Flag: United States
Registered: August 4, 2021
Last post: May 12, 2024 at 10:02 PM
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posted about a year ago

Maybe, but at least they made it over the guard

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Honestly they’re pretty freakin solid rn, I think coaching diff might be a huge part of their loss today

posted about a year ago

100t usually tried to ban breeze against faze, this time they were ready

posted about a year ago

Thanks for your contribution dad

posted about a year ago

Helps to have 2nd best controller na

posted about a year ago

Keep it up

posted about a year ago

I am sad you have lost faith. You even predicted a 3-0. I am disappointed dexter.

jkjkjk thank you. Map one w is thanks to you.

posted about a year ago

Dude we need the emea killer (100t) back on international, but tbh either way i’d be happy. Just don’t let the guard go back to lan.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

In all of lcq he’s been absolutely insane. Hopefully it’s him getting back on his game.

posted about a year ago

Yeah okay

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Least we can say what we want here. Mr. Trudeau sir doesn’t like that thing called freedom of speech.

posted about a year ago

Riot tried to do a lan last year but decided to do it in the one state that still had covid restrictions so it got shut down. Now they’re too cringe to try again.

posted about a year ago

V1 2-0 or V1 2-1
Don’t care which. But TSM loses.

posted about a year ago

then stop gaming. Don’t bitch about not doing anything but gaming and continue gaming.

posted about a year ago

Dude kinda same just a lil differently. I needed a 100t v sen matchup and a 100t win. Other than that i tried to do most likely

posted about a year ago

Yup it was so insane but i said recent times

posted about a year ago

Way to go genius, you finally figured out how time works. Only took you 20 damn years.

posted about a year ago

I feel like Bang solidified his contention for one of the best controllers NA in challengers 2. If he does that again he def is one of the best. Easily top five for me.

posted about a year ago

Yeah I didn’t really feel like going back and checking, but i feel like this most recent masters was his only “lackluster” performance (if you can even call it that) everything else was crazy despite how fnc did on the whole

posted about a year ago

Not saying he didn’t fare well against other tougher opponents, but when it comes to NA, last time he faced NA he absolutely shit on c9. Now i don’t think c9 was that tough but still

posted about a year ago

Dicey MIGHT. Depends on how well he can learn. But he came back as a chamber abuser and idk if he’ll adapt. We’ll see if chamber even falls out of meta.

posted about a year ago

dude fr i liked it better when sentinels were valuable on EVERY map and couldn’t just be substituted with a chamber or viper

posted about a year ago

Chamber abusers are crying cause they about to back to gold

posted about a year ago

There comes a certain point where your players have enough synergy and experience where those tournaments aren’t that helpful. Like teams that get new rosters play them a good bit in order to get those things. But teams like Optic have been together so long there’s just no point in wasting time. It’s all about what is the best use of their time.

posted about a year ago

there’s hiding strats and then there’s getting shit on. two very different things. breeze was the latter

posted about a year ago

You didn’t realize that c9w was a top 15 team? Ha! You clearly don’t watch valorant.

posted about a year ago

damn you’d think someone said 100t were getting rocked in scrims. Too bad this guy is the only one that cares enough about what people are saying to write a fuckin essay

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

fr i’d take half of what they get rn to just sit around getting my ass kicked in a video game

posted about a year ago

Sure but it doesn’t make it t1

posted about a year ago

Yeah it does. A mouse pad helps the mouse scan movement better so you’re gonna have smoother motion. If your computer hardware isn’t the best I’d just for like a $30/$40 logitech or razer mouse. I recommend the g305. Valorant was my first pc game ever and I’ve played about 275 hrs of comp since beta and used the g305 until i hit plat but recently been using the viper ultralight and hit diamond. But the g305 is light-ish and a good price. Also good response rate. If your pc hardware is good, then I’d probably go for something more expensive if you’re serious about improving. I like the viper ultra-light 2.0 but a lot of people prefer the logitech pro. But if you’re not trying to sweat there’s no need to spend much more than forty bucks on a mouse. But definitely a mousepad.

posted about a year ago

cause riot fucked it up last time so they’re scared to try again

posted about a year ago

And once again faze and 100t are on the same side of the bracket. Riot wanted the decider. And the people accept. They will once again give us the best games in NA.

posted about a year ago

Dicey is the better chamber abuser. He is better at utilizing chamber for his full potential. Makes it very hard to punish. Yay is better overall.

posted about a year ago

Yes. And optic proceeded to shit on both of the teams when it counted. And sentinels didn’t even qualify for either masters.

posted about a year ago

So one tournament is better than high placements at 3/4 that they attended? Like it or not, Optic are objectively the most consistent team valorant has seen.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

No Shownu has especially cringe takes. Most of y’all are fine. Shownu lacks the functional capabilities of a 10 year old.

posted about a year ago

“kopenhagen” lol

posted about a year ago

Kiles will find success soon because…because… shit can’t find any reason

posted about a year ago

Either hopefully it’ll be a sick series. fpx looking great. Optic still favored in bo5. But it’s anyones game. Honestly the top four are all incredible. Hopefully the better teams will win.

posted about a year ago

Shownu. When all else fails. Blame shownu. If someone said it he said it. Shownu is the safest bet.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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