ye it made me remember as well
Flag: | Portugal |
Registered: | April 1, 2021 |
Last post: | February 23, 2025 at 11:48 AM |
Posts: | 3893 |
like they are not playing as a team and making so many stupid mistakes. It makes me depressed as a fnatic fan.
I feel like FPX has a better chance to win the event than fnatic.
Fnatic only won against FPX with a sub and now their performance is upsetting.
their counter strat was playing retake
CS I guess (most pro players from Portugal are trash, I am legit better than them)
every region plays Neon and it works but nobody in EMEA plays it.
no EU team knows how to counter Neon fast hits.
Can't believe they almost threw this.
Gold2 lmfao
very very old, honestly they should have developed a new and more modern version (but too much work)
fps no, but tactical shooter maybe
crowd and casters Copium (obviously CS casters are better and a crowd is preferred)
but what makes both experiences different is how fast CS is compared to Val (also players are better mechanically and more coordinated, val players can catch up with time).
Mistic non-existent
Enzo missing ez shots
derke I'm sad
mindfreak goated
sad, a bit disappointed.
derke is the best, I hope he pops off next time.
ye there are some invited teams (I don't want to see Navi and Faze play qualifiers, they would just stomp everyone there)
So many throws and fluke wins in valorant. Maybe in the future when teams are better drilled, it will be as fun to watch as CS.
maybe that's the most objective way of seeing it, but since I'm from EMEA I obviously find EMEA matches more interesting
Imagine a final without NA and EU, that would be crazy af
this was a clown fest
but the most entertaining valorant I've ever seen
everyone trying to throw but melser
Leo was not good this last 2 series
most countries in europe are also nonexistent (like portugal) ;_;
boring matches give me FaZe now
Yoru troll pick as always
Ange1 thinks he is forsaken
ShadowISBAD, jblancard, Issax28, NSG_OBSERVER2, and other greats died so this site could stand. They fought with bravery and we respect them now as legends.
2 years of history are now at risk because of a fool and his dogs.
Beware of the heartless, who make your heart beat quickly. They will use your heart because theirs won't start.
what does that even mean?