Flag: | United States |
Registered: | February 7, 2022 |
Last post: | March 4, 2024 at 1:55 AM |
Posts: | 1944 |
Favorite player : Messi
Reason: Common Sense
prob the only coach they can get without spending 10000000000000000 trillion dollars
Nitro owns EMEA val but he left unlucky
steel got 8 kills thats a new record
that was too close
both those teams lowkey better than t1
it could be that they need permission from the teams to stream
geng shat on t1, complexity upper too (no copium)
i would give them time still role swaping and new player is a pretty big deal
Bro put Johan ๐๐ American Psycho wannabe ๐๐๐๐
wtf happened to the rounds
Tier 2 teams are making the biggest comeback of all time
Shower in ice boyo, idk if this is actually his account but it did reach radiant at one point and he claimed it is his
Yes it boosts fps but it will be like 1.5x boosted or atleast in my case so you will probably get 60-70 fps
I still use my laptop to play but I got a monitor hooked up to it, I recommend it to anyone who uses laptop to play because it boosts fps (from like 80 to 140), more money friendly, and looks much better (depending on hz of monitor)!
The only thing close to C9 i know is C7 #siuuuuuuu
give birth to another one, lightning doesnt strike twice!
this actually makes sense trembolonaRage, your wise words have stuck me again! #LongLiveTheKingTrembolona
How dare you contemplate the righteousness of 100TBoeJiden
xset is nothing without cyro and zekken
2 players from canada
i think hes talking about cryo being number 1 instead of yay, however i support your opinion he just isnt as successful as yay so its hard to tell ( additionally cryo diffed yay)
All good we know scourge is the best!
how is 26 cold