No need for changes rn considering they placed 7-8th when they shouldn't have even qualified and lost to the #1 and #3 team ._.
Flag: | International |
Registered: | August 31, 2021 |
Last post: | September 5, 2024 at 3:44 PM |
Posts: | 696 |
No need for changes rn considering they placed 7-8th when they shouldn't have even qualified and lost to the #1 and #3 team ._.
cuz this is RO128
Mentality of LOUD is actually insane they are just thinking about the future and the Champions which will take them really far
my guy.. look at stats from the last 90 days..
I feel sad after not being able to play it for 1wk :( .. prolly not gonna play for 4-5 wks more.. but in the end it will make me appreciate the game more
At that time I didnt really care when they backed out of LCQ cuz of their poor performance in masters but what a W decision by their management
Agree on the lack of breach, when stax is deffo one of the best breaches in the world imo and I think Buzz on chamber on more maps will gradually lead to him being more comfortable and increase in confidence due to its fragging ability
W hopium acquired
Hope they stay as a 5 and improve individually and take it all in champs ..
yup I think that on maps where DRX dont play chamber/kj they are always afraid of flank and get pinched easily + Buzz on chamber hits diff
I just cant watch this man DRX losing so many advantageous situations and ZETA taking every little advantage and converting it T_T ..
Bruh just chill out you made a valid point idk why these ppl wanna see you mald by not even presenting an argument
! yr of continuously supporting DRX?? The struggle is real :_)
I didnt notice it mb but stop malding on a discussion website ffs 💀
Cuz there's no NA team present and I think they are from EU by listening to their accents tho
Couldnt help but notice how aspas outaimed everyone and got an ace and the casters show little to no reaction?
sadge no place in DRX fandom for Non- koreans? D:
Go jinx other team plz dont come near us.. Prev. intl tournaments haven't been the best for us :(
Definitely the best strat-wise and Among the best fundamentally tho imo
I think i misphrased it.. I meant to say that I really expected Optic to take it all after their decider win against XIA and the way everybody on the team just popped off. But frankly both of these teams are really gud but Optic were just the better team today and If you replay the match some other day the results could vary massively
I swear when i switched to vlr when it was 5-9 on icebox they started losing 💀
But its cool as long as DRX continue to amaze us with their bigbrain strats and there are no dumb roster changes i'll continue to support them :D
I had a feeling optic would go really far this tourney considering they lost to XIA once and chet interview which led to ppl downplaying them.. Same happened with GMB in M3 and Acend in Champs when they "lost" to VK..
I know it seems weird but i legit believe that some people jinx DRX.. It breaks my heart to see DRX losing a 5-9 adv. on icebox def. against a no-duelist comp :(
Most of the bandwagons are malding and crying need roster changes but optic were really expected to win considering the way they have comeback from the loss against XIA.. Honestly the game was so close anyone could win it on some other day.. imo Zest showed immense improvement aim-wise and its just sad that Rb and stax were off on last 2 maps
Hoping for a LB run #DRXWIN
It is because this match would be played in isolation.. same thing happened in champs with TL and Optic as well.. So expect all LOUD matches to be in the end
No need to save when optic are going to win masters :_)
#8 ... IF magnum is benched it is prolly because he himself asked to be benched due to personal issues..
This is prolly a bait.. The way played Fnatic in Champs and EMEA quals(except last 2 games) was so close to perfect valorant and those methodical retakes. It is true that they rely on Derke's fragging power a lot because their whole system is depending on setting him up for plays..
If this is true im really disappointed in fnatic.. Qualifying in Masters and losing against ZETA and NiP is not something that could account for a roster change imo
Is it just me or has his aim improved massively since Apac LCQ? Very crisp aim for an IGL
Zeta won even when Laz was relatively not fragging out of his mind unlike previous games which just shows how well rounded this team is
DRX were on godmode that day but I still think that confidence is the key for JP teams just like in champs
And ppl were malding -1 Jp slot when they lost to DRX 💀
I think that with the rise of the "minor regions", A 16-team masters would be the most optimal with +1 slot for KR+Jp LCQ, +1 EMEA and +1 NA maybe
(Allotment of the remaining 1 slot can be done on the basis of how far LOUD,DRX can go in the masters)
The best thing one can do to avoid these types of ppl is not become one of them.. Just think that you dont know whats happening in there lives and they may just be venting in the online world. I personally dont mute the toxic guys unlesss they are mic spamming. Playing with a duo helps a lot in winning those games where ppl are toxic
Great to see this amount of variety but there are Lower brackets as well and One region prolly gona dominate there