Flag: Portugal
Registered: April 1, 2021
Last post: May 15, 2024 at 3:42 PM
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Vikings monkaW

posted about 3 years ago

I know that but I would prefer if they let the people who actually play the game host the event, imagine if u are super invested in the tourney like some pros, and then u lose a spot to stream it to some people who don't even care that much about the game just because they have more following, I think this should be a time to unite the community, make some great content, enjoy the show, just a wholesome moment for everyone but riot values the popularity of the streamer more than their own player base, reminds me a lot about valve's management (the community and the players comes last, spreading the game and getting some bucks comes first)

posted about 3 years ago

Myth is a joke as well imo

posted about 3 years ago

dont know much about brave or izzy but the other 3 are insane. I wish them luck

posted about 3 years ago

this is honestly a fucking joke, there are people wayyyyyyy more deserving to get the spots, most of them don't even play the game for real, and none of them will provide decent commentary. They literally chose them because they are popular and only in NA, greedy moves just like cs...

posted about 3 years ago

people have been saying KRU are the biggest dark horse in the tourney so I hope they give us a match

posted about 3 years ago

yup, shahzam even said they were up 12-0 against one of the best teams in the tourney.

posted about 3 years ago

120 fps and 240 fps barely any difference imo, thing is they are used to it so it looks different. They are certainly going to do better in LAN but so is every other team.

posted about 3 years ago

Who will be the joke of the tournament and give us some great memes?

posted about 3 years ago

1 - Fnatic
2 - Sentinels
3 - Liquid
4 - Vikings
5 - V1
6 - Sharks

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

besides this looks a bit too much 2 players and even the coach, it's like they are trying to hype EU before the tournament for some reason

posted about 3 years ago

let's be fair tho their pcs right now are kinda dogshit and scrims can also be deceiving, I think they would do better in the right conditions

posted about 3 years ago

he said they were alright but didn't sound too convincing.

posted about 3 years ago

if you're nervous that's fine boys
accept it it's gonna happen
if you're excited that's also pretty
good okay but it's just like any best of
three we've done we've gone through g2
we've gone through vitality we've gone
liquid even we've gone through oxygen
we've gone through guild we've gone
through them all
in like in squeaky bum time games okay
so this is just another one of those
best of threes let's go out there
show them respect they're a good team
but we're just better today and we're
gonna be better yeah
you know like don't feel nervous just
embrace any sort of feelings you have
let's go out there and let's go smash
the opponents just compliment each other
stay positive
communicate with each other play
together be aggressive
be passive be smart and all that jazz
okay boys
let's fuck them let's go guys let's fuck them
Yeah, keep it simple and just fuck them

posted about 3 years ago

just seen it... is CR that bad? they looked alright in their VCT

posted about 3 years ago

problem is fnatic have a weak map pool, they can win BO3s but if they didn't improve their Ascent and split I don't see them winning it all

posted about 3 years ago

TNL best

posted about 3 years ago

it's basically patitek's reyna vs nukkye's raze. Nukkye is certainly one of the best players in the region I am really curious to see him play under this roster, but god he needs to learn how to play some agents besides raze. It's legit raze every map.

posted about 3 years ago

It would be amazing if they do well in masters 3 and make some crazy run I wanna see G2 being relevant again but I will not get my hopes up, we will see...

posted about 3 years ago

wtf they already leaked the number of slots per region. Where are they going to get 5 teams from Asia? Sentinels 4v5ed japans best team, V1 scrimmed Nuturn, and Zellsis said they were alright because he "didn't want to be mean". Like that tournament should be about the best teams in the world, they are literally making NA and EU challengers more competitive than worlds, it doesn't make sense.

posted about 3 years ago

like mixwell was insane when he played viper back then. I would rather see him play that controller role and get some cracked kid to play duelist, just like fnatic did with derke. Nukkye is a pretty good one but he is almost a raze one trick. They need someone to play that phoenix, reyna, skye.... They look pretty limited when it comes to team composition with this roster and imo that has always been their biggest problem, so I don't think this new roster fixes anything

posted about 3 years ago

but pyth doesn't speak spanish, nor nukkye or avova. It's obvious that kolda will have to comm in English like he did with acend. I think kolda is a good IGL, just think they are not picking the players they need to win. I could be wrong but I feel that this new G2 is going to flop. Again, mostly because I don't see the reason to not keep patitek when he his honestly carrying the team everytime they win.

posted about 3 years ago

thank u. I hope they value merit over diversity. It's sad to see teams traveling across the globe just to get massacred

posted about 3 years ago

f in the chat for the guy that wasted his time downvoting every comment

posted about 3 years ago

I assume they are. Carlos is spanish, mixwell spanish, kolda spanish, pyth knows mixwell for ages. So it looks like he is building a team with whoever he wants. I think Carlos is letting mixwell chose the players.
Just think is dumb to not keep patitek when he is the only one doing good besides pyth ofc

posted about 3 years ago

Gambit deserves a spot in champions 100%. How many teams will qualify tho? I feel like such a big tourney should have more than 10 teams.

posted about 3 years ago

G2 want to win so patitek out and mixwell spanish friends in...
idk what to expect really

posted about 3 years ago

I have seen that a lot of teams are rebuilding their roster, but which teams exactly? which players? and do u think they will be real contenders after it is done?

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

he said it on his gf stream

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

1 - Fnatic (if they finally learned to play split and ascent, if not then they will not win 100%)
2 - Sentinels (really good team, might choke)
3 - Liquid (really good team, might choke)
4 - Nuturn (they looked really good in the VCT, really well-rounded team, the biggest dark horse in the tourney imo)
5 - VKS (also pretty good, I feel they have a similar playstyle to sentinels, but sent does it better)
6 - V1 (they certainly had their moments in the VCT, but I don't really know what to expect, could also be a dark horse in the tourney)
7 - Sharks (good team but inconsistent sometimes, depends on whether they are having a good or bad day)
8 - Crazy Raccoon (they didn't look that bad but they lost a 5v4 against sentinels so...)
9 - X10 (I don't know much about them, I have only seen the highlights, idk if they are a good sample or not but I wasn't that convinced)
10 - KRU (literally haven't seen anything from them, VKS scrimmed them and saadhak said they were really good so we can never know, they might be real contenders, tho I will play it safe for now)

posted about 3 years ago

they already lost against them 5v4 and the tourney has not even started, but u probably already knew it...

posted about 3 years ago

u are literally dissing him already when nothing has been proven, legit 0head take

posted about 3 years ago

it was their full roster, who is their star player?

posted about 3 years ago

I had seen some of their highlights and they didn't seem that bad, if they were not trolling against sentinals, this is going to be a stomp.

posted about 3 years ago

It reminds me of when I was a kid when I tried to twist the truth to reduce damage. I remember when some classmates were bullying me and I just started saying a bunch of nonsense to keep them away, I think he didn't have the full audio and video clip from the start, he just rushed it and said he had them to reduce damage...

posted about 3 years ago

I think it's better if we restart. We are getting nowhere rn.

posted about 3 years ago

nothing is for certain yet, so people shouldn't be too harsh. If she was sexually assaulted it must feel horrible, but if he is innocent I bet having an entire community flaming you feels just as bad. Let's see how it plays out in the next few weeks. He said he would be streaming soon and he surely has a lot to explain.

posted about 3 years ago

is he banned 6 months from valorant or just the pro scene?

posted about 3 years ago

bro, u just counted 1, 2, TREE(3). That is basically 1, 2, ~inf. xD

posted about 3 years ago

can't believe TL is here instead of BDS or NIP lol

posted about 3 years ago

"THE BEST NA TEAM" is not that good huh. They rely too much on solo plays, once they get a team that knows how to play as a team they get fucked. Propz to BBG they played really well, they actually gave me EU vibes poggers.

posted about 3 years ago

They didn't look fresh yesterday, they can seriously lose, no cap

posted about 3 years ago
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