Bruhhhhh wtf was that whiff
Flag: | India |
Registered: | May 17, 2023 |
Last post: | September 29, 2023 at 4:56 PM |
Posts: | 517 |
Nah all our pros already aim at leg level , we don't need new additions ππππ
He always chokes in imp matches....even with scream TL he choked hard , idk why they trust him so much .....
Bruhh stopped playing after contract got renewed...
Bro even caster pointed it out lmaooo
He gonna jett diff him so hard bro gonna retire ππ
Prob they don't like u, but I will upvote u
Kk gonna stomp them, giants gonna get jett diffed pretty hard
Lmao i love him and boostio , just hope hey maintain same thing when they get shitted on or when they have a rough patch ,oh my god, it will be fun
Chet once replied to a tweet saying in the lines of like no one knows or understands the level he thinks about game and acted like he is #1 coach lmaooo, he got judged with a raze lmaoooo
Nah billi is billing on him, he can't do anything tbh
I woke up and saw bunch of threads on Ange1 and Snus , did he actually take drugs and played on stage or is it just speculation
It's pretty sad to not see CNED on the list, He was my favourite player and was very excited to watch him play , i hope he comes back on jett...π©
Nah they will reach finals again if our Reyna god something is in form,.I can't wait to see.them play with something, the destruction is not anyone gonna expect
Bro don't know what outcalled is lmaoo, if not for ardiss mid jett, fenis can beat fnatic..
Nah yay is going to sentinals
Nah fenis > all igls and aspas can beat derke if he has good team and good support..
When navi stops saving strats ππ
Lmaoo.he is most mid.jett in entire America's π
Even tho fenis with aspas can beat derke + boaster
Bro aridis has become mid.after chamber nerf
Bro is mid jett and victor is better at jett then him ππ
Fenis with aspas will beat cringe lord boaster
Lmao again bro again
Bro, i don't know what to say anymore πΏπΏ
Bro don't worry they saving strats πΏπΏ
Nah bro he saving strats , you guys don't understand the genius ability of his, he saving so he can win football 2025 πΏ
Nah he saving bullets for next year πππΏπΏπΏ
Bro u guys don't understand, NAVI never uses 100% strats , they are saving it for football worldcup 2025 to beat messiπππ
Ange1 is genius ,you guys don't understand
They saving starts for football baseball worldcup 2079
They took the manga mentality too much lmaoπ
Wtf blud is peeking A long with a Bucky ππππΏnow gojo sataro is just sad and mad πΏπΏ
Exactly shitass org with shit ass decisions
I have a feeling he won't get dropped in 2024 season too
Lmao srsly, his strats never worked with old GE and new GE they need to change coach and remove rossi from playing 5 he got his chance and he shud go back to t2 and climb from ascension if he wants to come to franchising,.let LF play as Indian
I think this both guys has to leave , GE did not win anything with these two, they shud just keep LF in support role for Indians support, we don't want bottom Fragging duelist as our representative
Lmaooo so true and if he can't perform today then honestly he deserves no place in the team
Bro wtf is wrong with him lmaoo, how can he go 12-20 with jett, with him doing this bad I can only imagine how trash rest of our players in our country is becoz he used to aim diff all of them,
GG for India, untill all these trash players retire we never gonna win anything
Was on a call with ayrin rn, he burst into tears. It was the first time I've heard him crying in our 12 year long friendship. He told me that just before the walkouts, fl1pzider and a Riot admin went over to skrossi's PC and changed a few settings, rossi checked his PC and found nothing. After the game rossi was emotionally hurt so just before getting up he opened to see the reactions here, but, what he saw was disgusting. The site took 15 seconds to load. Rossi quickly called ayrin and ayrin yelled, "Run the fucking speed test!". Botssi hurridly opened ookla speedtest and found out he played on 10% packet loss and 60ms ping. Then immediately an admin came and wiped their PC's data and smirked and whispered to ayrin, "The Indos handed us the bag baby" and left. I'm completely heartbroken
Get ready people, tomorrow is the day, the chat gonna be insane toxic and i can't wait for skrossi threads after the match πππ