Flag: South Korea
Registered: December 28, 2021
Last post: September 2, 2023 at 2:49 AM
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this excuse is stupid because last champions fracture was just introduced and you guys dominated on it but i never saw any other region use that as an excuse

posted about a year ago

its what id want to happen. BUT LOUD and DRX would have to beat optic (DRX might have to beat XSET as well) definitely tough considering both teams record against optic, but i believe <3

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

3 against fnatic but their chances will get higher if they beat them

posted about a year ago

i wish the meta allowed for more player creativity (different comps, higher skill ceiling agents)

a few agents have such a low skill ceiling (CHAMBER, kayo, fade) but have such a huge impact on the game rn. we need more characters like like neon, she is good but you actually need to have good utility and movement to take advantage of her.

i see some of crazy movement clips on twitter where they are bhopping, backwards dashing and chaining it with good util and i love seeing it. it takes SKILL to actually be able to pull it off and CREATIVITY to even come up with it. we need more of that. not get out of jail free cards and abilities that dont require much thought to get a lot of impact out of

posted about a year ago

GGs, you guys are insane

posted about a year ago

i think they should disband

posted about a year ago

How Do You Know This

posted about a year ago

similar to a lot of mediums, lots of recycled tropes that make majority of it a pain to watch but it just makes the good shows shine even better

posted about a year ago

people underrate xsets defense on pearl, its fucking nuts. but optic is like the only other team that understands the map so i think it could be back and forth but xset still takes pearl

posted about a year ago

recreating dust 2 long was one of the worst decisions ever and b link is the most cramped place of all time

posted about a year ago

cned not even top 15 chamber what are you smoking

posted about a year ago

nah hes like silver/gold watch this video

posted about a year ago

yay owns wardell in his sleep

posted about a year ago

just take the L man

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

would get grouped in emea challengers

posted about a year ago

so true

posted about a year ago

immo 1 144hz 200 fps

posted about a year ago

all respects to all the brazillians and LOUD as well, i know you all are super hungry for it too.

may the best team win

posted about a year ago

their performance at this tournament so far has been amazing, with the maps they've been able to get away with it shows that they have improved their mental, one of their biggest issues. all the role changes have been great, and stax seems to bring a lot of energy as a leader that the team desperately needs.


as much as i always support DRX and asian teams, i like to be honest. i really do want DRX to win a major tournament but this is the point where they always spiral and bomb out. i do believe that they CAN break the curse. but i wont be on full copium thinking they'll win the tournament until they break it. to me this hurdle is almost as important as winning the tournament.

lets see if they can do it, lets not underestimate LOUD either.

posted about a year ago







posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

they did ok i guess

posted about a year ago

thanks for telling me my ip address i almost forgot

posted about a year ago

they didnt do very good today

posted about a year ago

basketball clears everything

posted about a year ago

how will this affect the outcome of FNC vs 100T

posted about a year ago

LOL ill never forget that

posted about a year ago

fpx but replace zyppan with alfajer

posted about a year ago

leo over shao??

posted about a year ago

it doesnt get that much better the higher the rank theres still really stupid instalock reyna's in immortal

posted about a year ago

today is a revenge day

this means KRU and FNC will win today

posted about a year ago

best take ive read on vlr

posted about a year ago

to add to this its not like furia are even the 2nd best brazillian team. they hover around 4th-5th most of the year and just happened to make it past LCQ.

posted about a year ago


reason: they arent na/eu

posted about a year ago

i enjoy GKMC more but TPAB is a one of a kind album, so i have to pick TPAB

posted about a year ago

hes top 2 for sure next to marved, both are on the same level

posted about a year ago

fpx are a good team but lets not forget what happened last champions with kru, they want their revenge

posted about a year ago

true! he needs to be able to actually be last alive in lots of scenarios + a lot of clutching is taking advantage of mistakes made by the other team.

posted about a year ago

drop isnt bad if ur lurking on attack cause people always expect a main/sands split but if ur retaking and go through drop you basically lost the round

posted about a year ago

ive been getting a lot of pearl in ranked and i just cant win whenever we go b... at least i have some success with icebox b

skill issue i guess

posted about a year ago

i dont even think u should go heaven when retaking cause theres so many angles u can get shot from compared to haven/bind

posted about a year ago

for me its b on pearl. icebox b is a close second. both way too open with limited cover but pearl b takes the cake for being more annoying to retake on

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

im here

posted about a year ago

so much happening with covid and now all the food poisoning :(( i hope everyone recovers well and quickly

posted about a year ago
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