Flag: International
Registered: December 26, 2021
Last post: August 25, 2023 at 8:09 PM
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I'll give you 100 if NRG won but you have to give at least 500 if T1 wins.

posted 11 months ago

And no EMEA didn't "got" an extra slot they "earned" an extra slot, but you won't understand that, it requires winning tournaments.

posted 11 months ago

Bro EU wins tournaments. NA wins maps, that's the difference.

posted 11 months ago

Bro shut up EMEA is not out. I remember you guys when 100T beat FNC and xset beat Navi you guys were talking shxt like now but then both of your teams got eliminated in LBs.

posted 11 months ago

No your are going to after you all get exposed in playoffs. There's Fnatic and Loud wating to clean you trashbags.

posted 11 months ago

See that's why everyone hates you trashbags. You guys win 1 or 2 games and act like you've win the tournament. You failed to qualify for even playoffs in lock in. Just shut up and celebrate when they win something which matters.

posted 11 months ago

Bunch of smoke spamming frauds. They will be exposed in play offs.

posted 11 months ago

Let these NA trash bags celebrate, it's a miracle when they are least "qualify" xD

posted 11 months ago

Yeah, that's why loud 13-0ed these trashbags cause when the spam potential runs outs they are worse than tier 3

posted 11 months ago

It's always the same, these NA trashbags will win couple of games then they think they're the best in the world then get absolutely destroyed mid season.

posted 11 months ago

Ironically Brazil has never beaten an "actual" EMEA team. They've only beaten shxt teams like G2 and KC and never played against Navi or the new TL. They played against Fnatic and lost. Maybe check your own teamd before pointing fingers at others.

posted 11 months ago

Bro Rossi has a worst track record than rawfiul. He choked every game GE played against teams with good default.

posted 11 months ago

Yes, Indian players are bad. Those imports are rejects (no offence) in their region and now owning India.

posted 11 months ago

Anti and RVK will cost this team big time in Ascension. Mark my words.

posted 11 months ago

This is why Sk belongs, among low skill players who don't know until usage.

posted 11 months ago

I just imagine what if he won the game, would he be still alive? Cause this loss was very emotional to him and this win meant a ticket to Tokyo. No one will know.

posted 11 months ago

PRX if they were to use 50% of the brain of their aim it would've been a 3-0.

posted about a year ago

Bro they are probably the most unlucky team. Always getting close but never able to close out. Recession in your country has harmed your brain cells.

posted about a year ago

Bro FNS owned both your fraud Brazilian teams. STFU for once and take the L.

posted about a year ago

Furia is full of cracked aimers with no discipline while NRG is full of mid aimers with great discipline. This is going to be intresting.

posted about a year ago

Thread about a Brazilian and European teams and Indians are getting so involved here. You guys have 1.3 Billion people and not a single good player. What a waste of human beings.

posted about a year ago

How is NA better than EMEA? This is the biggest joke. All these NA fanbois always say the same and when it comes to masters or champions 90% of their teams are eliminated in group stage xD

posted about a year ago

100T lost to Mibr

posted about a year ago

Bigger throw than mibr 12-6. Seemed like TS has good ideas but very bad execution.

posted about a year ago

Called it, it was only a matter of time for 100T's luck to run out.

posted about a year ago

100T aren't any better.

posted about a year ago

100T has been getting lucky since the lock in days

posted about a year ago

Yeah, winning against brainded teams is easy, who would've thought?

posted about a year ago

Bro doesn't have a valid comeback so jumps straight to insults. Most sensible TenZ fan xD

posted about a year ago

Bro they are smart enough to know not to push an area where crowd is cheering. What other reason might be for them to suddenly cheer up???

posted about a year ago

Yeah, ofc I hate him. That mofo has been in talk even after 2 years of achieving nothing. I've seen players lose limelight in months of they don't perform while this mofo living life in easy mode.

posted about a year ago

TenZ needs to go. Only good against brainded teams like Furia and 100T. Anytime he faces teams with good defaults like NRG, Loud or maybe even Lev he crumbles.

posted about a year ago

There's a difference between celebrating and being extra. You celebrate winning a series, championship, even semi finals and not winning a game that might give you a 8% chance to qualify.

posted about a year ago

Bro they literally tell them not to go u halls in the last round. That's not cheering, that's cheating. Who cares, they're going home anyways.

posted about a year ago

Bro Kyedae so hyped up like her boyfriend won championship, masters, lock in all at once. Like chill it's a qualification game and maybe they still won't qualify.

posted about a year ago

These guys were complaining about the Brazilian crowd?

posted about a year ago

TenZ has like 1 good map and 20 bad maps.

posted about a year ago

Bro completely ignores when TenZ was hitting blind headshots and smoke spams by Sacy but 1 lucky shot by dgzin and they're bothered by that.

posted about a year ago

Because Africa don't have internet and electronics. India is the largest userbase of internet. They have the technology. They just play bad.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, one good game and they hype Rossi like he's Aspas

posted about a year ago

1.3 billion in population and losing to island nations with a fraction of population. What a waste of people.

posted about a year ago

Zekken, Sacy and Pancada are hard carrying Sen. TenZ on the other hand is just a liability. He had 3 kills in the first half and 1 of it was a smoke kill. He got kills in second half by hunting ecos and killing blinded or stunned enemies and even failed one time going for stun kills. He's a selfish player who only goes for his stats.

posted about a year ago

Zekken, Sacy and Pancada. TenZ on the other hand is just a liability. He had 3 kills in the first half and 1 of it was a smoke kill. He got kills in second half by hunting ecos and killing blinded or stunned enemies and even failed one time going for stun kills. He's a selfish player who only goes for his stats.

posted about a year ago

Indians so mad at 2-0 they still downfragging it wherever they see it 😭😭

posted about a year ago

Indians do talk a lot of cringe. They're super proud of their nationality and religion. At least that's what I know about them from vlr.

posted about a year ago

SkRossi didn't wore his lucky pajama that's why DRX lose.

posted about a year ago
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