NA: idrc abt who makes it but interested in SEN C9 and V1
BR: Liberty
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Registered: | December 9, 2021 |
Last post: | November 28, 2023 at 3:44 PM |
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NA: idrc abt who makes it but interested in SEN C9 and V1
BR: Liberty
honestly it comes down to babybay and dicey, if theyre hot then they can win. If theyre not too hot i dont see them winning even if tenz doesnt have a heater.
hes a p good aimer he was p good as jett but now he plays flex and hes a huge nerd with kayo lineups and whatnot
i would take zander over fns and zellsis or xeppaa over victor
I definitely think cryo has the most potential rn in NA, one day he probably will overtake yay as a player.
i think wardell is a stand in. Its not worth to waste a talent as good as wippie on an opper that needs so much set up to be good.
cryo is not better than yay at his role. cryo is super good but yay is more consistent (even though both are really consistent) and he has a lot more discipline and plays better as a teammate. as a chamber yay really doesnt go for flashier plays because his role is to hold down angles unlike his jett which really tries to aggress on space even with an op. Cryo is a great opper maybe even a better aimer, but yay is a better player.
its not about just stats its also about the role and impact crashies had one of the highest first blood success rated in the tourney. I still think trent is better but just talking abt stats isnt really the definitive conclusion.
boaster, good dedication tho keep it up brotha
no way ur still doing this?
i would say apac or kr 3rd best bc theyve been more consistent. NA and EMEA always battling around 1st and 2nd but apac has been p good consistently and kr has gotten good finishes in masters 2 3 2021 and masters 1 2022 so i think brazils good showing isnt enough just yet but it will probably be up there. especially if teams that can win against loud pop up too.
and teams get better and worse. i mean the meta changes and optic has a new coach and run a lot of different strats. I didnt see optic running double fakes in berlin or running pace changes? gambit might’ve won before but the game is different and optic is also different so it still goes both ways.
the way the team plays looks like it has a lot of potential as sgares has been really drilling their roles and plays into them. keep in mind in the whole knights match gares kept them to find responses by themselves in matches and they show so much potential as a team. Their midrounding is really capable and the team looks like they can improve quickly.
i think 100t look really structured and they have a really high chance to qual at least in second open. also do we even know what role ethan will play in nrg?
eg looking good too, i would say its 2 out of 3 for either faze tsm or eg.
yo what if there is no stronger regions and just strong teams. like yeah minor regions still exist since its harder to get players due to small player pools and low salaries. But this game unlike cs has a broader sense of playstyles that allow all regions be rly good.
What are some teams you think might surprisingly get into closed qualifiers. ie. Evil geniuses last stage.
oh my bad. I didnt know he had a reputation for that. Im fairly new to the EU scene. Thought most coaches were the ones that would do stuff like that like MCE and mini.
Mans are nice. Im so happy with all the teams that made it this far all 3 of them have a crazy good work ethic. So happy with this event.
Zeta is the best counter stratting team in the world rn. look at all their series theyve had a different playstyle every match. They are incredible, honestly if anyone can beat them its optic who can also easily anti strat.
thats not ange1 as much as it also has to do with the coaching staff. ANGE1 probably has to do with it, a lot, because guys is so fucking smart, but u should also know that stuff like that is mostly done by coaches’ research.
pujan always wins (proven)
will is a good duelist. He can probably be good on neon too if she becomes meta thanks to optic and jett nerfs. also then he takes on sentinel role and stellar plays fns’ breach/kayo role and then asuna takes over main duelist again on raze/neon/reyna/yoru.
1.5 mil cuz tenz wanted to play with the squad unlike 100t which he didnt know if he wanted to.
g2 too inconsistent. all depends on how nukkye feels and teams aim. problem is nukkye is a rly simple guy he calls very clearly but bc they dont do set plays when the aim is off or the macros are off they underperform.
i think they were in a hot streak strong teams that played well with their confidence. bad performance in lan and now they just have to get their shit back
ratio plus his yoru owns you.
bruh valorant being close to top 5 is actually crazy considering this was the first official season of riot’s format vct
the delay is about 1.2 seconds, now it is slower than chamber tp.
they were weak catching up to the new meta after champs, keznit's role isnt working anymore and they need a better coach they barely won against good teams in LATAM like Leviatan or Xolos
There is no dominant region, sure there are regions with more competition. Yet, the strongest teams in Valorant can come from anywhere in the world even without that much competition. This game requires so many skill sets that people from all over the world can innovate and create play styles that can take em all over the world. I personally think this tournament has shown everyone the true potential this esport has.
i think being able to adapt on the fly is why drx and optic are still rly complete teams. Zeta is rly good at counterstratting which make em go rly far against heavily structured teams. Prx is rly good at fast takes on map control which is why they rly good against emea teams who heavily respect util. This masters event is wicked cuz it ends in some really cool rock paper scissors typa vibe.
close game if optic wakes up immediately it took them a whole half to wake up last match. Optic can take it if haven is in the pool and the learn from liquid’s win and they also sneak in their bind into the pool. Loud looks really good but optic has been really strong with their calling and pace change strats.
nah now they forced him to do it since he leaked the fact that he didnt have to do it
liquid weren't favorites at all. i feel like most people who knew loud knew that this was going to be a rly close match and knew that loud’s team is one of the best teams in the tournament on paper. the question was if they could perform on lan and with two players separated from the main team. Liquid lost because of some mistakes in the closer rounds and misplays that loud could exploit because theyre both smart and insanely talented. it was a good match but liquid wasnt as consistent as loud is rn.
people believe he is trialing for sen as flex player. sick moving to smokes and zombs would be restricted lft
woah we have the same last name
big pujan or big crws banger if optc plays well. easily winnable for both
The guard 2-0 c9 not even copium TenZ said guard is NA gambit BatChest
Yeah but its sideshow and bren not wyatt and balla the analyst is also in plat chat
Idk overall korean valorant looks pretty weak except for DRX and ONS and they look leagues ahead of the other teams. Also a lot of APAC valorant is very rigid and can easily be torn down by more defaulty and slow teams where they are able to find information and casually change in the mid-round. I feel like APAC valorant has the same issues sentinels had albeit APAC is so much better playing that way.
Not even copium fnc is only saving strats and set plays so they can 13-0 fpx next time in iceland
real el tigre se fue en una
I think keznit has the same issues as sick where he doesnt look as comfortable on the kayo also xolos just got a really good read on many rounds great ideas from kru but overall xolos were able to read them even on the mor unconventional rounds
i would rly like to see current optic vs current fnc, but i think fnc takes it and i dont think thats a very hot take.
bro what is this hopium on guild
fnatic has a better map pool than g2 and i feel like g2 wins because gambit isnt accustomed to the meta g2 definitely top 3 but not better than FNC. Especially if u consider that G2 lost to liquid on split and haven which fnatic are both p good on.
i mean liquid a little bit lost in the sauce but i still think they can somehow make it work in playoffs