we are not a good region but saying we are shit is a bumer
Yes that's what I said as well.
I agree with u mate.
Nope..I'm not hating orgs there are so many good orgs as well Like VLT , OG , even to some extent GE RNT( except they change roster alot.) But none of them really give chance to young talent much except RNT but they changed there roster like crazy.
Before I start speaking people who can't handle any kind of comments on their fav team or region this thread ain't for u ;)
1.People demotivate their own players and call them shit.💩
2.No exposure we keep playing among ourselves and recently were ment to play against Good teams but its obv we would lose cuz No experience
3.Shit Orgs like Lethal who create controversies or teams who change rosters everyday there is a drama going on like every week
4.Lack of talent its obv there are that good players but who are good are not even taken in teams by these fraud orgs and they only got the chance recently.
These things are not ment to hate the region but I'm trying to say before u say we suck as a region we know that but we are trying our best stop being toxic on an online website it's a game and one team is bound to lose we will climb our way back but toxiccity is just bs
This is for all those who keep saying we are shit and ask why it's cuz of both shit orgs and many other factors.
No politics or cringe stuff i was pretty kind when i said this.
Who is saying them trash I'm saying it is not the approach and idk why Indians not saying this so ashamed ngl... Our region just demotivate our players and called them bad and they don't deserve franchise etc
Mioken and Mohit Israney was In Brazil 🤡🗿u have 0 knowledge they also shooted vlogs go and see
U said nothing wrong and ur right in ur own way but the fact that they have no Indian and even if they play with their intended roster they gonna have 1 is so fricking stupid in a country with so much young talent 1 player and they says we are here long terms i don't get it what was not the reason not to make a good Indian team w good 2-3 imports and a coach it would have work well ong term wtf is 5 duel doing in a Franchise League? In that too 1 Indian in not saying players are bad but approach is bs
Most probs rossi will play the next game :) but idk
GE doesn't even feel like Indian org and i don't have any fun supporting them
I get that but still there roster is ntg less than bs 🗿 pls can u stop defending??
Bro pls stop supporting GE this is the first time I'll actually say fans are not completely wrong pls stop defending them like crazy nor GE is wrong nor the fans but for the first time I'll agree hate towards GE is legit and i can understand why it's happening..I'm one of those who is seeing Indian Valo from long.. cuz I'm playing valo from long but it aches my heart to see a Indian team with big promises no Indian in their roster.. no talent gonna grow but as we speak the time will tell and i hope they comeback stronger.. but stop defending them like crazy.
I get it i can understand they are not playing against Zeta and it's good. But i think GE should not do big promises if they can't fucking have 1 Indian in their team and if next week SkRossi doesn't play I'm done
When i say this i say this for a lot of people people here don't have any problem with imports or even !oosing games they just wanna see their talent grow and play i have seen so many people saying we don't care about even we lose but we wanna give our best and see our players against the best teams people here have problems because
GE says we gonna improve this in Indian eSports and that and other bs stuff but the reality is when they got the chance to do it they fucked it pretty bad..Not with management idts it was there problem but with roster and there fucking promises
Personally idc about the imports i wanna see our talent compete against others it's honestly so bs too see people who we genuenily do not care about play and say words like hello India sry to say this and this message does not say this that GE imports are bad players or SkRossi is a very good player or anything this is what actual truth is.
Even how much u say/hate 5 Indians would suck and 5 imports suck too there should have been a balance from the begining and was better long term then current GE bs.
Against Zeta SkRossi and LightningF shouldn't have played bruh but if they don't play next week I'll be done..
No i ment like When RRQmade a shit teamthey got backlash so they were forced to get Indos which was a good thing u guys had mutual connection with ur players unlike here when litteraly no Indian is playing who tf should be support.
They are loosing anyway atleast we will get smth to root for.
They played well just couldn't convert that's Facts and Zeta played brutally well
Lol i honestly don't care I'm already fed up game after game I'm loosing the kick on this roster.
Uk why GE got spot??
Good Finances
Very good Fanbase in India
Were performing good regionally.
They wanted to get The Indian Market.
HOT Take
I think no team gonna go 0-9 just see. 😂🗿🤡
I mean like they got 2 teams to cheer for who are good.
Lol , but it's a nice vibe JP thread JP language lmao
Idk..He was talking in Japaneese so i thaught he doesn't know English.
I see i hope valo was developed here like it is in Japan.
He probs doesn't know English so talking in Japaneese
Anyways Lucky for Japaneese valorant they got 2 franchise teams???lol
Just wanna know if DFM has the equal fan following as ZETA has?
Who u guys support more??